Any Normal Day With Zico

Strictly Friends?

"Fiction in fiction~ Fiction in fiction~" you sang with the stereo while baking cookies to go over to Zico's house. You put a smiley face on the round cookies and put them in a container. "Done! Hehe!" You said cheerfully, you had this habit of talking to yourself. 

'Umma! Going to Jiho oppa's house okay? Bye!" You shouted.

"Okay! Call us if you need anything!" Your umma shouted back.

You walked up to Zico's house and ring the doorbell.  "Aish! Who is it at 8:00 pm in the night!?" You heard Zico scream. Unconsciously your lips curved into a smile as you chuckled to yourself, *Omo Jiho oppa! Who else would it be other than me at 8:00 pm in the night?* The door clicked open, "Oh, its you ~~~~~. I thought it was another freaking cookie girl trying to sell me her cookies. But you know I will only eat yours ~~~~~~~~~-ah!" He pinched your cheeks and pulled you in for a hug. You were drawn to his chest while you squealed and struggled to get out. "Huh, it never works on you. If the other girls in school see me hugging a girl they will be squealing with excitement. And you, you are so different!" Zico hugged you tighter. 



"Omo! Jiho oppa! Stop! Don't you want to eat my cookies?" You squealed with laughter as he started to tickle you. "Mmmmm. Feed me!" Zico said has he opened his mouth into a 'O'. "Is ajusshi home today? Want to eat in your room or your living room?" You asked. "Room." He said. Zico swiftly lifted you up bridal style and carried you towards his room. "Jiho oppa! Can't you try to stop the skin ship already? You have been trying since Year 11! Come on!" You struggled to get to your own two feet. ''Nope! Cause your too damn adorable." He nuzzled his nose with you. You leaned back until your head hit his chest and you gazed up into his eyes and sighed. Pouting, you and Zico reached his room. Zico waved you towards his bed. You sat cross legged at the opposite side of him. "Now feed me!" Zico ordered.


You took out a piece of cookie from the container and aimed at his mouth, then you grinned thinking of a new way of teasing him back of the skin ship just now. *You did that to me and now i trick you! Ahahahaha!* You put the cookie near his mouth, when he was just about to much it you pulled away and you giggled. *Aish this ~~~~~~ ah!* Zico thought. You put it near his mouth and pulled away once again when he was about to bite then giggled. Now Zico was getting annoyed. He grabbed your wrist and wanted to grab the cookie but instead... he pulled you onto his lap...

He gazed at you intently and his heart beat started to race up. *What is wrong with me?!* Zico thought. *Mwo?! I'm... I'm.. on his lap... I'm on Jiho oppa's lap... But it feels... Good to be on his lap.* You started to relax but that just made Zico's heart beat up faster. "Jiho oppa, why are you staring at me?" You said. Zico snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh.. Nothing." Zico just said. You straightened up, now knowing what you just said and blushed... Zico just continued to eat his cookie. "~~~~~-ah, wanna stay over tonight?" Zico asked, avoiding your eyes. "Okay..." You said as well avoiding his eyes too.

You have tons of clothes in Zico's house since you guys have been friends since you were very young.  "I want to sleep Jiho oppa! I'm going to go wash up now!" You said as you hopped out of the bed. 

After you washed up you came back out to tell Zico that he needs to wash up too, pouting he went to wash up cause he didn't like to sleep that early. When he came back out, "~~~~~-ah, you wanna...." He trailed off looking at your angelic sleeping face on his other pillow. You guys always sleep on Zico bed since it was just a single bed. Zico tapped your shoulder but you didn't move. *~~~~~ so easy to go to dreamland. Haha. Cute.* Without thinking he curled a few strands of hair behind your ear.. Then stared back at his hand. *What am I doing?! Why am i doing this to ~~~~?!* He slapped himself and lay down next to you. In a few minutes he was also in dreamland.

Unconsciously you faced him on your side, and Zico too unconsciously hugged you. You felt a strong pair of arms wrap on you and you snuggled in more for the warmth. *This pair of arms are so warm......* you thought still in dream land and then you drifted off to a deeper slumber.


Zico was the first to wake up. He saw his arms around you and snuggled in again. That made you wake up. "Wae...? Why got these arms around me....?" You whispered with your eyes was still half closed and turned around to see an awake Zico staring back at you. Your eyes shot wide open, "Omo! Jiho oppa!! What are you doing?!" but you didn't move, for some reason, you didn't want to move. *Otokae?!?!* Zico said to himself and quickly pulled his arms away from you. "Are you still sleepy?" Zico asked you. "Yes, i don;t know why, usually when i wake up its hard to go back to sleep but today..." You trailed off while your eyes were going to close, and within seconds you were asleep again. Zico got up and washed up. *Why am i always hugging ~~~~~~~~ now when i am sleeping?!* 

He went back to his room and still saw you asleep, although he was mad at himslef, for some reason when he saw you all that madness faded away, *It was so warm yesterday thanks to ~~~~~~~. Haha.* Zico chuckled as quietly as possible. And slipped out of his room.

To be continued ah that story!! But sorry!! Its already 9:43 pm here!!! And i wanted to say that maybe tomorrow night I may not update, MAYBE. Cause tomorrow i have night tuition. Haizz, i don't like tuition :P

And anyway, since today is still L's Birthday (From Infinite) I will give another little gift to you guys! :)






Hope ya'll enjoy my story for today! :P :) Even though its just ONE chapter :P

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zatieywookie #1
Chapter 14: omg !! i really love this story !!! <3 <3 so sad, Ukwon oppa..
Chapter 14: Omo! I loved this ^^
So cute..and a bit sad..because Ukwon...
But i liked the dinal :3
AiAddict #3
Chapter 14: Aaaw really cute ! Thank you authoring :D
cute fic^^ I liked it^^
Keep up the good work:)
i just finished ur story!!!! aww it is really sweet :">
SeoKyung #6
waaa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ love this
rubybelle #7
the first fanfic i have read, its so cool!!! Zico i love you! :) <3
hahahaah..i thought u were from malaysia..
eh? "You dreaming kah?"
*lol..hahahah i wonder ..are u from Malaysia?
unnie unnie ..
why is it ur Chapter 7 till 9 are the same post?