The Plan

Everlasting Facade


Silence covered the atmosphere; they both keep their body froze and let their mouth tight for a longtime. After 5 years parting; this is the first time they seen each other. Of course there would be an awkward moment even if they missed each other very much.


“Nana, I’m sorry for meeting up with you in sudden. I… just want to surprise you.” He leans his body on the wall while watching the stars above on the sky.


“Well, you should be happy because you make my tears out because of your surprise. Your surprise really turns out very well.” She jokes, wiping off tears from her beautiful eyes.


Nana exhales and said “How, how did you find me?” She asks without looking at him at the eyes. That is the first thing she wants to ask him. How did he know she was there? Did he spy on her? How long he has been searching for her?


“Because we belong together” He said with a light tone, smiling. She could have thought he was trying to crack a joke just to ease tension between them. Instead, he presented a genuine smile with a much sincere tone.


Gazing through her eyes, his hand reaches for hers. Holding both of them while they faced each other, Nana stared, anticipating.


“I’m sorry for leaving you behind for 5 years and didn’t even try to contact you. I feel really guilty about that. Nana, I am very sorry.” He holds her hand and brings her hand close to his lips, kisses it gently. Nana gasps a little but didn’t want him to notice it so she keeps shut.


“Nana… I…” He exhales again.


“I missed you.”  Her eyes widen.


This cannot be happening to her, she already got one perfect guy with a perfect job. She cannot choose between those two. It’s too hard.


“Cheo- Cheolyong…” She pulls her hand from him slowly.


“I’m… I’m engaged.” She lowers her head down, avoids his eyes.


“Owh…” He sighs hard, curling his lips.


“Wow. Y-you- you move on…” he darted his gaze, clasping his hands firm, sorting out a relevant sentences in his mind. Nana on the other hand was waiting, expecting him to flip over and yell at her face.


“I’m sorry, I thought you are not own by anybody. I’m such a bad guy, asking someone’s fiancé out.” He laughs as if she tells a joke. He clearly thought she will never be with anyone but him. Well, this shows how unpredictable life is.


“No, I’m the one who should be blamed for not telling you early about this.” She denies.


“And that is making me more look like a bad guy, Nana. Make the girl takes all the blame. Clever.” He rolls his eyes. She slaps her forehead, thinks she already makes him feels guiltier.


“Cheolyong-ah, I’m sorry.” She bites her bottom lip while reaches for his hand. When he saw her hand was comes closer to him, he curves a smile and without hesitation he grabs her hand.


“Hey, I’m not mad at you.” He pulls her hand and squeezing her body closer to him.


“Really? With that look on your face, it’s obviously you are mad at me.” She eyes him with a teasing glare.


“Wow, you know me really very well. No doubt I’m your first love.” He teases her back.


“You’re not even change a bit. Still the same.” She chuckles.


“Of course I’m still the same but you-” His arms wraps her around her tiny waist in sudden while her hands place on his chest. Her eyes only looking at his eyes, waits for his words to come out.


“Your heart won’t be the same from now on.” He curves a smirk.




“Because I’m going to win your heart back.” He lifts her chin up, facing him more clearly. She gulps down her saliva, nervous

Her body getting tensed as she realizes his words is true. She breaks away her body from his embrace and takes a couple step, to back away.


“Cheolyong, I’m engaged.” She said once again to makes him understands.


“I know. But you’re not married yet. And that means I still have my chance.”


“I’m sorry… but I can’t do this. It’s wrong.” She shook her head.


“Nana, don’t you see, this is our destiny. It’s our fate to meet up again after 5 years.” He grabs her hand once again.


“But it doesn’t mean we should get back together. You’re a great guy, but we can’t be together.” She pulls her hand from him again.


He bits his bottom lip, leaves a hard sighs. His plan is not working the way he plans. He just feels totally miserable right now.


“Fine. You win. But can’t we at least see each other sometimes? It’s been too long we apart.” He asks her.


“Okay and we’re just friends. No more than that.” She holds out her hand at him.


“Just friends.” He smirks and reaches her hand, shaking their hand shows their agreement to be ‘just friends’.


They stare each other eyes as if they met for the first time as strangers.


“Then, I should move right now. It’s getting late out here. See you soon.” He walks away after let her hand go.


He curves a smile on his face and waves his hand, a good manner for farewell. Her body was standing straight, gazing at the guy walks away from her. Her heart feels flutters and happy seeing him. Well, how can she not happy? She only saw the good side of him, not the bad side.




Jia rolls her body to the right and left but her position in bed is still not right. She supposed to sleep right now; she drifts her eyes at the clock. It’s dam.n 2 a.m and she still not sleeping. She grabs one her pillow and hugs it tightly.


“Why I can’t get my sleep tonight?” She complains.


Is it because of Cheolyong? Talk about him, he was really change into another person. He become more aggressive, I think. Maybe it’s my fault, he changed into this night person.She said to herself.


“Jia-ah.” The person who calls her name was none other than her step-sister.

Nana runs towards her and jumps at her bed. Her smile was flashing more then normal it used to be. Tonight was more cheerful. Seungho do some special events for her?


“Nana, you look different tonight? You win the case?” She wakes her body up from the bed.


“Yeah, I win the case but that is not the reason why I look different today. Why don’t you guess?” She squeals.


“I’m sorry Nana, I’m not in the mood guessing right now.” Showing her sleepy face.


“I’ve just met Cheolyong! Isn’t that surprising?” She shouts.


“What?!” Jia asks her back.




“Hey, can we talk for a minute?” Cheolyong pulls his chair to sit in front Cheondung who was busy typing for his work. The guy tossed a glance and saw a gloomy face plastered before him. This is going to be a long talk, he guessed.


Cheondung motioned him to take a seat while he was finishing whatever thing he did for a couple hours before. His fingers stayed stationery on spot when an obvious sigh heard.


“You know I’ve told you about how my father’s died right?” He looks at his friend.


“So, I guess you’re trying to open up about Meng Ruan’s case? I bet this talk going to include Jia too” He teases Cheolyong.


The younger one only giving him a look, kept his lips in a straight line. As if contemplating with his train of thoughts, debating and arguing whether he should or not come clean with his best friend.


“Why? Are you tripping for her again and decide to woo her back again after seeing her? Huh?” his friend wiggled his eyebrows and a playful smile tugged over his lips.


“Actually- I’m doing the opposite you just said. I… I met Nana.” He faces down.


Cheondung’s smile faded as he registered what Cheolyong uttered out. “You did what?” He furrows his brows, half yelling.


“I- I never thought about it at the first place but- Jinwoon really gave me some hard time for me to think.”


“Jinwoon? Why does this problem related to Jinwoon?” He asks while stops looking at his computer and gives Cheolyong full attention.


“He wants me to seduce Jia to capture Meng Ruan which is one of our suspects- but I change my target to Nana. I just couldn’t face her. It’s- too hard for me to handle.”


“And you accept this mission?! Are you insane?” He shouts.


“Can you keep quiet? Jinwoon will hear us.” Cheolyong gritted his teeth, penetrating a glare on his hyung’s flesh.


“Okay, I’m sorry for freaking out. Listen, you and Nana completely cannot back together. You have been cheating on her in the past years and I won’t let you make the same mistake after you realize you have feelings for Jia again. Besides, the way to accomplish this mission is too much. This will cause too much trouble. You know they both will hate you after they knew you just using them to catch their father.” He advised Cheolyong. Cheolyong face turns to bitter aftr hear his friend advice.


“After that you will see I’m packing my stuff in a box.”


“He’s going to fired you if you reject this job? This is making it more complicated than it should be” He exhales, palming his face.


“Wait, why did you pick Nana than Jia? You two could have been together again and maybe if you explain this problem to her, she will try to consider an understanding in this case”


Cheolyong stares for a minute, thinking what should he answer to his friend question? He cannot tell him because he felt sorry at Jia about incident 5 years ago that is why he didn’t choose to play her. He already hurts her so much and he would not bear betting on chances of hurting her feelings again.


“I can’t to get back together with her. We’re over way long ago” sternly, he voiced out.


“But you love her. What happens to that?” Cheondung argued.


“Her father killed my dad!” Cheolyong stood up, banging  the desk almost loudly, startling his friend.


That’s it.


It’s always because of that reason; that stupid reason. Cheondong clenched tight his jaws, refraining himself from losing his patience. He grabbed on Cheolyong’s collar and yanked his forward.


“Oh… It’s okay if you get together with Nana but- it isn’t when it comes to Jia?” the younger one loses his tongue, letting the silence between them stretched even longer.


“In case you forgot, both of them share a f.cking damn father”


He stilled-


A moment after Cheondung finally let his anger past, he let’s go of Cheolyong. The guy mumbled a guilty ‘sorry’ and heaved a heavy breathing. He knew his hyung was left unsatisfied with his stubbornness. He should have guess that Cheondung had a hope of him and Jia to unite again.


In the past, people will take them as the three musketeers. Cheondung love Jia like him did before- but only as a sister-brother relationship and a romantic feelings started to bloom between Cheolyong and the girl that had brought them to an unexpected situation.




If only he knew beforehand that meeting between them only brings misfortune.


He could have-


“Let’s talk later” Cheolyong gave a glimpse of an assurance smile before jetting off toward the door, hinting he’s not taking it to heart  about whatever Cheondung just said.




“Seungho-ssi, someone is waiting for you at your room.” His secretary informs him. He nods his head and makes his way into the room.


He brings out his hand from his pocket and reaches for the door’s knob. He saw a little glance of older man in his mid 40’s. He opens the door and enters the room with big step. After that, he closes the door and begins to sit on the couch.


“What’s so important?” Meng Ruan entwines his fingers while Seungho curves a little smirk of his.


“I’ve met someone today.”


“And who is the mystery person?” The old man asked.


Tips of his fingers took out a box from his front pocket and stick out a single cigarette. It was hung at the edge of his mouth and flicker a lighter. Inhaling a deep breath, he watches smokes swirling in the midst of air amusingly.


Unfortunately, Seungho just had to break him from trance. “Bang. Cheolyong.” He pronounced it one by one. It had made Meng Ruan stopped to turn his head giving his a stern look.


Seungho swears he wanted to laugh his butts off as seeing the older man’s face became redder. He straightened up in his seat and angled for a better position, fixing his suit. A glimpse of a smirk crept on his face, “I saw him with Nana in front of her office.” He said carelessly.


Meng Ruan focused his gaze on Seungho all the time, getting tenser than ever. He lets out a hard breath and took out the white tube from his mouth.


“What the hell is his objective for meeting her?” he spats angrily.


“Who knows. Probably you.” The man just had to glare Seungho in the eye, a deathly one.


Seungho snickered quietly but the man heard it almost too clear. Meng Ruan thought, if Seungho was never a fiancé’s of his daughter, he would have beaten up this guy for mocking him.


“I’ve heard rumors you’ve been related to Cheolyong’s dad case.” The younger guy didn’t forget to add sarcasms in his tone, chuckling for a couple of seconds.


Muscles in him getting worked up and anger inside him boiling like mad. Meng Ruan began to piss seeing Seungho laughing at the rumors involving. It’s not funny at all. His soon to be son in law is looking down at him.


“What do you expect me to do then” gritting his teeth as he flies glares of a dagger through Seungho’s flesh.


The guy stood up and dirtying off invisible dusts on his shirt, sauntered himself to the big window, looking out not so keenly. He caressed his sharp jaw and opens his mouth. “I never said anything. If you cool with him being friends with your daughters- of course I got nothing to object.” He threw a sly smile towards Meng Ruan.




This guy got a point.


Of course not he’s going to be cool with that. Cheolyong was the one, accusing him for killing his dad. Also, that young boy had disappeared for 5 years and suddenly showed up, meeting his daughter. What will be his objective- except revenge.


Meng Ruan groaned loud and Seungho showed a victory smile. He knew that the old man get his point. The man exhales another smoke. He cannot let Cheolyong getting closer with his daughter. He must do something for Cheolyong to back off from his daughter. Perhaps- he can use this plan.


He grinned.


“I have to go now. I forgot I have to deal with someone.” Meng Ruan stands up, and buttoning up his coat.


“See you later, Yang Seungho.” Meng Ruan wishes a farewell to Seungho who had his back leaning on the wall.


Nodding his head, he found his gaze trailing the older man’s steps until it was vanished from his sight.


Then, Seungho’s smile widen.


His plan was working as he what he thought. As he reminisced back his fiancé was hugging his enemy, surely he will gone furious. What will happen if Cheolyong seizes Nana and Jia from him?


It is so obvious he has to get rid his enemy but- he cannot shows Nana his bad side. So, he just has to think something to get rid Cheolyong. The plan was using Meng Ruan to get rid Cheolyong. It was such a brilliant idea as he already did research about Cheolyong and Meng’s family in the past.


So, now he has to wait for Meng Ruan takes an action. After that, Nana will be his wife, Jia will be away from Cheolyong and he gets his happy ending.


“I’m such an intelligent”




Hi guys! I'm sorry for late update! I know it almost end of April. I will try my best to update faster. I hope you enjoy this update. Plese leave me lots of comments. Thank you for those waiting for this fanfic. Thank you for being supportive. I love you <3

@yuno1234 - thank you fo reading this fanfic.


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Chapter 13: WOW is a bittersweet ending, sweet because Seungho and Nana, are happy toguether, but bitter because Bang Chulyoung die, rather Jia and Nana's father sends someone to kill him. In any case i love your story ^^
muchLove #2
Chapter 13: Aww it ended now. Thank you for this great fic.
Its really sad to know that they couldnt be with one another in the end.
Chapter 13: AH DAMN ! Y DID BANG BANG CHULYOUNG DIEDDDDDDDD -.- I like the Part 1 ~
Chapter 13: WHAT????? NO NO NO............ mir dont die........ please...... arrgghhhh..... I'm crying now............. Mir.................... hixhixhixhixhix......... but its already end...... sad ending..... u have nice story.... I hope u will write mir fanfic again... hahahhah with happy ending hahhaha..... once again u did good job.... gonna miss u
hua thank u for the credits hahah i will always support u ^^
muchLove #5
Chapter 11: It that next chapter is the final chapter.
I'm curious on what's gonna happen
Chapter 11: what? it will end?? next chapter is final chapt??? huaaa....... I will miss your story... I hope happy ending.... ^0^
muchLove #7
Chapter 10: I loved the Nana-Seungho moments. His so sweet towards her. Hope Mir will be okay and that someone will help him.
Chapter 10: yes u update again... I'm very happy :) oh My God.... so complicated... but i like this story.... I hope they will good..... please someone help mir..... please update soon ok??? Fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: I don´t think that Nana is the evil one, she is saying that beacause she is angry whith Mir, and in the case off she was evil, Mir is not the perfect person to told her that e.e Anyway I hope more moments between Seungho and Nana
muchLove #10
Chapter 9: Never thought Nana would be like that. Can you have more Seungho-Nana moments please? Maybe the cute loving moments :) eventhough theres so many problems.
Can't believe Mir will do that to Jia.