-Chapter 21-

Blind Lovers

Irene's pov 

I grip Moonbyul's hand a bit tighter as we approach the table to see the girls looking at us curiously, but we ignore the stares. "What took you guys so long?" Wendy asks with an eyebrow raised and the girls silently wait for our response. "We were just talking about something, but let's talk about something else." I say and take a seat next to Byul as she holds my hand under the table.

"So who made the first move?" Wheein asked with a smile and this made my face heat up. "Moonbyul did." I say looking at my food as Moonbyul chuckles at me. "Cute." I hear Moonbyul mutter under her breath and I slap her shoulder and she pulls me closer to her. "Awww!" The girls gush over us and I hide my face in her neck whining, feeling embarrassed.

We continue to talk enjoying dinner, but I could definitely feel Solar's eyes on us, especially on Moonbyul. I wasn't sure if it was the jealousy I felt or if it was the drink, but I definitely wasn't thinking when I pecked Moonbyul near the lips in front of the girls. Moonbyul looked at me with shock, but she wasn't the only one. "Please keep the PDA out of the children's sight." Wendy said with a smile and I look away.

"Not that I didn't enjoy that, but are you okay?" Moonbyul leaned over and whispered in my ear making sure the girls couldn't hear us. "I'm fine." I replied while looking at my food, but I could feel Moonbyul's eyes on me. "Will you sleep with me at home?" Moonbyul asked so calmly, but that had completely caught me off guard. "What?" I asked in disbelief as she smiled. "Will you sleepover at my house." She says with a chuckle quietly waiting for my answer. "Y-yeah ." I say quietly, but I hear the girls quietly giggling at us.

After paying for the dinner we made our way outside, but it was proven hard when all we could see was the flash from the cameras. I fee Moonbyul pull me closer to her as I hold on to her shirt feeling dizzy. "We're almost there don't worry." I hear Byul say as she covers me with her jacket. "Are you dating Irene?!" Someone shouted from the crowd, but we continue to walk to Moonbyul's car.

I can feel people beginning to crowd us even more and I feel someone touch me. "Hey back up!!" Moonbyul yelled pushing the guy off that had just touched me. I felt myself shaking from fear, but fortunately Moonbyul open the door for me and I went inside quickly. I look up to see Moonbyul arguing with the man who had touched me.

"Don't ever lay a hand on her!" I hear Moonbyul yell as she made her way inside the car. It was silent for a moment before she broke it. "Are you okay?" She asks softy and I nod my head not wanting to talk about it. "Don't worry we'll be home soon." She says and takes off driving, but fortunately the people moved out of the way.

Music was playing, but no words were spoken and I knew Moonbyul was mad at that douche bag. Once we've arrived at her dorm she held my hand gently and we made our way inside her home. As soon as the door had closed I was pulled into a hug and I hide my face in her neck feeling safe.

"I'll be here to protect you." She whispers softy and I knew she would. She carries me to her bedroom and gives some of her clothes to wear and immediately change as she does the same. We lay down and cuddle, but I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight Joohyun." I hear Moonbyul say leaving a kiss on my forehead before I fell asleep.

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