Chapter 3.

My Puzzle Fixer

Your POV

We were all talking when we heard someone was unlocking the door. I got up to check who was that.

"That must be Chunji." Changjo who was following me to the door.My jaw drop. I saw Chunji but he was not alone. Beside him was Hwayoung,

My friend who betrayed me and now she is taking my boyfriend. I push her away from Chunji.

"What the are you doing here? And why are you with Chunji?!" "Uhmmm, excuse me. But why can't i be with him? It's not like you are the only girl that can be with him."

I look at her. Then my hands wanted to slap her face. So i do. But Chunji grab my wrist.

"Who gave you permission to touch her ?" Chunji who was still in a drunk state.

"Chunji, what is wrong with you. Why are you protecting Hwayoung. ____ is your girlfriend ok not this (pointing to Hwayoung)"

CAP shouted at Chunji. I started to cry. Changjo went to me and comfort me.

" You ! My girlfriend?(pointing at you) Hahahahhaha!! That must be a joke. She as people girlfriend, i don't think they can make it. Who want her. come on. Hwayoung is better. hahaha! why don't you just get out of my house. s are not allowed to step in my house. Now, go !"

I look at Chunji. Tears were flowing out. I wipe it.

"Me ? A ?" I clear my throat.

"Look whose the now?(looking at Hwayoung) Ohh, now i know. This few days you have been with this woman right ? Behind my back ? Wow ! Chunji! than how about me? You think i am a doll? First you like me then you put me at the side and find a new wants ? Say something! "

End of Your POV

"_____,_____,______. Pointing fingers when you are at fault. You didn't take care of your own boyfriend, so be it. Another thing. It wasn't Chunji who told you to come here. It's me. I just wanted to give a surprise birthday present. You like it don't you ? Happy Birthday"

Hwayoung smile brightly at you like she won something and you didn't.

CAP walk to the dining table and take the cake that was there eversince.

"Look Chunji. Before you go, let's just sing a birthday song for _____. We bake cake for her."

Chunji approach CAP and look at the cake. He gave a smirk and then drop the cake on the floor.

The cake was smash on the floor.

"Look at my mouth. I DON'T CARE ! Let's go Hwayoung."

Hwayoung walk and hit your shoulder. Then she whisper : "Opps, looks like i won."

Both of them went up to Chunji's room. You covered your mouth with both of your hands and got out of the house.  Changjo , Ricky , Niel and L,Joe wanted to help you but CAP stop them.

You were walking down the street slowly. The flashback of how Chunji saying all those stuff were in your head. Tears starting to form. You wipe it off. You were dazing when you wanted to cross the road when a car horn you and you avoid it. Your heart were beating fast.

Lucky you didn't get knock down, but you wish you were.Walking home was sad for you as memories of you and Chunji were flashback.

Outside of the house, you wipe your tears and take a deep breath. You wanted to just forget about it but you can't. You got in and acted like nothing happen.

"I'm home."

Wanting to take the stairs up to your room,your mum who was at the living room called you.

"____!____! Come here. I want you to meet someone. My friend."

Tadah CHAPTER 3 !!

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BlockBC #1
Omo please update soon^_^ it's a really great story
awww Jinyoung he's so mad now plz update soon
nice story! update soon!