Chapter 4.

My Puzzle Fixer

"______!_____! Come here. I want you to meet someone.My friend."

You walk to the living room.

"This is Mr Hwanhee. And Mr Hwanhee, this is my daughter,__________."

You and him shake hands. Your mum went to the kitchen to take drinks for the both of you. While you both were alone in the living room, you caught Mr Hwanhee looking at you, up and down. He stare at you and then his lips.You quickly take a pillow and put it on your lap.

"Here's the drinks. Come and drink up."

You wanted to take your own glass but your mum smack your hand.

"No. This is yours. That glass is Mr Hwanhee's."

You feel puzzle as to what the difference between the glass. But you didn't know that your mum put a pill in your drink. You drink it.Since you are thirsty after the shouting and crying, you finish up the drink.You put your glass on the table. Few minutes later, you touch your forehead. You massage it.

"What happen ?" "I don't know. I feel so giddy all of a sudden. Do you put ....."

You fall asleep.

"______?_____?(while shaking your body) Looks like the sleeping pills work. Such an easy plan. Now, you can carry her to her room. She's your for tonight. How many hours would you take ? "

"Well, it might be long. I'll see how. I'll pay you afterwards."

Mr Hwanhee went to the couch and carry you bridal style all the way to your room.

Once at your room, Mr Hwanhee place you on the bed. Soon, all your clothes were all on the floor. You were fully . He did the same too. Then he start to have with you.

3 hours have past, Mr Hwanhee got out of the room and to the living room. Your mum were there counting money.

"Eh! Here's the payment. $250. I gave you extra cash. It was fun. Thank you. We will meet soon."

The smile on your mum face were bright.

"Thank you." Your mum then smell the money.

"So _______, how was it?"

Your mum who was standing at your door smiling brightly.

" How ...... H.... How could you do this to your own daughter ? I'm your daughter for god sake. What kind of mother are you?"

The only reply you get was a laugh. She approach you and grab your hair. You started to shout in pain. Wanting to rescue yourself, it was useless. Your hand were tied with the bed.

"Shout all you want. No one could help you. You see this money ? Thank you. You can have half of it for your hard work."

Your mum put the money on the table and walk off without helping to untie you. You started to cry.

Chapter 4 ^^

Sorry this chapter is short. Got school tomorrow.

Hope you all readers enjoy it.

Do comment and subsribe. Don't hide yourself ^^

I'll try to continue my fics tomorrow.

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BlockBC #1
Omo please update soon^_^ it's a really great story
awww Jinyoung he's so mad now plz update soon
nice story! update soon!