Chapter 7

Taking Chances

OKAY SO BEFORE YOU HATE ON ME FOR NOT UPDATING, I WAS BUSY. I made this chapter extra heartfelt and long for you guys! Enjoy! ^ o ^

Sunggyu sat on a leather-type bed covered in waxed paper. Woohyun sat on the chair next to him, waiting anxiously for the doctor's arrival. They were both anticipating on the news and what was going to lie ahead for them from this point and on. One thing can change all of their lives in a split second. "What do you think he's going to say, hyung?" Woohyun asked, looking up at Sunggyu.

"I was supposed to have my first round of chemotherapy next week," Sunggyu mumbled, still finding it a little hard to speak. "So, I'm guessing they will just tell me to come back next week and have my procedure then."
"Hyung, I can't wait a week," Woohyun replied worriedly. "What if.. all of this happens to you again? I don't want to keep seeing you like this. Every time I do, my heart breaks into peices because of how scared I am of losing you."
Before Sunggyu could say anything anymore, a middle-aged man in a white coat came into the room. "Hello," he greeted in a calm tone. Sunggyu nodded, indicating hello. Woohyun did a little wave at the doctor, and bowed down. "What brings you here today?"
Do you not see the blood on my best friend's ing face? "Uh.." Woohyun stammered, looking at the ground. "My best friend? He has.. cancer? And, today he threw up blood on the toilet, so we rushed him over here..."
The doctor looked at Sunggyu closely. He began to feel his cheeks and around his face, examining his face and body, asking him if this hurt when he felt it, or if he felt dizzy. Woohyun didn't know that Sunggyu knew how to respond to everything that was asked. Has he really been hiding this secret for that long?
The doctor finished his close examination with Sunggyu. He turned to face Woohyun. "You're his best friend, nae?"
Woohyun nodded. "Nae," he replied with a nod.
The doctor cleared his throat as if he was going to give a long speech. "It's time for him to receive chemotherapy. This process will take place immediately."
Dongwoo had his head leaning on the wall. "Yah… " he mumbled, looking up at the ceiling. "What's taking them so long? I hope that they don't run into complications…"
"Relax, hyung," Sungyeol said, trying to be the mellow person out of all of them. "We all know Sunggyu hyung, nae? And we know that he's strong enough to go through everything. I know that he's tough, and he's going to fight through the cancer cells that are in his body."
Everyone nodded in unison, and began to believe in their leader thanks to Sungyeol's pep talk. Sungjong had just finished flipping through another old magazine. "Nae.." he finally said, joining in the conversation. "He promised me the first day he was diagnosed that he's going to get through this.. hyung never breaks his promises."
"Just think about it…" Myungsoo said, joining in the conversation as well. "Once hyung gets his treatment, we won't have to worry as much. That's because he's going to have a less chance of getting more cancer cells."
Tears from being so emotional all came out of the member's eyes. They all wondered when was that time coming. When was the time they could see their leader looking out for them again, healthy and happy. Not weak, but strong. Strong enough to protect them through harms way.
"One can dream," Hoya sniffled. "But we all know that this dream will come true."
"It's okay, it's okay, hyung," Woohyun cooed. He was patting on his best friend's back soothingly, holding a plastic container with his other hand.
Sunggyu had his head leaned on Woohyun's shoulder. He had just finished chemotherapy, and he was feeling even more ty than before. His head was spinning, and he felt like he was about to throw up every five seconds. Before he could reply, he swiftly leaned over to the plastic container and threw up. "I'm sorry that you have to see me go through all of this, Woohyunnie," he said quietly.
"It's okay, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I promised to take care of you, didn't I? I keep my promises."
Sunggyu smiled at his kind words. "Will.. will you still love me even though I'm bald?" he asked with glistening eyes.
Woohyun chuckled softly. "Hair or no hair," Woohyun began. "You're still Kim Sunggyu."
"But, you know I'm going to die in a few years, maybe even months. Why do you still choose to love me?"
"We're taking chances here, aren't we?"
Woohyun softly kissed Sunggyu on the forehead, and smiled at him. He was going to have to expect that things are going to run differently at the dorms from now on. Everyone was going to have to pitch in on taking care of their leader. He took out a piece of gum from his back pocket and handed it to him. "You need it," he said softly and unwrapped the wrapper.
Sunggyu took the unwrapped stick of gum from him and placed it in his mouth. He chewed the piece of candy slowly and surely, tasting its minty flavor and appreciating it. "Gomawo," he replied.
"Hyung!" Somebody chirped as the profile opened the door. Inside came in Sungjong, followed by the rest of the members. It had looked like they came back from crying. Why was that? "Sungjong-ah!" Sunggyu said happily as the maknae gave him a big hug.
Everybody else gave their leader a hug and stood around Woohyun and him. "The doctor said you just went through chemo?" Hoya asked, leaning onto an open wall. "How does it feel, hyung?"
"Terrible," Sunggyu admitted, still chewing on the gum. "I'm going to lose my hair, throw up more than before, and… now I'm too tired to talk."
They all laughed. "You can take a nap as long as you want when you get home, hyung," Dongwoo said assuredly. "We should probably take you home now. So that you can get your rest. We've all had a very long day."
Everyone nodded in agreement and went outside the room to the van. Woohyun wrapped his arm around Sunggyu's waist, giving him more support as they walked out. 
MONTH 1, DAY 28.
-2 weeks later-
Woohyun opened his eyes from his deep slumber. He had heard a noise that was like someone had been crying. He turned to his left to find out who had been causing this noise. Sunggyu was sitting down, cross-legged on his bed, sobbing. In his hand were big chunks of his own hair. "Hyung.." Woohyun said. "Remember what I told you? Hair or no hair--"
"I'm still Kim Sunggyu," Sunggyu finished his sentence. "I know, but I'm somehow different now. I'm not the same…"
"You are to me, hyung," Woohyun replied. He sat up next to Sunggyu, and placed his hand on top of his. "I'll go get an empty jar for you to put that in," he said. "So that you'll always have memory of your hair." He got up from the bed and headed out to  the door. Before he exited the room entirely, Woohyun stopped and looked back at Sunggyu. "Oh and hyung?" He asked.
Sunggyu was still concentrated on his fallen hair. He looked at Woohyun. "Hm?" 
"You might want to check on the notepad by the dresser," he replied with a smile. "What was it.. day.. fifteen? Nae.." And with that, he left the bedroom.
Woohyun stepped out of his bedroom, finding Sungyeol laying on the floor by himself. He had on a frustrated face, which caused Woohyun to tilt his head a little. "Are you okay, Yeollie?" Woohyun asked curiously as he walked up closer to him.
Sungyeol jumped in shock. "Oh…" he said, wiping a falling tear from his face. He sniffled. "Nae, I'm okay, hyung." His face was puffy and red up close, and his eyes were red and glassy. 
Woohyun sat next to him and crossed his legs. "Sit up," he said, motioning him to. Sungyeol did what he was told, and sat up. "Tell me what happened, Yeollie," he spoke in a serious tone.
Sungyeol began trembling even more. Tears came streaming down his face again. "I… I kissed Myungsoo last night.." he said, barely in a whisper. "It feels so wrong, but it feels so right…" Sungyeol  continued to drown himself into his own sorrow.
Woohyun scooted closer to wrap his arm around Sungyeol. Sungyeol dug his face into his shoulder. He couldn't stop crying. "It's okay, Yeollie, it's okay.." he whispered, trying to calm him down. "I know what you mean.. I seriously know what you mean… How did Myungsoo respond to this?"
"Y-y-you know what I'm gong through, hyung?" he asked. "That's.. the worst part… once.. Hoya and Dongwoo hyung came in, they were all shocked.. A-and Myungsoo didn't know how to respond, s-so.. he p-pushed me into the wall and my head hit t-the wall, a-and he c-called me n-names…"
"Yah.. Sungyeol-ah.." Woohyun said, suddenly feeling terrible. He could feel the upcoming tears in his eyes ready to fall. "I'm sure L didn't mean that.. you know he loves you…" He placed his hand on Sungyeol's hair and began to pet it. He nodded. "Sunggyu hyung and I kissed too.. twice on the same night.. I have to admit it did feel weird at first, but.. it made me realize how much I loved him."
Sungyeol smiled weakly, and wiped another falling tear. "That was a tear of joy," he assured, letting out a small chuckle. Woohyun laughed along. He gave Sungyeol a pat on the back. "Well," he said. "I have to go bring a jar for Sunggyu hyung." He stood up from the floor and helped Sungyeol up. "Remember what I told you, Yeollie. Arasso?"
"Arasso," Sungyeol replied with a smile. "Hyung?"
Woohyun was already making his way to the kitchen. "Nae?"
"Can I.. stay with you and Sunggyu hyung for a while?" he asked. "I don't think.. I don't think it's time for me to look at L again.."
"Gomawo, hyung~" Sungyeol said as he went inside of their rom.
Woohyun chuckled, taking out a glass jar from a cabinet. It was like déjà vu all over again.
They all said in awe as they stepped inside the big, spacious room. Inside, the room was slightly dim, but it was just enough to see the big roller skating rink that was placed in the middle. There was a small bowling alley next to it, an arcade with bumper cars in the back, and food stand to the right. They all made their way to an empty table.
"Roller skating, huh?" Sunggyu said, whispering it into Woohyun's ear. "I never knew you were this creative."
Woohyun chuckled. "I've been skating since I was little. You'd be surprised of what I can do, hyung."
Sunggyu smirked. "I'd like to see what you can do."
Everyone had finished getting their skates from the stand. They all sat back down on the table to put them on. Woohyun swiftly slipped them in his feet and stood up. "Come on, hyung!" Woohyun said excitedly. "Put those skates on faster, I want to teach you how to skate~"
"That's what I'm trying to avoid.." Sunggyu muttered in his breath. Hoya heard his words and began to laugh. 
Sungjong was the second one to finish. As he stood up, his skates started moving in every direction, causing him to almost fall. "Yah!" He squealed. "This is so hard!" He held on to the ledge next to him, and slowly began skating into the rink.
Dongwoo and Hoya stood up together, already struggling to balance themselves. "Yah~" Dongwoo said in a shaky voice as he tried to regain balance.  
Hoya was gripping tightly on Dongwoo's shirt. "I'm gonna die!" He said. 
"Yah, just hold on to my hand!" Dongwoo replied worriedly, offering Hoya his hand. Hoya took it, gripping as tight as he was gripping to his shirt. They began to slowly, very slowly, skate away. "This is much easier than skating alone!" Hoya commented. Dongwoo laughed and nodded. "Way, easier."
Sungyeol stood up from the table, and skated towards the rink with ease. Woohyun, Sunggyu, and Myungsoo were all staring at him with wide eyes. "You skate?" they all said together.
He shrugged slightly. "I didn't think it was a big deal to tell you guys." After that, he skated inside along with the rest of them.
Sunggyu was still purposely trying to tie the shoelaces slowly. "Yah, Woohyunnie, why don't you just go," he said, pretending to be frustrated at the shoelaces. "I'll catch up with you."
Woohyun looked at Sunggyu. "Are you sure, hyung?" 
He nodded. "Nae. Now go have fun."
Woohyun smiled and patted him on the hand. Sunggyu blushed a little and once Woohyun stepped inside he rink, Sunggyu let out a sigh of relief. 
Myungsoo was still sitting down in the table across from Sunggyu. His roller skates were still standing still next to him. He was concentrating on the bright red table with no expression on his face. 
Sunggyu looked at him. "What's wrong?" He already knew that there was a problem.
Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu and looked back down. "Guilt," he muttered.
"Ah~ Sungyeol-ah told me already. No need to explain," Sunggyu replied, looking at Myungsoo. "Myungoo, just because you.. like your best friend like that, it doesn't mean you have to hurt him."
"I DON'T LIKE HIM!" Myungsoo hissed, almost flipping the table over. He pounded on the table with his furious fists. "I'm not gay, hyung!"
"Being gay isn't a bad thing," Sunggyu stated calmly. "Sometimes you just prefer guys more than girls.. so what? There's no difference. Take me for example. I'm in love with Woohyun, but you don't see me getting beat up or anything for that. If you just… admit it, life takes it much easier on you."
Myungsoo was soaking Sunggyu's wise words in. "I'm going to go now. Woohyunnie needs me," Sunggyu told Myungsoo as he stood up. He held on to the ledges as he pushed his way inside the rink.
Myungsoo was tired of keeping secrets. He was tired of hurting his best friend and everyone around him. He had been thinking of a plan of how to fix this situation. Myungsoo quickly slipped on his roller skates, and skated towards Sungyeol to fix things.
Sungjong was in the middle of Dongwoo and Hoya as they slowly skated in the middle, holding each other's hands. "Hyungs don't let go!" Sungjong said in a terrified tone. "I don't want to fall!"
"Relax, Sungjong-ah!" Dongwoo replied. "We're as scared as you are!"
"Nae!" Hoya agreed.
Sungyeol was skated backwards, not paying attention to what was coming into his way. He looked over in the middle to find Dongwoo, Hoya, and Sungjong all struggling to keep their balance. He chuckled. They may not be good when it came to these things, but at least they were having fun. He turned back around without looking and bumped into someone.
"," they muttered as they landed on their on the floor. It was Myungsoo. "Yah, you need to start to watch where you're going."
"I don't want to talk to you," Sungyeol mumbled. He turned his back on him and began to skate away.
"Wait!" Myungsoo yelled as he got up on his feet. He began to skate towards Sungyeol faster. Once he was caught up to Sungyeol's pace, Myungsoo held onto Sungyeol's arm.
"Let go of me!" Sungyeol screamed, struggling. 
Myungsoo pulled Sungyeol close. "We need to talk," he said with their lips almost touching. He then dragged his best friend to a private place.
"Do you trust me?" Woohyun asked as his eyes were locked on Sunggyu's.
Sunggyu took a big gulp and nodded. "M-more than anything," he replied. 
"Hyung, then give me your hand!"
Sunggyu slowly gave his shaking hand for Woohyun to hold. His grip was firm. "Okay. All you need to do is follow me. Arasso? Left.. Right.. Glide~"
Sunggyu kept his eyes in tact with Woohyun's skates, trying to progressively mimic his moves. "Daebak!" Woohyun said, complimenting Sunggyu.
As they passed by a few rounds, he was getting the hang of it. Both him and Woohyun were skating in synch as they still held hands. They were both skating to the loud beat of the music, talking, laughing at the other three who still need a little help on their balance. Woohyun stopped and looked at Sunggyu. "I think it's time for me to let go now, hyung."
"NO! DON'T DO IT, HYUNG~" Dongwoo yelled as he skated shakily.
"NOOOO~" Hoya yelled after. He tried skating towards the two and fell on his . "SEE?"
All of them snickered. As they were laughing at Hoya's incident, Woohyun slowly let go of Sunggyu's hand. "Try it, hyung," he said, trying to motivate him. "You can do it. We're taking chances here, remember?"
Sunggyu nodded, nervously skating from his left to his right. He was suddenly skating smoothly. He later then picked up the pace, and started to skate regularly. "LOOK!" Sungjong said excitedly. "HYUNG'S DOING IT~"
There was a huge wave of victory that swept through him. He's doing it. He's actually doing it. He didn't know that if you took the risk, you were able to achieve it. "WHOO~" Sunggyu yelled to the top of his lungs and raised his arms. "I did it!"
"What? What the hell do you want from me?" Sungyeol asked, frustrated. Myungsoo had led them in the alley where the bathrooms were at. Sungyeol was leaning on the wall with Myungsoo in front of him. Sungyeol crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
"I'm here to… apologize.." Myungsoo admitted, looking down at the floor. 
"Sorry's not good enough," Sungyeol spat. "You threw me to the wall, Myunsoo. My head hit the wall, and now there's a bump on it!." His voice was stern. "You were the one who kissed me first, and--"
"Shhh!" Myungsoo interrupted him, placing his index finger on of Sungyeol's lips. "The whole damn building is gong to hear!"
Sungyeol threw Myungsoo's arm away from him. "See? This is the ing problem with you, L. You care too much about what other people think. So what if your best friend likes you? So what if you like guys? There's no difference. Look at Woohyun hyung and Sunggyu hyung. Do they get hate for falling in love? NO."
Tears came streaming down Sungyeol's face again. "I just hate you," he croaked, looking down on the floor. "So much, but I'll never stop loving you."
Myungsoo lifted his chin up and smiled softly. Without saying a word, he leaned in closer, and pressed his lips against Sungyeol's.
"Well done, Woohyunnie, well done," A voice whispered as they peeked in at the two kissing.
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."

Author's Note: So, we get a little Myungyeol lovin' in the house~ ;D LOL. Mhm.
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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."