Chapter 1.

My Puzzle Fixer


Walking down the street not knowing what to do with my life now. It was the last day of school. I kick a can of coke that was on the floor, like it was a soccerball. Putting my hands in my jeans pocket to keep my hands warm. I keep on thinking what Chunji was doing. He didn't call me or even meet me for 1 week. Is he cheating on me ? He wanna break up with me ? Those question have always been in my head eversince we didn't meet this few days. I shook it off and continue kicking the can. I then felt a vibration. I checked my phone. It was Chunji who sent the message, I started to smile. I key in my password to unlock my phone. I read the message happily .

"Hey,_____. It's your birthday today. Why don't you come over to my house and celebrate. L.Joe , Ricky , CAP , Niel and Changjo would be there. See ya soon. Bye "

I fasten my speed. Wanting to went in, i called my brother, Kyung, to check if my mum is home. Luckily, she weren't home yet. Going in the house, walking pass Kyung's room as fast as i can and into my room. I smile all the way. But tired to since i walk home as fast as i could.

I open my closet to check if there's any dress but there ain't one. I panic. I went to grab my phone and dial Bora's number.

"Hey Bora. Are you free right now ?" " Yea.why ?" "I'm celebrating my birthday with Chunji and his friends at his house tonight. i can't find a perfect clothes to wear." "What ?! he called you ? atlast ! okok! I'll come now. Wait !"

I put down the phone and went  to check if mum was home yet. Hoping that mum would be home when me and Bora have left the house. I don't wanna hear her nagging. She always bring a new guy home and she would seldom be drunk. The worst part ever was her at night having with a unknown guy. After that , she got paid for. Me and Kyung can't do anything. The only thing we could do right now is bare with it.


There was a knock on your window. It was Bora. Looks like she climb up using the ladder that is always place near my window. I let her in. She didn't even say 'Hello' , she just rush to my closet and find a perfect outfit for me to wear.

"Hmmmm...This is not good."

Her sighing makes me panic that i won't look plesant tonight.

"Yes! I find it."

She gave me a skirt and a cute looking shirt for me to wear it. After wearing it, Bora help me with the makeup and my hair. The make over took around an hour. I thank Bora for her help and followed her out of the house, She walk me to Chunji house as she live around the corner.

"Call me when you are home. Tell me everything that happen ok. By the way, Happy Birthday ^^"

I smile and hug her.

"Thank you."

We bid our goodbyes. I see her figure fade away. Once Bora was no where to be seen, i took the lift up to Chunji house. Walking down the corridor with a smile on my face. I was standing infront of Chunji house and take in a deep breath.I then knock on the door.

Hello there ^^

Done with my chapter 1. How is it ??

Do comment and Subscribe my fics and also read both of my friends fics.

Unexpected debt of love :


My Secret Slave :


Thank you and ENJOY !!

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BlockBC #1
Omo please update soon^_^ it's a really great story
awww Jinyoung he's so mad now plz update soon
nice story! update soon!