The Medicine

Babysitting the Maknae

The three spent a good portion of their night trying to figure out what had happened to Lisa. When the clock striked 1. They decided to just go to sleep. They still had a whole week left to discover what had happened. As the three went to their respective rooms, Jisoo went to go check on Lisa.

She opened up the door slightly, and was relieved to see Lisa still sleeping. She smiled at the cute sleeping face. Lisa's face was scrunched up and her eyebrows were furrowed, murmuring something in a mere whisper. Jisoo closed the door and headed towards her own room, wanting a good rest after the tiresome day. The three Unnies fell asleep instantly, exhausted from taking care of a little Lisa.

Jennie POV

"Unnie!" What the..."Jennie Unnie!" I hear the yelling getting louder and louder. "UNNIE!" I jolted my eyes open. Who decided to ruin my sleep... Mad was an understatement. But all of those negative emotions disappeared as I saw Lisa on top of me, shaking my arm. When she saw my eyes open, she smiled brightly. "Breakfast Time." I groaned. "Lis, it's only 7 in the morning. Wake me up at 10." I turned and closed my eyes. "NOOO!" "Alright alright, I'm up." Taking care of a kid is hard.

I carried Lisa into the kitchen and sat her upon the counter, her favourite seat for some apparent reason. I sighed. "How come you didn't wake up Chaeyoung or Jisoo Unnie." Lisa shrugged her shoulders. "I like your cooking da best." She smiled cheekily. I gave her my gummy smile and pinched her cheeks. Even when she's a kid, she's cheesy. "Whaddya wanna eat?" I leaned my elbow on the counter. "Ramen!" She cheered. I shook my head. Aish, Jisoo needs to stop. 

Chaeyoung walked into the kitchen as well, hearing all the commotion. "Lisa, you can't eat ramen 24/7, it's not good." Lisa pouted. "Jisoo Unnie said ramen and chicken are good." She protested. Me and Chaeoyung both shook our heads at that. I sighed, I have to have a talk with Unnie about this. "Besides ramen, what else do you want to eat?" I asked, hopefully she won't say ramen again. 

"Pancakes!" I sigh, thank Jisoos. "Alright, I'll make pancakes for you." She cheered and hopped off the counter. She ran into the living room and began to play with one of her stuffed animals. Chaeyoung and I both chuckle at the sight of Lisa talking to them.

"I wonder how long she'll stay like that?" Chaeyoung wondered aloud. I shrugged. Although it was a pain taking care of her, she was just too cute as a child. But at the same time, she has to change back before anyone finds about this. Otherwise, YG will get us into big trouble. Just thinking of him, I got shivers. 

"Let's just think positive and go with the flow." I said surprisingly positively. Chaeyoung smiled and nodded her head. "I have to go wake up Jisoo Unnie now." She sighed and walked to her room. "Wait." I thought of a great idea. "Just get Lisa to wake her up." I smiled devilishly, thinking of how annoyed Jisoo would get. 

As Chaeyoung went passed me to go get Lisa, I heard her whisper under her breath, "Such evil." We both put our plan in motion and told the clueless Lisa to wake her Unnie up. She happily agreed and ran into Jisoo's room. She launched herself onto her bed and yelled. "Morning Unnie!" Into her ears. Hearing that Jisoo instantly woke up from her sleep and was startled. 

"Oww! Lisa!" She shock turned into anger as she saw Lisa smiling devilishly, just like me. Hearing Jisoo shout, Lisa hopped off of her bed and ran out of the room. "Good Morning Unnie!" Jisoo groaned and lay back down. "Come on, get up and help us with Lisa." She glared at me. "It was your plan wasn't it?" I merely shrugged my shoulders and made my way out the room. 

Passing Lisa's room, I decided to make her bed, since she didn't. As I approached her bed, I noticed what was on the night stand. The old ancient medicine that Chaeyoung and Jisoo got. I furrowed my brows and picked it up. It was empty! Don't tell me Lisa drank all of that. that the reason she turned into a kid! It has to be. After acknowledging my superior intelligence, I confidently strided my way out the room and towards Chaeyoung and Jisoo. 

"I solved the great mystery." I loudly say and place the empty bottle down on the counter. They furrowed their brows and looked at me as if I was insane. I quickly explained myself. "She drank the whole bottle yesterday, maybe that's the reason she turned into a kid." Jisoo quickly picked up the bottle and examined the drink. 

"Wait, there's instructions on the side. Don't take more than one tablespoon per day, or something bad will occur." My eyes widened. "Like turning into a kid!" I exclaimed. "So, why did Lisa drink the whole bottle if it says only one tablespoon." Chaeyoung chimed in curiously. I sigh. "She probably didn't read the instructions because she never does." I said annoyed. "Let's ask her." We went into the living room. 

As much as we wanted to let our hearts melt at the sight of Lisa talking with her teddy bears, we had to stay stern. "Lisa." Rosé started off softly, but sternly. "Do you remember if you drank this whole bottle yesterday?" Lisa stopped playing with her toys and looked at the bottle closely. Seeing all of us look at her with intensity must have scared her because her brows furrowed and she pouted.

"Y-Yah..." She softly said. I barely heard. "You did?" Jisoo crouched down to be at her level. Lisa hesitantly nodded and tears spilled out of her eyes. "I'm sorry." She broke out into even more tears and she began wailing. All of us panicked not knowing what to do. I quickly picked her up and lay her head on my shoulder. "Shh, it's okay. We're not mad at you. Okay?" I looked at her. Her tears were still there, but she nodded. I smiled reassuringly. "Let's go eat some pancakes now, shall we?" She nodded again. I sighed, relieved that she isn't sad anymore. 


After eating her breakfast, we bathed Lisa, which was still as difficult as yesterday. After getting her dressed in cute little shorts and a t-shirt, she begged for us to go outside. "I wanna go out." She pouted. Us three were still hesitant about it. I don't want paparazzi taking photos of me or any of the members walking around with a kid. Who knows where their imagination will take them. 

I sigh. "Sorry baby, maybe next time, ok?" I crouched down and cupped her fluffy cheeks. She pouted, just as I expected. It was sad seeing her like this. She had gotten all ready to go outside. Before I let her tears escape once more, I stuck out my pinky. "Pinky Promise that you can go outside tomorrow." She agreed and locked her tiny pinky with mine. I smiled my gummy smile and was relieved to see Lisa run through the dorm again. 

"Um, Unnie shouldn't we update her Instagram?" Rosé asked me as she was scrolling through the app. "Everyone's been missing her. She didn't update for a week." I shake my head. This girl never updates or responds to any texts. "Ya, let's remind blinks that Lisa ain't dead." I logged into her Insta account and chose photos for her to post. Of course the past ones, not like I'll upload a picture of her as a kid.

I posted them and within seconds, thousands of likes and comments came in. I chuckled at the dorkiness of blinks and turned off my phone. Just then, Jisoo came in. She sighed heavily as she plopped down onto the couch. "My sister is gonna have to give back all our pets. She's had enough trouble taking care of them."

We had given our pets to Jisoo's sister for a week because of our busy schedule. I won't blame her over the fact that she wants to give them back so quickly. Having to take care of 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a fish, must be hard work. "No, it's fine. I just hope Lisa would get along with them." I couldn't even bear having to imagine tomorrow. five cats and dogs running with Lisa across our dorm. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu