Lost and Found Pt.1

Babysitting the Maknae

Jisoo POV

"I wanna eat chicken! chicken! chicken!" Lisa tugged on my hand. I smiled. "Yes, you're finally learning my ways, my child." I picked Lisa up and brought her into the kitchen. After successfully retrieving the chicken, I sat her down. "Come on, let's feast." We both bit into our chicken. Lisa started bouncing around in her seat excitedly chewing on a wing. 

Seeing that sight made my heart all warm. Lisa is such a cutie. Can't even explain it. A couple minutes later, Dalgomie scurries into the room, smelling the amazing food. I smirk, of course he take directly after his mother, a chicken lover. 

"Oh does Dwalgwomie want chicken?" Lisa asked seeing the dog stand beside the table patiently. She jumped out of her seat and crouched near the dog. "Here you go puppy!" She exclaimed. Dalgom had other plans tho. Instead of openly welcoming the chicken and Lisa, he barked at her and ran away. 

I guess their enemy days still haven't stopped. Lisa pouted. "Why he do that, I just wanted to give him chicken." She said sadly. Lisa dropped her gaze to the floor with her eyebrows furrowed. "Ahh, don't be sad, Dalgom's just cold to people sometimes. Try being friends with him." I suggested to lift up her mood. And it worked. 

She smiled brightly and nodded her head at me. "Ok Unnie." She ran in the direction of Dalgom. "Come here, Dwalgwomie!" I shake my head. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. 

Lisa ran over to where Dalgom was, trying to feed him a chicken wing. "Come on, eat it!" Lisa held out the wing. Dalgom sniffed it and battled within himself. Would he starve himself and keep safe from Lisa, or sacrifice his freedom for the price of food? Dalgom gave in to the second choice I guess. 

He bit into a piece of it and Lisa squealed and picked him up in her arms. "Yay! We're friends now!" Dalgom whimpered as Lisa brought him onto the carpet. As she spent time playing with the poor dog, Chaeyoung and Jennie emerged from their rooms. 

"Unnie!" Chaeyoung's mouth began to water at the chicken in front of her. I chuckled, she never changes. As she began to dig into the meal, Jennie decided to start up the conversation. "I was thinking that Lisa can go to the amusement park today. Won't that be fun Unnie?" I was skeptical. "Are you sure you aren't just seeking your own amusement?" 

Jennie was never this excited about taking Lisa anywhere. "W-What? No..." She did a bad job of hiding it. Chaeyoung snickered. "I guess I'll enjoy the amusement park as well. I shrugged. I was terrified of heights, but since Lisa was a kid, we'll probably just go on the kiddy rides. Reluctantly, I agreed. "Fine." The other two squealed and high-fived each other. Did they plan this out from the beginning? 

Chaeyoung POV

"Rwoller Coastaa!!!" Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs. My god, that kid has some powerful lungs. She tugged on my arm as we entered into the amusement park. I turned my gaze downwards to see Lisa pouting and pointing to a Disney store. "Please Unnie." She looked up at me expectantly. 

I sigh, the Unnies are definitely not gonna like going in there. But Lisa's so sad right now. Dear Lord of Mangoes, help me. I guess maybe if we both sneak in and come out fast enough, the Unnies won't even notice that we were gone. I came to a decision. 

"Alright, but only for five minutes." I said more to myself than Lisa. I get easily distracted with things. Lisa replaced her pout with a million dollar smile and practically dragged me into the store. As soon as we entered, we were hit by wave of people. There were bodies everywhere. 

As I gazed my eyes through the shop, I noticed a chipmunk stuffed animal. I wanted that, no scratch that, I needed that chipmunk. I squeezed through the crowded shop with great difficulty.  I have never been in such a crowded place before. As I got to the opposite side of the shop, I mentally cheered and patted myself on the back.

Great, now I can quickly buy this and we'll be out of here in no time. The Unnies wouldn't even notice us come in here. Wait...us?... WHERE'S LISA?!! OMG OMG OMG! My eyes widened comically. Oh no I just lost Lisa. Where is she? What if something bad happened to her? No no no no...

"Lisa?" I called out, even though it sounded like a strained whimper. Leaving the long forgotten chipmunk on the shelf, I squeeze through the crowd once more, this time looking downwards trying to find a blonde girl with bangs hopefully. 

Oh no, I searched through the whole shop, WHERE'S LISA! Feeling my heart race increase I took a few deep breath, there's no way I can stress over this instead of finding Lisa. What should I do? Who should I tell? The Unnies? Dear god no. I would not want to face their wrath. But if I don't, something bad might happen to Lisa.

I took a deep breath and walked out of the shop, I'm gonna have to tell them the truth. 

Seeing them near the chicken skewers stand, I walk up to them timidly. The two notice me and furrow their brows. "Chaeng? Where's Lisa?" Jisoo asked with full of chicken. Taking another deep breath, I look down and fiddle with my fingers. "I...kind of...lostLisa." Saying the last part rapidly. 

Jennie furrowed her brows and took a bite of her dumpling. "What did you say?" She asked. I nervously look into their eyes and say it again clearly. "I kind of lost Lisa." I guess it was a bad idea to say that since Jennie choked on the whole mandu and turned into a coughing fit. 

Jisoo patted her back and turned her attention to me. "What do you mean you lost Lisa?" She asked warily. This was one of the first times Unnie had ever spoken with such a serious tone. "I-I, w-well, Lisa had pointed to a Disney store so I took her inside. But there was a huge crowd of people, and she got lost. I already checked everywhere in the store, but she wasn't there." That was the fastest I've ever spoken.

Jisoo furrowed her brows. "Oh no no no no no. Something bad could've happened to her. We have to go looking for her, right now!" Jennie finally recovered from choking. "This amusement park is huge. How are we gonna look for her!" Finally my brain seemed to come up with something that's not completely stupid. 

"We should search the places that we believe she'd go too." I looked around, seeing if something would've caught Lisa's eye. Jennie and Jisoo agreed. Before they got to move from their spot though, I quickly apologized for losing our member who had turned into a child. I can tell that they weren't too pleased, by they decided to put the matter aside for now and focus on finding her. 

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu