Destiny Does Not Seem To Be On Our Side - Part 1

Everlasting Facade


As everyone gather at family hall, they’ve waited for Jia to come out. It’s already 1 hour but she still didn’t come out. Cheolyong’s heart thump rapidly, in sudden he doesn’t feel so good instead he become so nervous. He’s been inhales and exhales for many times as it too many to be counted.

They waiting and waiting, Jia come out with no expression on face while she grasps the recorder in her hold. Cheolyong curves a smile, glad with her presence. He rushes to her while she stares at the floor, didn’t move at all.

“Jia-ah, let’s go.” He holds her hand but she pulls away.

Cheolyong feels weird with her action, Seungho looks away while the others also observing her from afar.

“Do you love me?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” He holds her hands once again.

“Then why are doing this to me?” She gazes straight to his eyes with her eyes already wet. She plays the recorder.

“At that time, I really need some money- and suddenly, there’s a guy offers me a job. “ She pause the recorder.

“I heard every sentence what you said in this recorder.” She glares at him.

She looks at him with furrow brows. She is mad, disappointed and sad, so many feelings which can’t expresses herself right which Cheolyong completely speechless.

Cat got his tongue.

“Jia, I- I…” He smiles at her, holds her hand.

 “Is your revenge really important to you? Am I just a toy for you to play with?” She cries, pulls away her hand from him and takes a step back.

He bits his lip and exhales the air. It is time for him to tell the truth. There is no turning back, we are not meant to be.

Destiny does not seem to be on our side… He said to himself.

“I guess I was too selfish back then. I wasn’t thinking straight enough.” He confesses.

“I was too selfish- because of my grudge towards Meng Ruan which resulted I hurt you and Nana. I’ve been lying to myself in this 5 years, every day I chanted ‘I didn’t do wrong, she deserves it because she’s defends criminal.’” He pauses.

“After that, you appeared in front of me. I was scared the truth will be revealed, so I came with conclusion to stay away from you. I spat lies in front of you, I confessed that I love Nana. But- you getting near me as the time go by. Every day, I only think about you, how much I hurt you today? What lies I said today? All questions lingering in my head.”

“One day, Cheondung asked me about second chance. It’s a lie to say that I don’t want second chance. So, I admit and the things were going smooth as I didn’t expect it will be. Do you remember what you said today?” He takes a step closer, he tucks strands of her hair on her ear while she still glares him with tears flows to her red cheeks. He smiles at her.

“You said you trust me because there must be a reason behind whatever I do. You promised me to stay by my side.  And right now Meng Jia, it’s your duty to fulfil what you promised. Tell me you still trust me and this lies won’t affect our relationship. You’re going to stay by my side right?” He says without embarrassed. His eyes also getting wet as he hopes she will say those things- but he knows it won’t happen.

She slaps his hand with harsh while he waits for her replies.

“I was fool to trust you. I was blind to love you. I was deaf to hear your lies.” She cries.

“You’re trying to break apart my family and now you want me to be by your side? You are cruel, Bang Cheolyong. You betrayed me and now you want me to betray my family? If you want to be traitor, then go but don’t pull me to be one of your kinds. It’s disgusting.” She spats to him while Cheolyong curves a smirk.

“I guess I am.” He laughs, didn’t deny it.

“You still can laugh at this moment? Don’t you ever felt guilty for your dad? You’re wasting his efforts to be a good father as he thought you will be a good man when you grow up. But you didn’t instead you’re wasting your time with your grudge. You hurt everyone at your surroundings. I’m sure he disappointed with you.” She states about his father while he smiles bitterly.

“Well, at least I have a job. Not like you, depends on your father without using your own effort. Aren’t you shame on yourself?” He mocks her.

A loud slap on his cheek was heard. His cheek becomes red within seconds. Everyone was shocked.

“Get lost!” She shouts.

“You’re not the one I love. I didn’t even know you anymore. You are more evil than I think. You don’t deserve to live in this world. I just wish you will get stab and die. We don’t need you in this world.” She is mad at him.

His heart was broken into pieces, his eyes stares at her mad face.  Her words were like knife stabbing his heart. It was pain.

“If you say so, then I hope your wish will come true. I’ve also curious if your wish will come true or not. Let us see how it is going to be, am I going to die helplessly or live happily. Then, I’ll take my leave now. Thanks for the dinner tonight, it was delicious.” He grabs his coat and bows at them. He curves a smile and leaves right away as she what she wants.

After he exits the house, he slides out his phone from his pocket. He pushes the number and waiting for the person to pick up his call.

“Hello, Bang Cheolyong… I’m glad you called.”

“I’ll take the job.”

“Woah, at last you’re making up your decision wisely.”

“What I have to do now?”

“Come here, let us celebrate your presence in our group.”

“Okay. I’m on my way.”


One year later…


“Catch him!” Two cops chase him while he flawlessly runs away from them which make there so many gaps between them.

He wears his black hoodie and quickly enters a club, full with people dancing to music echoed in that place. He curves a smile as he didn’t saw the two cop’s shadows behind him anymore. They lost him.

“Tch, as I thought, it was easier.” He rolls his eyes and ascends the emergency stairs.

He takes out those drugs and counts it to see how many lefts. Suddenly, someone bumps his shoulder, his drugs fell from his hands. He sighs and quickly picks up the drugs but without a warning, handcuffs caught his hand.

Cheolyong looks up and grins.

“Cheondung hyung.” He smiles cheekily.


They sit in Cheondung’s car; Cheolyong plays around with his seat as if he never sits in the car before while Cheondung annoyed with his attitude.

“Stop it.” His friend says in serious tone while Cheolyong only smiles at him and stops what he has been doing.

“Where did you go after a year? You never contact me even once. I’ve been searching for you.” Cheondung said while Cheolyong scratches his head.

“Sorry for not informed you that I will move away from my apartment. I need to run away before Nana sends me a letter from court. Sorry…” He apologizes while smile still plasters on his face.

“She sends you letter from court?”

“Em, letter said I need to stay away from her sister or there an action will be taken since I’ve involved in her case. I guess it can’t be helped right? Owh yeah, how is my mom?” He asks.

“She’s okay. They’ve been busy preparing their wedding.” He answers.

“Owh really? Good. Ah, look at the time now. I must go.” Cheolyong tries to get off from the car but Cheondung stops him.

“Don’t you want to know how Jia is after you left?” He asks, Cheolyong’s smile disappears.

“No.” He gives a short reply.

“She doesn’t need me. She can live without me. Besides, we’re not related.”

“You are.” Cheolyong turns look at his friend.

“You guys will be step-sibling.” Cheondung sounds serious.

“Hahaha. I forgot my mom going to marry her dad. I’m such forgetful. It can’t be help since I haven’t visit my mother for a year. Wow, time fly so fast than I think.” He laughs again as if Cheondung said something funny.

“Are you really going let her go?” Cheolyong stays silent and leans on his original place.

“She said I only have one more chance and I blew it. We’re not meant to be. If we were, I won’t do stupid mistake and we won’t let each other go. This is life hyung. Sometimes, we need to let go something we love too. What I want right now is let my mom happy with her life. That’s all I can do for my dad.” He smiles bitterly.

“Their wedding will be held this Saturday. Are you going to attend?”

“I’m still considering about it. No one invites me to go there but I want to see my mom’s face before she gets married. I’ll think about it.”

“Cheolyong-ah” Cheondung calls out his name, Cheolyong turns looks at him.

“Don’t ruin your life with this job. You can start a new life. Doesn’t mean she leaves you, your life going to be pointless. I’m still by your side.” He advices him while Cheolyong lefts of a chuckles.

“Hyung, if I leave this job, how can I live? I need money and this job is jackpot. Who don’t want money?” He pauses.

Cheolyong takes out a box of cigarette and stick out at his lips.

“And hyung, you’re never by my side.” He lights up his cigarette and blew the smokes out. Cheondung furrows his brows, mad with his words.

“You’re not by my side but hers. Jia was the one you stay with.” Cheondung bits his lips, Cheolyong keeps inhales and exhales the cigarette on his lips.

“I know you love her. You want to protect her from hurting, that is why you record my confession. We’ve loved her for years, I already have my chance. Now it’s yours. It’s time for you to take your chance, don’t let her go. She’s lucky to have you.” He exhales heavily.

“I have to go.” He quickly gets off from the car and closes the door. He throws his cigarette and steps on it.

Without hesitates, he walks away without goodbye to his friend.


Seungho rolls his body to the left side on his bed.

“Oppa… Wake up…” Nana shakes Seungho’s body, he closes his ear with his pillow.

“Why? Aren’t we still in our honeymoon? I’m sleepy right now.” He tries to sleep again but she keeps shakes his body.

“Oppa… Wake up… It’s already morning…” She pouts.

“Give me 10 minutes.”

“No! Today is our last day here. I don’t want you spend time here by sleeping all day alone.” She pulls his hand but he didn’t move instead he pulls her. Her body stumbles and fell on the bed besides him.

“Then let’s spend time together on this bed.” He wraps his arms around her waist while his eyes still closed.

“I don’t want to. Let’s go to beach. I want to go beach.” She pouts. He opens his eyes and smiles at her.

“We already went to the beach yesterday. Haven’t you had enough?” He asks.

“No.” She shook her head.

“I don’t want to go there anymore Nana-ah. It’s hurting me.” He declines.

“Why? It just a beach. Aren’t we having fun yesterday?”

“You are but not me. It’s hurt me seeing other guys watching my wife.” He pulls her in embrace.

“You’re mine now. I can’t let other guys touch you.” He whispers.

“Aish, you’re jealous again.” She smiles.

“Of course I am. I’m your husband now.” He laughs.

She pulls away from him and stares at his eyes as he slowly to kiss her lips. She avoids it.

“Why?” He asks, confused with her action.

“You didn’t brush your teeth yet. I don’t want to kiss you.” She teases him while he gives her playful glares at her.

“Ooo… now you want to avoid me. Let see how long you can avoid me.” He tickles her body.

“Okay-okay.” She gives in while he stops tickling her.

She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. He curves a victory smile and replies to her kiss. He showers kisses on her neck and kisses her lips back. He turns his body around makes him on top of her. He playfully bits her lips which makes her slaps his shoulder.

As their kiss getting deep, her phone rings. Seungho pulls away and sighs.

“I thought I told you to off your phone.” He furrows his brows while she bits her lips.

“Sorry…” She smiles.

“Just one minute.” She pouts.

“Don’t want. I want to get bath.” He quickly get off from the bed and grabs towel.

“Don’t be mad oppa. Oppa…” She rushes towards him.

“I want to.” He enters the bathroom and quickly closes the door before she could get in.

“Oppa… You take my towel. Not yours.” She chuckles as she realizes he takes wrong towel.

He opens the door and sticks out his head.

“Give me my towel.” He lowers his head, embarrassed. His cheek was red.

“Okay, but you can’t be mad at me anymore.” She puts her hands at her waist.

“Fine.” He rolls his eyes. They both chuckle and look at each other.


“Cheondung-ah!” Jia waves her hand at him. She smile at him, he waves his hand at her back.

She rushes to him and sits beside him.

“I’m sorry for late. I have so many jobs to do. You know my father right?” She smiles.

“You look great today.” He compliments her. She wears formal cloth with heels, she really stands out even though she wear normal cloth.

“Thanks. Have you order drinks yet?”

“Yes. I already order for you too.” He nods, entwines his hands. He clenches his hands, he didn’t sit still.

“Jia-ah…” She watches him with cheeky smile.

“I- I met Cheolyong today.” He confesses while her smile disappears from her happy face.

It has been one year she never see him. The guy she love the most and the guy hurt her the most. She really wants to see him, she missed him so much but she can’t back out from her words. She has to thicken her face. She has pride too.

“Really? He didn’t die yet?” She curves a fake smile.

“How can you say like that? You’re the one search him in this whole year. Don’t you want to see him?” He asks her. He knows she’s lying.

“I never want to see him. He destroys my future and my family. I won’t forgive him no matter what happens.” She promises herself.

“Then, do you love him?”

“I don’t.”

“Jia, don’t be stupid. I don’t want you to regret. Go look for him.” He’s advices her.

“No. What done is done. I won’t back out from my words.” Stubbornly she stays with her words. Cheondung sighs, both of them really stubborn. He doesn’t know what to do anymore.

“After this, I’ll go see his mom. I need to settle their wedding’s venue.” She smiles while he shook his head.


Cheolyong peeks at the luxurious venue, searching for someone.

“Excuse me sir, but who are you searching for?” One of staff in the venue asks him. He curves a smile and scratches his head.

“Well, I- I just want to look.” He smiles.

“Cheolyong-ah…” He turns looks at person’s voice. It was his mom’s. He curves a smirk at his mom. The staff walks away and let them alone.

“Where have you been this whole time?” She asks him.

“I’ve busy with my work lately. Sorry I didn’t visit you.” He bows at his mom.

“What are you doing here?”

“I met Cheondung and he said you’re going to get married this Saturday. So, I was thought I want to peek at your wedding’s venue, so that I could see you wear wedding dress for the second time. I’m sure you look pretty. And because of your pretty face, dad decides to marry you.” She gazes at him as he suddenly said about her ex-husband.

“Dad told me before he died.” He chuckles. She lowers her head and slides out her hands in her bag. She takes out an envelope and passes it to him.

“Why don’t you come this Saturday? I need you to come. Aren’t you my son?” He confused with her words and takes the envelope from her.

“But I don’t think I can. I’m really busy.” He declines her invitation.

“Please come, I want you to see me in wedding dress.” She smiles at him.

“I have to go now.” She walks away from him, leaving him speechless.

He feels vibrate in his pocket. He quickly takes out his phone and put near his ear.

“Hello?” He answers.

“Where are you? There’s so many work need to be done. Sangmin wants you to come here, now.”

“Okay. I will be there in 5 minutes.” He takes a glance at his mom before he leaves.


“Why did you call me?” Cheolyong asks.

“I want you to accompany Jinhwan to go somewhere.” He smokes his cigarette.

“For what?”

“You’ll know.” Cheolyong rolls his eyes.

He follows Jinhwan and exits the back door. As he observes they are walking to dark alley. He notices a guy wearing black hoodie same as them. They both walk to him.

“Where’s the money?” Jinhwan asks they guy while Cheolyong covers them, didn’t want let anyone see.

“Jin-Jinhwan, I don’t have money. Please let me go.” The guy begs.

“What? Are you trying to fool me? We already give you one month!” He shouts while Cheolyong observes them from afar.

Jinhwan takes penknife from his pocket and stabs the guy on the stomach. Cheolyong eyes widen, shocks what he seen. He rushes at them and grabs Jinhwan’s collar.

“Are you crazy?! Since when did Sangmin ask you to kill him?” He screams at him.

“We don’t need this guy anymore, we’re wasting our time for this stupid guy.” He kicks the guy he stabbed as the guy lying on the ground helplessly.

“Stop! You better stop doing that.” He pushes Jinhwan from the guy.

“Why? You want to take his side?! Remember Cheolyong, you’re one of this kind. You should be glad Sangmin let you off because you’re his friends.” He points the sharp penknife full with blood at him.

“He should be killed because he was useless.” He snorts at Cheolyong while Cheolyong’s trembling seeing the guy was taking his last breath. He is going to die soon after more minutes.

“Now help me removes this corpse.” Jinghwa squats down and pulls the guy’s body while Cheolyong stares at the corpse.

“What are you doing? Help me now!” He shouts at him. Before Cheolyong getting near the corpse, they heard someone accidentally kicks trash can. They quickly turn look at the where noise caome from.

“Who?!” Jinhwan shouts.

“Yah! Go check! If there is someone, catch that person and kills the person. Before someone reports about us.” He pushes Cheolyong’s body to go.

 Cheolyong runs towards the person and leaves Jinhwan to manage the corpse.

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Chapter 13: WOW is a bittersweet ending, sweet because Seungho and Nana, are happy toguether, but bitter because Bang Chulyoung die, rather Jia and Nana's father sends someone to kill him. In any case i love your story ^^
muchLove #2
Chapter 13: Aww it ended now. Thank you for this great fic.
Its really sad to know that they couldnt be with one another in the end.
Chapter 13: AH DAMN ! Y DID BANG BANG CHULYOUNG DIEDDDDDDDD -.- I like the Part 1 ~
Chapter 13: WHAT????? NO NO NO............ mir dont die........ please...... arrgghhhh..... I'm crying now............. Mir.................... hixhixhixhixhix......... but its already end...... sad ending..... u have nice story.... I hope u will write mir fanfic again... hahahhah with happy ending hahhaha..... once again u did good job.... gonna miss u
hua thank u for the credits hahah i will always support u ^^
muchLove #5
Chapter 11: It that next chapter is the final chapter.
I'm curious on what's gonna happen
Chapter 11: what? it will end?? next chapter is final chapt??? huaaa....... I will miss your story... I hope happy ending.... ^0^
muchLove #7
Chapter 10: I loved the Nana-Seungho moments. His so sweet towards her. Hope Mir will be okay and that someone will help him.
Chapter 10: yes u update again... I'm very happy :) oh My God.... so complicated... but i like this story.... I hope they will good..... please someone help mir..... please update soon ok??? Fighting!!!!
Chapter 9: I don´t think that Nana is the evil one, she is saying that beacause she is angry whith Mir, and in the case off she was evil, Mir is not the perfect person to told her that e.e Anyway I hope more moments between Seungho and Nana
muchLove #10
Chapter 9: Never thought Nana would be like that. Can you have more Seungho-Nana moments please? Maybe the cute loving moments :) eventhough theres so many problems.
Can't believe Mir will do that to Jia.