Chapter 4

Taking Chances

"BWOH?!' Hoya yelled as soon as he heard Sunggyu's words. He felt a sharp-shooting pain in his heart.  He was always a good listener, but he wish he didn't hear those words. "Hyung, don't you ing dare joke about these things. Are you telling the truth?"

Woohyun, on the other hand, was not really the best when it came to listening. He was usually more of the one who told the stories. "Y-yeah.." Woohyun said unsurely. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't.. don't you ing dare call yourself a dancer. I've seen your moves before, and.." He made a motion where he used his hand to cut his neck and clicked his tongue.

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun strangely and raised an eyebrow. He looked as confused as he was. He gave himself a facepalm. "Yah…" he murmured as he shook his head in shame.

Woohyun raised an eyebrow at him, and looked directly at Hoya and Sungjong. Sungjong was already bursting into tears. He was wiping his red cheeks with Myungsoo's blanket. Woohyun then glared at Sungyeol who didn't do anything but had his jaw drop wide.

"What?" Woohyun asked the three. "Did I do anything wrong?" He looked at his best friend who was still shaking his head at him. No one replied. "Seriously, guys.. And Sungjong why are you crying? Sungyeol why are you like that?"

"Yah, you're such a pabo like L over here," Sungyeol said, finally speaking. He sighed heavily before he began to speak again. "Gee…" he began. "I wonder what rhymes with dancer, but instead starts with the third letter of the alphabet…" He simultaneously tapped his finger on his chin and looked up at the sky trying to give Woohyun big hints.

Woohyun looked at the sky along with Sungyeol. He would try and think hard, but his mind was too tired to even function anymore. It was too late at night, and all he wanted to do was just sleep and find out in the morning. "I… I…" he said. "I.. still don't get it.."

"Think hard, Woohyun hyung," Hoya said, clenching his jaw. A small tear fell down his cheek. "Think… hard," he croaked.

"I can't think if everyone is so depressed all of the sudden!" Woohyun raised his voice. He smashed the sand with his fists. "What the is wrong with everyone?! We were just happy a few minutes ago!"

Dongwoo woke up due to Woohyun's screaming. His vision was still a little bit groggy. "W-what's happining?" he asked as he sat up from Hoya's lap. "What's with all the commotion?"

Myungsoo's eyes began to open when he heard the loud talking. He groaned. "Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu hyung are here," he said softly and rubbed his eyes. He was still sleepy. Myungsoo sat up and leaned against Sungyeol.

"YAH!" Sunggyu yelled. He grabbed his own hair in frustration and began to rip his hair off. He couldn't stand it anymore. "Woohyun, I have cancer ! C-A-N-C-E-R. I'm sick, and I only have a few years to live! AGH!"

Everyone grew silent. Even Sungjong stopped breaking down from crying. Woohyun didn't know what to do first-- shout in frustration, or cry. He looked at everyone around him and they were all silently tearing up. Especially Dongwoo. He was really close to breaking down.

Suddenly a flashback came into Woohyun's head.

"What would you do if I told you I had only a few days to live?" Sunggyu asked Woohyun as they were both leaning to each other in their room. They were both reading comic books.

Woohyun shot a questionable look at Sunggyu. "You're so random, hyung.." He slightly smiled. "Wae?"

Sunggyu shrugged lightly and smiled back. "Nothing, nothing, I was just wondering…. It could happen you know."

"Yeah, I know," Woohyun said, focusing on his book. "But I like to think that you're not. It scares the hell out of me thinking that you might leave me. But if you were sick or something like that…" He continued. "I'd probably make it the best few days of your life. We won't sleep, we'll party, go to the beach everyday, go to the clubs, skydive… meet girls," He winked at Sunggyu which caused Sunggyu to laugh. "But most importantly.. everyday I'd remind you that even though you might be gone.. I'll always visit your grave and talk to you everyday about how life is… without you... I'd bring you your favorite flowers and comic book so that we could read together and--" Woohyun took a minute to sniffle. "And I'd still tell myself that you never left."

Sunggyu felt his eyes water. He tried to hide the incoming tears by burying his face into Woohyun's chest. "Saranghae, Woohyunnie.." Sunggyu whispered, and continued to read his book.

Woohyun faced reality once again. It was a habit of his to get mad at Sunggyu at a time like this for not telling him any sooner. But he realized that in a blink of an eye, his best friend could disappear forever. He was just too confused to think anymore and needed his rest. He scooted closer to Sunggyu. "Let's just go home," he said, almost to a whisper. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

Sunggyu nodded, and motioned the rest of the members who were still shocked and overwhelmed about everything to pack up and leave. They all stood up and packed their things in the van's trunks. Sunggyu was about to get in the driver's seat until Hoya stopped him. "I'll drive this time, hyung," Hoya said as he took the keys from Sunggyu's hand. "You can sit next to Woohyun in the back."

The leader patted Hoya's back as a gratitude of thanks and went in the back seat next to Woohyun. Hoya started the van and began to drive back to their dorm.

No one spoke to each other on the awkward car ride back. Sunggyu just kept looking out the window, as Woohyun concentrated on the floor.


"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Myungsoo asked Sungjong who was playing with his hands nervously in the van. He snapped in front of Sungjong, causing Sungjong to look back up. "Sungjong-ah, you knew all along. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I-I promised hyung.." Sungjong replied innocently. He looked at Myungsoo with helpless eyes. "He told me not to tell anyone, but, you know I couldn't! I was really close to telling all of you today…"

Myungsoo punched the window  next to him which caused Sungyeol to jump. "Bull!" he yelled and grabbed Sungjong's shirt. "Because of you, Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu hyung are probably into a fight again."

"Let go of me, hyung!" Sungjong plead as Myungsoo's grip went tighter. He gulped and turned his face away from Myungsoo's. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Yah, stop!" Sungyeol said, grabbing Myungsoo's clenched fists away from Sungjong. He held Myungsoo, causing him to struggle for freedom. "You're hurting him! He had to follow hyung's orders. You would do the same thing if you were the one who knew first!"

Myungsoo stopped struggling and buried his face into Sungyeol's chest. Sungyeol felt Myungsoo's tears seep into his cotton shirt. "I just.. I just don't want Sunggyu-hyung to die.." Myungsoo hiccupped.

Sungyeol caressed Myungsoo's hair and smiled softly. "We're not. I promise. Now go back to sleep Myungie," he cooed. "You've had a long day."


Sunggyu, Woohyun, and Hoya arrived at the dorms, carrying their backpacks. They arrived earlier than the rest.

Sunggyu placed his heavy backpack on the side of the floor as Hoya and Woohyun came in. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well.. you two should sleep now. It's late." He checked the clock on the wall. It was already two in the morning.

Hoya nodded his head. "Arasso," he said. He was going into his room, but stopped at the door. "Actually, I think I'll just go wait for the rest. I feel lonely just sleeping by myself. You and Woohyun hyung can go sleep."

Sunggyu nodded his head, and headed towards his room.


Sunggyu opened the lights to illuminate his dark room. He headed for his drawers and took out a clean shirt and sweats. He removed his shirt, and tossed the old one in the laundry basket. While he was still shirtless, Woohyun came in.

"Hey--" he said, then suddenly stopped. He looked at Sunggyu's upper body and gasped. It wasn't because he was shirtless, Sunggyu changed in front of him a lot of times. "Hyung.. your skin.. it's all… bruised up..."

Sunggyu gasped, now noticing Woohyun's presence. He quickly slipped on his shirt and faced him. "It's nothing," he replied.

"Bwoh?!" Woohyun said. "How many times have you told me it's nothing, when it's really something? A lot! Hyung! We have to get you to the doctor!"

"I don't have my appointment until next week," Sunggyu stated calmly, crawling sleepily into his bed. "Stop worrying like I told you earlier, and go to sleep Woo. Oh, and turn of the lights when you're done changing."

Woohyun was to tired to argue any longer. He had a really long day, and only sleep can solve his problems at the moment. He was too lazy to change into more comfortable clothes, so he slid into bed without hesitation.

Woohyun tried closing his eyes, but he couldn't. He knew he was tired, but for some odd reason, all the thoughts in his head wouldn't clear out. He groaned.

"Woohyunnie…" Sunggyu mumbled a few minutes later. His face was still buried into his pillow. "Are you asleep?"

"No…" Woohyun replied, looking up at the ceiling. "I can't."

Sunggyu chuckled. He patted the empty spot in his bed next to him. "Sleep with me then," he said as he scooted over to make a little more room for his best friend to sleep in.

"Wae?" Woohyun asked, as he looked at him.

"Just because," Sunggyu replied. "Plus, you'll sleep better if we cuddle."

Woohyun was still confused on why Sunggyu was acting like this. He was confused on why they always seem to act more than best friends. He wasn't gay-- or at least he thought so. He was dreaming about girl groups all night last night. Although there was Sunggyu who was with him.. Woohyun didn't want to think any longer and crawled into Sunggyu's bed. Immediately, he felt more comfortable. "Better?" Sunggyu muffled from his pillow.

"Ne," Woohyun replied. His eyes began to close, and he fell into deep sleep.


MONTH 1, DAY 13.

It was 11 o'clock in the morning. Sunggyu twisted and turned his bed. "Woohyun?" he groaned, feeling around the empty spot on his bed. "Woohyun…." he groaned even more. "Where are you Woohyun~"

He finally realized that his best friend was not there. Thoughts suddenly popped into his mind. Was this his feelings talking, or was it the cancer talking? He knew he loved Woohyun.. but his actions were beginning to tell Woohyun that he loved him more than as friends. He began to think about his cheesiness and how they would always trust each other.. A smile formed in his face. He was no longer tired. Sunggyu slowly opened his eyes.

"SURPRISEEEEEEEE~" Everybody sang, as the leader's eyes widened. Sunggyu looked at each of their smiling faces.

"What are you guys doing here?!" He asked happily at them. They all laughed, glad that their hyung was smiling again. Sunggyu looked at Sungjong who was carrying a tray for breakfast. "For me?" he asked, surprised.

"Ne!~" Sungjong chirped, and set the tray on Sunggyu's lap as he sat up. "Woohyun hyung cooked it. He knew it was your favorite. I made the orange juice, Myungsoo hyung and Sungyeol hyung prepared the tray, and Dongwoo hyung and Hoya hyung cleaned the mess afterwards!"

Sunggyu laughed. He still felt overwhelmed at what his friends did. After what happened last night, he thought that all they would do is mourn until he actually dies. "You guys are doing this because you feel bad huh?" Sunggyu joked, taking a bit out of his food.

"Okay, maybe a little~" Sungyeol finally admitted. "But, ever since we found out about your.. situation," He emphasized the word and put air quotes around it. "We want you to just have the time of your life right now, hyung. No worrying. Just fun."

"I like the sound of that," Sunggyu said, a smile forming in his lips. "But I'm the leader. Of course I'm going to have to worry and look out for you all."

"Yah, let's not talk about this anymore," Dongwoo interrupted and clasped his hands together. "We have a second surprise, hyung."

"Yah, no more surprises!" Sunggyu said, feeling his cheeks flush. He was glad that they were treating him like this but he also felt bad. He was the leader. He was the one who was supposed to treat them like this, not the other way around.

"Too late, hyung," Myungsoo eagerly said. "Hoya hyung! Come in with hyung's surprise!"

Hoya came in Sunggyu's room holding a square shaped glass filled with water. "SURRPRISSEEE!~" Hoya cheered as he carried the glass case closer to Sunggyu.

"Bwoh!?" Sunggyu said in surprise. He examined the tank carefully. "You got me a fish!~" He clapped happily and took the tank from Hoya. "Saranghae~" he said to s as he set the tank in a sturdy place.

"Woohyun hyung thought of it!" Sungjong replied, pointing at Woohyun.

Woohyun smiled sheepishly. "I thought you needed a friend, so…. " He wrapped an arm on Sunggyu's shoulder and laughed. "I was going to get you a dog, but I knew that it would be too much."

Sunggyu laughed, and gave Woohyun a hug. "Thanks," he whispered.

"It looks exactly like you, hyung," Myungsoo said sheepishly. He covered his mouth because he tried not to laugh really loud. The fish's eyes resembled Sunggyu's quite well.

Sunggyu heard Myungsoo's joke, and shot him a death stare. Everyone turned quiet.

"… OKAY~" Sungyeol finally said after a few moments of silence. "Let's all leave Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu hyung alone now. Let's go~"

Everyone stood up besides the owners of the room and stepped outside. "Bye, hyung!" they all greeted and walked out. Dongwoo closed the door for their privacy.

As soon as the door closed, Sunggyu gave Woohyun a big hug. "You didn't have to do this," he said, still not letting go.

"You're my best friend, hyung," he replied. He felt his heart race a little more than before. "It's kind of my duty to do so… Oh!" Woohyun said, unraveling himself from Sunggyu's arms. He headed for his drawer, and took out an item. "This is for you to see." Woohyun handed Sunggyu the notepad.

Sunggyu examined Woohyun's messy writing. He tilted his head to the side and continued to read it.

Daily Plans with Kim Sunggyu ^^

Simple day. Take him out to the park and play in the fountains. (Push him in if you have to) Then rent one of those bikes with two seats to pedal along the pathways. Eat food by the water and watch the sun set. Play video games until we fall asleep.

Sunggyu smiled big, and looked at Woohyun. "For me?" he asked, surprised. "Really?"

Woohyun nodded. "Ne. Now go change, pabo! You have a big day ahead of you."

Author's Note: YAY~ Get ready for some fluff in the next chapter! ^^ I actually thought that this chapter , haha. Well, anyways.. WOW~ 500+ views! Thank you!

To all you secret readers out there... I. Am. Watching. You. ♥

(PS. I just love your comments. They're so adorable. I think it's cute how you guys are pissed at Woohyun. He made up for it though!)

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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."