Chapter 1

Taking Chances

MONTH 1, DAY 12.

Woohyun looked down at his best friend with worry-filled eyes. He was sitting up, legs crossed on the mattress next to his. Woohyun quickly glanced at the round clock on the wall. It had been three long hours since he woke up. He let out a disappointing sigh. Everyone was awake but Sunggyu. Why is that?

Sungjong arrived moments later with a tray of breakfast resting on his arms. He smiled softly at Woohyun who still had those anxious eyes in him. He entered the small room, and sat next to Woohyun. "I brought you breakfast, hyung!" Sungjong whispered cheerfully. "The others couldn't wait for us anymore, so…"

He set the tray aside in a safe place, and looked over at the sleeping figure next to him. "Hyung's still asleep?" Sungjong questioned.

Woohyun nodded in response. "I just don't understand. Usually he's the first one up out of all of us."

Sungjong froze for a second, realizing that he was still the only person trusted with Sunggyu's issue. He laughed out the nerves in him. "We did go out and party last night until the morning.. All of us are going through some kind of hangover right now."

The boy next to him laughed. His view came directly back towards his sleeping best friend. Sungjong looked at him as well, and poked him on the back with his finger.

The figure moved slowly, then groaned. Both Woohyun and Sungjong looked at each other with surprise. "Hyung..?" Sungjong questioned. "Are you awake?"

"Ne…" it mumbled as it tossed and turned. Sungjong gasped softly as his face grew bright. "Hyung!~" he chirped. "Hyung, hyung, your friend over here has been waiting for you to wake up since nine! I also made breakfast and--"

As Sungjong continued his story which later resulted into something irrelevant, Sunggyu opened his tired eyes and looked at Woohyun who had the biggest smile on his face. Sunggyu smiled back weakly. He felt his heart race-- especially knowing that Woohyun has been waiting for him to wake up.

Sunggyu stood up and felt a sharp pang on his lower back. He closed his eyes and held the sharp-shooting pain all in. He wouldn't want Woohyun to know he's been going through something serious. Not now.

"Is everyone awake?" The leader asked the boys. They both nodded. He looked down on the tray of food. "Woohyun, Sungjong, you two should go eat your breakfast. You two need it."

"What about you?" Woohyun asked, concerned. "You haven't eaten since lunch of yesterday."

A grunt came from Sunggyu. "Not hungry," he replied simply. His appetite has been lessening and lessening each day.

The leader stood up from the mattress, and yawned heavily. He looked at the two who were still looking at each other. What are they thinking about? Sunggyu thought to himself. "Come on. Let's all go eat together."


Sunggyu, Sungjong, and Woohyun went out the door to see Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, and Myungsoo all sitting together, eating their food. They all looked up to see their leader finally awake. "Morning!" They all greeted their hyung, and continued to eat. Sunggyu and Woohyun greeted them back with a smile.

They all sat down in a circle. Sunggyu eyed each and every one of the members; noticing their tired eyes. He chuckled to himself and looked at Woohyun who was eating swiftly. "You know you didn't have to wait for me to wake up," Sunggyu told his best friend. "I'm old enough to manage myself."

"So that's where he was!" Sungyeol interrupted their conversation as he stuffed another spoonful of his food in his mouth. "I thought he ran away or something."

Woohyun shot a devious glance at Sungyeol who was nudged on the arm by Myungsoo. Myungsoo whispered something in his ear that left Woohyun clueless.

He turned to look at Sunggyu once again. "I was just worried," Woohyun replied. "You're usually the one who wakes us up, so I found it abnormal." He shrugged slightly and continued to eat.

"Yeah, are you really that tired, hyung?" Dongwoo asked. "You seem to grow more tired everyday."

"It's just stress," Sunggyu assured. "I'll be better once we get into this summer vacation."

"You got that right," Hoya replied as he placed an arm around Dongwoo. Dongwoo's cheeks turned into a dark shade of pink, and Sunggyu laughed.

"Why don't we all go somewhere today?" Sungyeol suggested, as he clapped his hands together. "You know, to celebrate our management-free month. How about the beach?"

The boys all murmured in agreement. "Like anyone wants to see you shirtless," Myungsoo muttered under his breath.

Sungyeol glanced at Myungsoo who was now snickering. "I'd sleep with one eye open, Myungie," he threatened, and pointed directly at his face. They both looked at each other with death stares until one finally gave in and laughed.

"It's settled then," Sunggyu said, as he placed a hand on Woohyun's kneecap. He looked at Woohyun who grinned nervously at him.

Woohyun felt a wave of emotions run through. He loved it when Sunggyu does little things to show affection.

Everyone stood up, giving all their empty bowls for Sungjong to wash. Sungjong pouted, and stomped heavily to the kitchen sink. "All of you will do the dirty work next time!" he said angrily, turning on the sink.


Sunggyu and Woohyun were in their room, rummaging through dressers and closets to look for the right items needed for their occasion. Woohyun looked through a few drawers, and found a big black leather case in one. He ped the zipper to find nothing but cosmetics. "Hyung, you have to stop buying makeup for yourself," he said, giggling. "You're becoming pathetic."

Sunggyu looked back at Woohyun who was holding his make up case. "Shut up," he said, giggling along. "You're the pathetic one."

"Not even!" Woohyun replied, looking at his best friend. As they were joking around, he began to examine Sunggyu's face closely. It was changing. He couldn't exactly put his finger to it, but something was wrong. He could sense it. "Hyung?" he asked.

"Hm?" Sunggyu replied as he was stuffing various items in his backpack.

"Are you… okay? Not like depressed okay, like healthy okay. You're not.. sick… right?"

Sunggyu was definitely shocked and surprised at Woohyun's question. Can he already sense that I'm sick? "I'm fine," he lied. "Why would you ask me this anyways? Is something bothering you?"

"No, no," Woohyun quickly said as he looked down on the floor. He stopped and sat on the bed. "I just.. sense something different with you. It's like you're slowly not becoming yourself anymore. I-- I don't know, I'm just worried, that's all."

Sunggyu stopped packing, looked at Woohyun, and sat next to his best friend. A smile formed on his face. "Woohyunie.." Sunggyu said. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine, and I'm healthy. I appreciate you for looking out for me, but leave the worrying to me, okay? You have your own self to worry about. I care about you too, and I promise to look out for you." He put his arm around him and smiled. Woohyun placed his head on his shoulder and for once, he stopped worrying.

Author's Note: Agh, so sorry if it's horrible! I'm still trying to debate on some things for the next few chapters. :) Thank you for actually taking the time to read this!

PS, the month and days indicate how long Sunggyu's been fighting cancer. Pray for him!~

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guise, i'm planning on updating today! { and maybe finishing the one shot.. } stay tuned! (●´∀`)ノ♡


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naznew #1
Chapter 9: so their manager don't know that sunggyu have cancer?
Julettums #2
Oh please update soon. Pretty pretty pretty PRETTY PLEASE
Chocolato #3
the managers ... :( what the .
apink's eunji?:3
aish I really dislike their managers behaviour
actually I think that geonam,hyoan and jungryul are the best managers ever
but seeing them like this makes me upset
so much drama TT_TT
:OOOO moar dramaaaaa~ i like dramas XDD
/i'm an emotional person
i wonder who eunji is in woohyun's life..?
bittersweet-x #7
Wah but I love Eunji, she can't be a bad person! :(
auahaha I love sunggyu's thinking
just a while ago hyunnie told him that he always tops
but then gyu thinks that he's the man in the realtionship
you'te such a cutie pie gyu :3
what does eunji(ooooh I'm so waiting for their comeback) want?
she really seems like an ex girlfriend of woohyun :0
aaaaaw look who's jealous :3
Chocolato #9
nooooooo no drama :( Sunggyu needs no drama at this point hahas
woogyu's relationship is so touching :DDDD
aaaaw the idea with the jar is cute :3
and yaaaaay gyu did it :DDD
lol at yadongjong xDD
yaaaaaaaaaaaaay for myungyeol for finally getting together
myungsoo is a though xDD
and ahaha at hyunnie
"I try my best, hyung," Woohyun replied. "I try my best."