Letter Three—Chanyeol

Paper Airplanes

Dear Baekhyun,


Why do you always date your letters? I’m just wondering that. Not that it’s bad, it’s kinda cute. I never thought of dating my letters (except when I copy you). I can see why you do it though. It keeps track of when they’re sent.

I try my best to be a good friend to Kyungsoo. I would want someone to be there with me too, if I got sick like that. Kyungsoo has Hodgkin’s lymphoma, NOT non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (why are they named so similarly? it’s stupid), he cleared it up for me. There’s a small difference, but it’s still so drastic that it needs its own name. He says hi back, by the way. So does Sehun and Junmyeon. They’re excited to meet you.

Junmyeon is scared to send a letter to his soulmate. He’s gotten letters from him/her (he doesn’t even know if they’re a boy or girl, that’s how bad he wants to avoid it) and he has them somewhere, hidden away. He doesn’t ever talk about his letters, and he’ll shut anyone down who mentions it. I’ve seen it when his mom asks him about the letters (before he moved away) and it wasn’t pretty to say the least. I’m surprised he hasn’t burned them, yet. I think he’s just scared of commitment. Myeonnie hasn’t kept a stable relationship since he was in the 10th grade.

Sehun has no idea what he’ll do with his soulmate. He wants to travel the world before even going to university. He’s a free spirit, I’ll tell you that. He’s a good friend, though. He just has no idea what he wasn’t to do with his life.

I put in one of my university applications in yesterday. It’s for Yonsei, but I don’t think I’ll get in. Only super, super, super smart kids get in and I’ll admit, my grades aren’t the best. My music grade is a 98, I think. I’m applying for music, so maybe I’ll get in if I cross my fingers hard enough. I put a few other applications around the country, mostly in Seoul, Ulsan and Busan (I have family in Seoul, I live in Ulsan and I’m sure Junmyeon will let me crash with him). I did two international ones, but they’re so EXPENSIVE. Why do I have to pay $35,000 for one semester of university? I don’t want to go into debt.

Some boy at my school (he’s in Sehun’s grade) got into an idol company, I don’t know which. It’s a big one, though. I’m jealous, I could have easily gotten into it too. I can sing and dance and prance around a stage. It can’t be that hard to be an idol, right?

Sehun is thinking of becoming an engineer. It suits him, he likes making things with his hands and fixing things. He doesn’t know what type of engineer, but he wants to do something in that field. I’m happy he’s decided what he wants to do now. I know it took me a while to figure out I want to go into music. It took me a few years, but I always played instruments since I was really, really young (like, when I was three). I play guitar and piano, if you were wondering. Maybe I can play for you sometime.

If you can’t come to Ulsan with your brother, I’m more than willing with spending some of my saved money to bring you down here. It shouldn’t be that expensive. (I just checked, it’s 81 bucks for a ticket around Christmas time, you’re all good.)



Park Chanyeol


P.S.: Sorry for ending the letter so abruptly. I stared at the sheet for a few minutes and I had no idea what to write. It felt to me like a good ending.

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Chapter 2: Keep goin baek
Chapter 1: That infant part crack me up???
Chapter 11: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! As I was reading Baekhyun's letters...I couldn't wait to finally get to Chanyeol's first letter to Baekhyun!!!!!!!

Haha! Chanyeol's mom laughing her head off at how many letter's Chanyeol got! Yup! It is like Harry Potter!

HHAHAHHAHA HIS SISTER HAS KIDS FOR BAEKHYUN!!! If he can get the gremlins off her!


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: This was adorable! Just Baekhyun rambling on to his soulmate about everything and nothing.

HA! His brother's comments on kids!
Chapter 9: Aww Baekhyun seems lonely this Halloween.
Chapter 7: I knew Baekhyun was going to be jealous of Jongdae! At least Minseok seems cool and sweet!

Baekhyun is definitely getting frustrated at no response at all from his soulmate.
Chapter 6: HA! Pushing a watermelon out! Not that he is a lady..

Awww Baekhyun is an uncle! Oh yes! he is totally one of those uncles!

HA! I loved his P.S to his soulmate!
Chapter 5: Poor Baekhyun! He turned 18 before Jongdae but the second Jongdae turned 18.. he got letters from his soulmate! And Baekhyun is still getting nothing! I'm surprised Jongdae hasn't rubbed it in his face yet.

"A psycho or the sweetest person ever"! <3

Did Baekhyun JUST COMPARE HIMSELF TO ANNE FRANK?! This boy needs a reply back before he goes off the deep end!