The truth pt.2


"There's a way to save him?! And you waited until now to say it?! I swear you're lucky Joong isn't letting me kill you right now."

Yeosang said, trying hard not to go at Mingi, his eyes flashed gold and threatning.

Mingi remained calm, looking at San with urgency.

"You need to choose right now. Much longer and the bullet will kill you."

San nodded. "Whatever it takes, if th-there's a change that I-I'll make it, I'm in."

Mingi looked at Wooyoung for one last confirmation. When Wooyoung gave him a firm nod, Mingi turned back to San.

"You have to sacrifice your demon."

"W-what do you mean?" San could barely breathe at this point.

"The bullet that's in you? That's a special bullet. It's designed to kill demons, specifically demons. That fact that you're partially an angel is the only reason why you're still alive. This bullet would have killed a regular demon." Mingi explained, talking fastly. "If you choose to sacrifice the demon in you, you might make it. The angel in you is left unharmed, so if you choose to sacrifice your demon there's a chance you'll survive."

"But..?" San asked, seeing as Mingi had more to say.

"But, there's also a chance that the demon in you has corrupted the angel, meaning your angel is a demon too. In that case," he took a breath. "In that case you might die anyway."

San and Wooyoung exchanged looks, while the rest stayed in silence. Yeosang looked like he's gonna jump Mingi at any moment now. Asking San to sacrifice his demon, was like asking someone to give away a huge piece of himself. And Yeosang was slowly losing control. When Joong looked that Yeosang's hair turned pink, he held his sides with both his arms.



Yeosang looked at Joong with gold eyes, angry and unmoving. Joong didn't bat an eye, changing his eyes to dangerous yellow.

"Yeo, I suggest you calm down before you challenge a senior demon. Relax with your attitude when you look at me," he said. "AND if you even dare growl at me, I promise you'll regret it." His horns started showing slowly.

They were staring at each other intensely until San spoke up.

"I'll gi-give it up." His voice was barely a whisper. "The demon, I'll give it up. I never wanted it anyway." 

Yeo and Joong looked at him and then at each other, calming down and turning to Mingi. 

"W-what do I h-have to do?" San was getting weaker and weaker.

"Focus on the demon in you." San closed his eyes. "Try to bring him to the surface. I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna hurt like a b*tch but that's the only way to kill your demon and only him. So focus."

San was shutting his eyes tightly. Bringing his demon to the surface was a lot more painful than he thought. His demon already extremely wounded and angry, did not wanna take control fearing it'd die. 

"San you have to bring him now or you'll die." Mingi instructed. "Is there a way to make his demon surface faster?" 

Wooyoung looked at San's struggling face. He sighed.

"Yes there's a way." He looked at Jongho. "I need your sword. Now."

Jongho unglamoured his sword handing it to Wooyoung. They watched as Wooyoung rolled up his sleeve and very gently made a small cut on his arm. He quickly put his bloody hand on top of San's mouth and watched as two blood drops fell onto his lips. 

San eyes suddenly opened. He red eye bloodier than ever, his demon completely on the loose. He held Wooyoung's arm in his hands so tightly, his claws left marks there. His horns, wings and tail were out too, showing everyone his true form. Suddenly, he turned to Yunho. Yeosang looked at Yunho as well.

"Yunho," Yunho could barely breathe. "Yunho you need to calm down. You're only making him go nuts cause of your fear. Relax Yunho."

Yunho was nowhere near relaxed. So Mingi came closer.

"Yun, look at me." Yunho lifted his shaky eyes to meet Mingi's. "That's right, I'm here. And I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you I promise. San is not really himself at the moment and you need to be brave for him to make it okay?"

"I-I can't. I can't Gi I'm too scared." Yunho was on the verge of tears. "I can't I'm so-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence cause Mingi put his lips to Yunho kissing him softly.

Yunho gasped softly, his eyes closing slowly. In all the times he imagined kissing Mingi this was definitely not how he pictured it. With his face filled with tears, while San was literally dying next to him and when he doesn't know if he could even trust Mingi. 

But even with all that, the kiss was perfect. Perfect wasn't even enough to describe the feeling of Mingi's soft lips against his. When Mingi rubbed his back comfortingly, all intensity in his body left and he focused solemnly on Mingi. 

When they parted, Mingi rubbed his cheek, wipping some tears away.

"I know this is a bad time, but I've been in love with you since we were kids." Mingi smiled softly. "You are my family, my home, my one true love. And I know you're not an angel nor a demon, but I truly believe that we're soulmates. That we're meant to be together." He saw a year slip down Yunho's cheek. "Now I know I'm not very trustworthy right now, but I promise you I'll explain as soon as I can. Hopefully you'll understand." He lowered his head, feeling ashamed.

Yunho was about to respond when they heard a loud growl and a soft whine that followed. Turning around, they saw San was holding Wooyoung by his arm way too strongly, growling at Yeosang cause he came too close.

"How long is it till the demon dies?" Yeosang asked after Jongho saved his from being bitten by San.

Mingi turned to San seeing his state and then looked at Wooyoung.

"You need to make him fight." He said with a firm voice. "You're his soulmate you need to make his demon cave, YOU need to tell him to fight his demon cause it looks like he's giving up."

Wooyoung turned to San, his eyes filled with tears cause of stress and pain.

"S-sanie?" The demon didn't even spare him a glance. "Sanie I know you're in there, I need you to fight." He took San's face in his hands, the demon confused. "Remember me Sanie, remember I love you. You promised we'll get a house and start a family right?" The demon blinked, focused. "What if I told you we'll be a family really soon? That our dream is so close? But I need you to be here with me, cause I can't do this alone, I can't. Come back Sanie, come back angel." Wooyoung cried, everyone in the background sniffing or wipping their tears.

San's demon looked at Wooyoung, his eyes welling with tears as he growled one last time, Sanie's body falling back to the ground. Everyone made a step closer to them, trying to see if San was breathing, if he was looking at them. If he had that mischievous smirk on his face. If he had the warm look in his eyes, so weird but comforting in a demon. Hoping to see their Sanie back. But all they saw was San's body on the ground seemingly unmoving. Wooyoung was the first one to break, his tears coming loudly and harshly, the sobbs wrecking his small body. He put his head on San's chest, his shoulders shaking with the force of his sobbs. Yunho walked closer to try and comfort him, with tears in his eyes, but stopped halfway.

Wooyoung felt a hand on his head, petting him comfortingly. He smelled the deep rain and forests scent, the scent that was his source of happiness. He didn't lift his head assuming it was Yunho trying to comfort him. That's why when he heard a gasp followed by a pained chuckle that shook his head, his head shot up in shock. 

There, laying on the floor, with his damn smirk, was San. He looked at Wooyoung with adoring eyes, wipping his tears for the hundredth time. Wooyoung was just left speechlessly staring at San in shock.

"I-I don't know if you notice but," his smirk grew bigger. "You're staring."

There was a silence for a second, everyone lifted their heads when they heard San's voice, happy and shocked through their tears. Wooyoung started at San's smirk, the one he hated so much when they first met, and couldn't have been happier to see it. He punched San's chest gently, making sure he doesn't hurt him.

"I hate you." He said through his tears. "I hate you so much."

"Well I love you angel, I love you so much." San's smirk turned to a fond smile. 

Wooyoung threw himself at San, the two of them hugging for a long time. Wooyoung was so happy to feel San's heartbeat and see his smile stretch on his face, revealing his dimples. When they broke apart San held Wooyoung's head in both his hands, looking deeply into his eyes.

"What did you mean?" Wooyoung hummed in question. "What did you mean when you said we're gonna be a family soon?"

Wooyoung looked at San's expectant eyes, so the hope there. He smiled, his eyes filling with tears again.

"I- I'm pregnant Sanie. I'm pregnant and we're gonna have a baby." 

Everything went silent, the world stopped breathing. And then everyone started cheering, happy for the two of them. But, Wooyoung only focused on one person, on one face. San was crying happily, not believing that he's gonna be a father. And with his one true mate, with his perfect soulmate. With his guardian angel.

"I'm-I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked tearfully. "We're gonna have a family?" Wooyoung nodded, crying as well.

San took his head in his hands hand kissed him. He kissed him like he never kissed him before. With all the love and adoration, the hope and excitement at the idea of a family. They were happily sharing kisses until Yeosang spoke up.

"Not to be that b*tch," everyone looked at him. "But I think it's time we stop with all the secrets. I wanna hear what everyone has to say." He looked at Jongho and Mingi." Especially you two."


To be continued...

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Chapter 16: Ever since Mingi's accident, I had a feeling that he knew it was San who attacked him, so that was going to come out sooner or later. But, I wasn't expecting Mingi to get back at him like that, even less in Wooyoung's birthday. Life is unfair. This went downhill.
Chapter 16: Aahhhh whyy u left me here hanging?
Please let them be together in the end ??
Chapter 14: Is it wrong for me to just focus on the two lovebirds? :( I hope it isn't THAT against the universe for a demon to fall for an angel. I don't know what's gonna happen, but please let them be okay
Chapter 13: Are we getting some Seongjoong in the mix?
Chapter 11: Yes, I was waiting for this. Thank you for the update, I enjoyed this chapter.
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update, this was good. I'm guessing Jongho saw them. Things are about to get complicated.
celestemoon #7
Chapter 10: Oof has Jongho seen them, things are about to get awkward
celestemoon #8
Chapter 9: Can't wait to see what happens next!!
celestemoon #9
Chapter 8: oooh I love this story!!
zaprilbabyy #10
Chapter 7: I loved this chapter so much!!! But wooyoung is putting himself and the others in trouble. Now San knows that the cookie and Vanilla sent came from him!