The First Breakfast

A Whole New World (PAUSED)



Breathe in, breathe out…

Bo Mi, clenched her hands. Her knuckles where white with her wild fury as she watched the three disappear into the green foliage. How dare they!

How dare they call me: That girl!

Of course I’m a girl!’ she thought,‘But I’m not thatgirl! I am Bo Mi!’

She turned and stormed away. Already she felt the premonition that it would be a bad day. All she wanted was to go home.

Where are the rescue team? The search party?? Why hadn’t they come yet?

She figured that they should come either today or tomorrow. After all, they had been tossed around the storm for half a day and a full night. They could be anywhere, really!

The search party would look for them at the site where they fell overboard, and then spread out gradually coming this way. They wouldn’t give up. After all, five national celebrities were washed up here as well. They would never give up looking for them!

A waver of doubt nagged at her conscious. She brushed it away.

They would come.

They will come.




Taemin watched Bo Mi as she stomped up the beach, heading towards the rocks and the cliff face. Crazy girl!

She had gone off her head at his hyungs, like a firecracker, or like one of those creepy jack-in-the-boxes that used to terrify him as a child. He shuddered at the memory.

Something caught his eyes. Small dark objects lay on the beach, further down where he sat. He tried to stand, but the hot pain ran down his spine and he sat back down. His stomach cramped and groaned again and his mouth felt dry and smelly.

Ewww, morning breath…

If only he had his toothbrush. Hmm, no matter, I just won’t talk to anyone directly, until we’re rescued!


Taemin jumped and a prickly sensation crept up his skin. Looking slowly behind him he noticed a large green lump on the grass. It hadn’t been there before…


From the high branches of the coconut tree another green lump thudded to the ground.

Ahhh, coconuts!

There was groaning and a high-pitched squeak as Key, who lay beside him, stretched. Taemin froze. He wasn’t sure what to expected from the diva of SHINee, who hated anything dirty or out of place.




Key frowned, his eyes still shut. Why did his bed feel so hard? Did he fall onto the floor again? And where was his precious pillow??

Key groaned and sat up. He must’ve fallen onto the carpet. The carpet was soft and hard at the same time, like this floor.

Hmmmm, I can’t wait to have the pleasure of brushing my teeth!

He rubbed his eyes, wiping away the flecks of sleep. Yawning loudly he opened one eye. A blurry, dark green wall stood before him. He closed his eye again and smiled to himself.

So it was a drea-


There’s no dark, green wall in our dorm!

His eyes snapped open. With horror he found himself looking at the leafage of the jungle behind the field of coconut trees.

His jaw dropped as he stared at the scenery.

No. I-It can’t be true! It… It HAS to be a dream! O-or a hallucination! Yeah, I’m just hallucinating! There’s no way this is real!

“Uh, Key… are you okay?”

Key turned to Taemin, taking in his matted, sandy hair, dry pink face. He realised that he, too, must look like this. Or worse! He thought, as he felt the sunburnt sensation crawling across his skin.

My beautiful skin…

My beautiful self...

Poor beautiful me...


“Uh, hyung?”





Minho paused.

He had just split up from the others in attempt to look for help and food when he heard Key’s shrill scream echoing over the treetops.

What was happening? Were they being attacked?? IS TAEMIN OKAY?!

"TAEMIN! I'm comming!!!"

Minho leapt through the overgrowth towards where the beach was. Branches and vines slapped against his cheeks and his face. He held up his arms to protect his face, but he stumbled. He felt insanely clumsy and slow.

But as he pushed a large leaf to the side he saw the sad and the waves. But where were Key and Taemin? Minho trailed his eyes up the beach, until he saw two figures. One figure was small and sitting down (Taemin). The other was running back and forth yelling, waving his arms around like a floppy doll. That was Key, no doubt.

As Minho jogged towards them, Key suddenly stopped and stood still. He said something to Taemin and then, without another sound, fell limp onto the dry grass.




Jonghyun had heard Key screaming too. He had dived into the undergrowth, bolting towards the fading sound. Fear and worry filled his heart and images ran through his mind.

Cannibals? Pirates? What if-

Jonghyun tripped on a hidden root and went tumbling into a bush. Pulling himself up he felt his shirt ripping.


Suddenly he saw them.


Bright, red berries. They gleamed in the morning light, hanging temptingly off a stumpy weirdly shaped tree. There were hundreds of them, some were green and others a light pink. But the red ones looked the best. He felt himself beginning to drool and thoughts of Key and danger faded away. His empty, shrunken stomach gurgled and his legs felt weak.

One berry. Just one…

He pulled the biggest and nearest one off. It was if it was magnetically drawn to his mouth. He chewed it and almost spat it out. It was sour and made his mouth dry up. He swallowed forcefully. His stomach grumbled happily.

Perhaps I can just have another one… To keep my strength up.

Jonghyun jumped slightly, grabbing another one. He tossed it in his mouth and he swallowed it whole. It tasted all right if you didn’t chew on it. So he took another one, and another and another…

Pretty soon he couldn’t control himself and stood there, stuffing himself with the sour berries, brushing off the mosquitoes around his arms. The thought to wash them and to take some to the others didn’t even cross his mind.




Key opened his eyes for the second time. He had calmed down. A good ol’ faint was what he needed.


What he really needed was a bath, soap, a shower, soap, shampoo, soap, conditioner and sanitiser. Oh and don’t forget soap!

He felt grotty. Dirtier than he had ever felt before. He craved for the feel of steaming hot water running over his clean skin… and to have clean, soft hair.

He felt the urgent need to brush his teeth. No, to brush and clean his mouth smelly, gross mouth. To get the disgusting taste of stale saliva out and to have the clean, minty taste of toothpaste and mouthwash.

“Key! Are you okay?” a nearby voice said.

I looked up to 3 figures. Minho, Taemin and Onew. Onew held something big and… greenish?

“Key, get up! I found some bananas for breakfast!” his cheery voice called out.

Key sat up, brushing away where the sticky tears had fallen.

I want to go home…

Onew peeled the greenish-yellow banana from the small bunch lying next to him and handed it to the whimpering Key. Key took it and chewed on it, expecting it to be unripe and gross.

But instead a sweet mushy taste spread across his tongue and he squeaked in delight. His stomach was empty and sore.

“Eat slowly, Key.” Onew smiled “If you eat too fast and stuff yourself too soon, you’ll get sick!”

“Mmmhhmmm” Key mumbled and forced himself to chew slowly.

Taemin and Minho were finding it hard to do the same. All of them had the impulse to stuff themselves, but they also had the sense to know that being sick on an island would be one of the worst things that could happen. They had no first aid or medicine, so to be sick would be horrible.

Onew and Minho were worried for Taemin. They secretly feared that the wounds on his back would become infected. Onew planned to give him a “cleansing bath” in the ocean later that day.

Onew handed Key one of the freshly fallen coconuts. A hole around the size of a golf-ball sat at the top of the coconut. Creamy milk sloshed around inside. Key wanted to have bottled water instead, something safe to drink, instead of… dirty wild stuff!

His thirst overcame him and he took a sip. Yuummm!

Taking another sip he sloshed the milk around his mouth and swallowed. There now he’ll have coconut breath for the day instead of stale breath. He burped and quickly apologised, to himself of course, for the others were too intent on their breakfast.

“So, uh… where’s the girl? Bo Mi, isn’t it?” Onew stretched, watching the others eat. He didn’t touch any of the bananas.

Taemin shrugged and pointed to the rocks, where a figure crouched and stared intensely out to sea, “Sulking, I guess?”

There was silence for a while. Only the steady crash of the waves and the occasional burp or slurp sounded in the air. They watched as the sun crawled it’s way into the sky, gleaming it’s warmth on the earth after the cold night before. It was calm and peaceful.

“WAIT!” Key held up his hand and looked around anxiously, “Where’s Jonghyun? Where is my Jjong?”




Hmmm, I meant to write a lot more in this chapter, but I’ve already written quite a lot, so it will have to be put in the next chapter!
Wow, I’ve got such silent readers! O.O”
So how are you guys liking the story so far??
I know it’s not exactly dabaek right now, but what do you think?
It's okay to comment you know ~ ^w^

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trob96 #1
Why isn't this story getting more comments? I love it! ^.^ Please Update soon! :)
Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
Love this story can I be a fan???
when will the love bloom? xD
This awesome! I love it!
mickeyee #6
Gaooo~~ I forgot to make you a poster!! asdfghjk -will work on it tomorrow- XDDDD ★ btw: I'm enjoying it~~ hoho
i know~
but the main gir is always he reader~ :P
@Usmile_4eva: I never said that "You", were Bo Mi, although I guess some could read it like that. I'm just writing it from SHINee's point of view. They've never met such a... *unique* girl before! XDD Thanks, I hope you enjoy the rest!

Thank you everyone else for commenting! :)
i still like the story though! :P
YEA! so cruel! making us THAT girl!
and making taemin hurt!! D: