Chapter 7.

My Puzzle Fixer

Suddenly, i feel someone behind me. He reach out his hand and help me. I could feel his breathing. His body was press down to my body.My cheeks started turn pink.

"Here. If you need help,next time call me or Kyung. Why are you eating at night ?"


I got cut.

"Just call me Jinyoung."

"Oh..ok...Jinyoung. I was hungry, so i went to the kitchen to find food. Then there's only ramen. so i search for the pot. It's in that top cabinet.But what are you doing here by the way?"

Jinyoung just nodded.

"I was thristy so i went to the kitchen then i saw you reaching out for that pot(point the pot) I'll help you."

Jinyoung help me with the cutting while i prepare the table.Once the ramen is cook, we bring a small table to the living room and ate there.While we both were scooping at the same time, there's one noodle that we both scoop but we didn't know about it.

We slurp and slurp when one of the noodle make our faces to be as close as possible.I pause. I look into his eyes and he look at mine. We both stare at each other. Then I heard Kyung voice.

"Ya~I smell Ramen. Are you guys ....."


"Ya~I smell Ramen. Are you guys ....."

Jinyoung quickly cut the noodle and we slurp it. Acting like nothing happen, we continue eating,

"Why didn't you call me out ? I'm hungry. Let me have some."

Kyung grab the chopstick away from you and eat the Ramen away. The living was quiet. Only sound of Kyung slurping the noodle.You take the remote control that was on the table and on the tv. When you were watching some variety shows, you sense someone looking at you. You try to look and you saw Jinyoung looking at you. But everytime you turn your head, Jinyoung would look at other place. All you were thinking was "Do Jinyoung like me ?" But you know that he won't.


/burp/ Kyung burp. "Wow. I'm full. Thanks guys."

Kyung walk away. You and Jinyoung look at him walking away.

"Kyung would never change. Here,i'll wash the dishes. Why don't you clean the table?"

Jinyoung gave you smile. You nodded and do the task that was given. After everything was cleared, you went back to your room and read some books. You fall asleep afterwards.

The next morning, Kyung woke you up.

"WAKE UP !! Aren't you gonna sent me to the Airport. Come on wake up sleepy head."

Kyung take the blanket away from you. You were freezing. You woke up and went to the bathroom to freshen.

Once done getting ready, you went outside seeing Jinyoung sitting down. He look at you and smile sweetly.

"Alright, let's go."

In the car, you were feeling sad that Kyung gonna leave you alone with his friend.

"________, why do sad? Come on. It just about 1-2 weeks i'll be there. Maybe months. But i'm not sure. Maybe i'll be back earlier than usual. Just remember my smile. My greasy smile ok?"

You nodded. "Please buy me something there."

Kyung laugh and nod. "No problem. Anything for my little sister,"


Three of you were waiting when a voice say over the speaker : "The flight to Japan is now allowed to be boarded. Please go to your respective gates. Thank You."

It's Kyung plane. He bid goodbye to you and Jinyoung and enter the gates. You wave and wave till Kyung were no where to be seen.Then you felt hands patting your shoulder.

"Let's go home."

You nodded and followed Jinyoung. Jinyoung hail a taxi and you both went home safely. But the trip home was very quiet. No one speak accept the radio was on and the taxi driver talking on the phone.

Once you arrive home, you quickly went inside your room.You called Bora and told her that Kyung wasn't around this few weeks or so and you wanted to go out with her.

"______, wanna come my house now ? I'm bored. Just come for awhile. We can nail polish each other nails."

You agreed and go out without telling Jinyoung, Jinyoung heard the door and went out to check. He saw your room door open.

He sigh.

After you and Bora do some activities at home, Bora wanted to bring you clubbing. So you agree.It was your first time there.

You dance and meet other people. You even drink about 2 glass of beer and just that you were drunk. You didn't know that you can't handle drinking beer.But you still continue buying for more. Bora have to stop you from drinking. She bring you out of the club and hail a taxi.

"I think i would get scolded if Kyung or even his friend knew i bring her here. Ya~________, why you drink so much when you can't handle it ?"

Trip home, Bora look at you. You were sweating all over. She touches your forehead and found out you were having high fever. She panic.

She quickly pay the taxi driver. She help you walk all the way till Jinyoung house. Bora knock.

Chapter 7 ^^

Hope you all enjoy it.

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BlockBC #1
Omo please update soon^_^ it's a really great story
awww Jinyoung he's so mad now plz update soon
nice story! update soon!