Lost and Found Pt.2

Babysitting the Maknae

Lisa POV

Yayyyy! I finally get to go on rollwer coasters. It's gonna be super fun. I'm sad that Leo and Luca couldn't come though. But the Unnies said that we are going to play with them tomorrow. As we enter the park, I see a...Disney Store?! I have to go there. It looks so magical! 

"Please Unnie" I look at Rosie Unnie. I'm sure she can't resist my sad face. I've used that to my advantage so many times and it always worked. It's foolproof. As expected, Rosie gave in and took me inside the store. 

"Wow" There's so many people in here, and toys! "Oww!" I feel someone bump into me. This hurts a lot. I don't think I like this store that much. I look up to tell Unnie that we should ride roller coaster instead, but she isn't there. "Unnie? Where are you?" I push my way through the crowd. Where's Rosie? Why did she leave me here? 

"Rosie?!" Hmmm.. maybe she went outside. I squirmed my way to the exit and managed to get out. But that just made it a whole lot harder. Where is she? There were countless other faces that I couldn't see. "Rosie?" Maybe she is with the other Unnies. "Unnie? Where you go...Woah!" 

There was a cotton candy stall! "Mister can I have some?" I ran up to the man making cotton candy. But as he looked up to me, my appetite vanished. Something about him looked creepy. "You want cotton candy little girl?" He held out a yellow flavoured one. I didn't even know there were yellow ones. 

But should I grab it? Unnies always told me not to take things from strangers, especially strange looking ones. "Umm...no thanks mister. I'll eat something else." But he didn't move his hand. "No no, just have this. I promise it will taste ten times better then the other candies." Should I take it? But Unnies also told me to be pilot to others. Or was the word polite? 

"Uh, ok mister. Thank you." I reached for the yellow cotton candy and took a big bite of it. "Wow!" This is way better then expected. But it's not that tasty without the Unnies. Oh, maybe I can ask mister where they went. "Excwuse-me Mister." He looked up at me with another creepy smile. 

"Do you know where my Unnies went? I think they got lost." The man walked over to me and crouched down. "What are their names? Maybe I can help you find them." He came even closer to me. Suddenly this didn't feel like such a good idea. "Jennie Unnie, Jisoo Unnie, and Ro-Chaeyoung Unnie." 

His creepy smile suddenly turned into a smirk. That caused shivers come up my spine. Before I could react though, I suddenly felt dizzy. Like the whole world was a roller coaster. "U-Unnie...." I soon felt everything go dark. 

Jisoo POV

"Lisa!" Where is she? We cannot lose her. "Lisa, where are you?!" Jennie tried calling out to her. From the corner of my eye, I could see Chaeyoung slowly go hysteric looking for her. "Chaeyoung, it's fine. We'll be able to find her, don't worry." I tried patting her back, but I guess that didn't help. 

"No Unnie, it was all my fault. Now Lisa's gone! Something bad could've happened to her. She's only a kid!" She was close to breaking down. "Shh, we'll be able to find her." Chaeyoung nodded weakly and I pulled her in for a tight embrace. "Shhh" 

I saw Jennie go and ask a stall vendor not too far away from us. She came back speed walking to us. "Guys, apparently sometime ago, he saw a little blonde girl go get some cotton candy from that stall over there." She pointed towards an empty stall. "He couldn't see what happened afterwards though."

"What?!" I rushed my way over to the stall. Lisa was here, but we were too late? As I examined the stall, I noticed that there was forgotten cotton candy dropped on the ground. "Now, who can drop cotton candy like that?" I crouched to examine it. Chaeyoung went over to my side and gasped. 

"What. What is it?" Jennie asked impatiently. Chaeyoung picked up a keychain that had been forgotten alongside the candy. "That's Lisa's!" My eyes widened. We were too late. "No..." Jennie snapped her head around the stall, trying to see if Lisa was still there. "W-What should we do?" Chaeyoung asked me.

What should we do? "W-We have to go to the authorities." I stood up from the ground. Chaeyoung followed suite. "We can't do that. Then they'll find out that we're from Blackpink and they'll discover that Lisa's a kid." Jennie nodded her head. "We can't risk letting them know." She said to help Chaeyoung's point. 

I exhaled through my mouth. "Fine, then we're going on a wild manhunt. We are going to find Lisa and bring her back." I said with new found determination. There's no way I'm going to lose our Lisa."

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu