
Babysitting the Maknae

"Lisa come on! We don't have enough time to argue!" Jennie tried to persuade Lisa who was not budging from her seat. All the others were waiting, still in their attack position, while panting. "No! I don't wanna leave Bob here!" She said. Everyone furrowed their brows and let out an 'eh?!' It scared Lisa a little to see everyone in sync. 

"Who's Bob?!" Rosé spoke everyone's thoughts. Lisa just got up from her seat and went towards the man who was now held captive by the J-line. "He is." She pointed towards him. The man dressed in black smiled at the fondness the little girl has over him, even though he basically kidnapped her. 

Jennie didn't do anything but picked Lisa up in her arms and take her away from the man. "We're going back to the dorm, alright?" She tried to persuade Lisa. "NOO!" The kid tried to squirm her way out of Jennie's arms. She managed to hop out and explain herself. "I can't leave. Bobby has secret formulas for me." She exclaimed and ran to the table that had all different kinds of bottles. 

Bob finally broke out of the other's grip and went towards the table as well. He picked up a bottle and held it out. "I made an antidote for Lisa." He said. Jisoo furrowed her brows and walked towards him. She grabbed the bottle and closely examined it. "That day when I went to your dorm, I stole the medicine so I can make an antidote for her. I also needed to take it away from Lisa since it was highly addictive. She would have kept drinking it and the affect would've been irreversible." 

He explained himself and the situation calmly. Everyone nodded in understanding, but there was one part they didn't get. "Then why didn't you just go to their dorm and hand over the antidote, instead of kidnapping Lisa." Irene asked. Bob shrugged. "It's funner this way." He said nonchalantly and everyone groaned in unison. 

After the explaining, they exited the strange room. Jennie, Rosé, and Jisoo kept a very close eye on Lisa on the way back. They made sure that two of them were holding Lisa's hands and the third was walking right behind Lisa. The blonde looked up and tugged Jennie's hand. 

"Are you going to turn me back to normal, Unnie?" She asked curiously. Since there was an antidote, there was no point in keeping Lisa the way she is. Jennie stopped walking at the question. She took a deep breath. "Not sure yet, Lili." The others weren't either. 

Red Velvet and Twice stepped in. "Wait, you can't change her back to normal yet, we didn't have a chance to play with her." They complained. Lisa giggled cutely and headed towards the two groups. Irene picked her up in her arms and gushed over how cute baby Lisa was. "Awww, you're so cute. Jennie, you had this in your dorm for almost a whole week and you never told me!" She exclaimed. 

Irene pecked Lisa's cheeks several times and the kid just giggled. "It tickles, Unnie!" Irene gushed some more and finally let her free. Lisa spent barely a millisecond on the ground before Jihyo picked her up. Nayeon and Jeongyeon surrounded her and exclaimed how cute she was. Jisoo went over to her and took Lisa out of her arms. "Ok that's enough, now give me my child back." She said.

Nayeon rose on of her brows. "What are you talking about, she's my kid. And Jeongyeon's." Jeongyeon nodded and put her arm around Nayeon's shoulder. Jisoo rolled her eyes and continued walking in the direction of her dorm. Red Velvet was able to stay with them for a while longer, but Twice had to leave because of their schedule. 

"Bye Lisa!" Everyone waved their goodbyes and kissed Lisa on the cheek before leaving. When the now complete Blackpink, and Red Velvet reached the dorm, Lisa ran to where her cats were and gave them a big hug. "I missed you!" She gave them kisses and almost hugged the life out of them. 

Joy and Yeri gushed over the blonde kid and sat down with her to play. Lisa had an idea of playing pretend and the others played as well. Jennie thought it was a great idea since staying in that room must have been hard for Lisa. Running around would help her tire out and go to sleep faster. 

Joy pretended to be a dragon and began to attack Lisa and Yeri. Yeri was acting as the princess and she called for help. Lisa came running in with a cape on her back, crown on her head that was a little too big and was drooping down on side of her face, and a sword in her hand. "I'll save you Unnie!" She jumped from the couch and onto Joy and pretended to attack her. 

The taller girl laughed and fell to the ground. "Oh no! I've been attacked!" Lisa grinned widely and cheered. She freed the princess and bowed. "At your service, You Highness." She said. Yeri giggle and cheered. Everyone else was on the couch watching their performance and their cheeks hurt from smiling at Lisa's cuteness. 

Their victory was shortly celebrated because Joy, the dragon, revived and got up. Lisa's mouth flew agape and she ran away, leaving the princess behind. Yeri yelled from behind her. "Hey! You're supposed to save me!" She complained. Lisa didn't bother looking back and kept running. "It's every person for themselves!" She said. Yeri's mouth flew open at that remark as well. 

"Where did she learn these things from?" Rosé wondered out loud. Everyone shrugged. "So, what are you planing on doing with the antidote?" Wendy asked them. Jisoo scratched her chin in thought. "The most logical thing is to change her back to normal, I guess. But I don't want baby Lisa to go just yet." She said honestly. 

It might have been selfish to want to keep her as a child, but the amount of happiness and laughs that they had the past week was all thanks to her and they don't want to lose that. Jennie agreed. "Same, I never had this much fun in a while." Rosé nodded her head and spoke up. "That's true, but we should think realistically. She is not going to stay a kid forever." 

Irene came up with a solution. "Then you guys should spend one more day with her before changing her back." Seulgi nodded in agreement. "That would make sense." The mono lidded girl said. Jisoo nodded as well. "So it's settled, after tomorrow is over, we'll turn Lisa back to normal." 

Jennie sighed and agreed. They all turned their heads to see Joy now walking back to them with a sleeping Lisa in her arms. "I guess we tired her out too much." Yeri said as she put away the props. Jennie smiled fondly at the peaceful sleeping Lisa. "I'll put her to bed, and you guys should rest too." Red Velvet nodded and said their goodbyes. 

Jennie, Jisoo and Rosé tucked Lisa into bed and retreated to their own rooms. It was a crazy day today, but tomorrow is going be even crazier, the trio thought. Tomorrow, they were going to spend the whole day with Lisa and do whatever she wants. Because it was the last day she'd be a kid. 

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu