Mr. Duckie

Babysitting the Maknae

"Alright Lisa, now you have to take a bath before you can play, alright?" Jennie said sternly, to make sure that Lisa doesn't think she's joking. Lisa pouted. "But I wanna playyy." She whined while she crossed her arms and stomped in place. "Aww cute. But you seriously have to take a bath." Jennie said seriously. 

Lisa pouted, but followed her Unnie nonetheless. Jennie entered the bathroom and crouched down to start the water and fill up the tub. She put in bubbles as Lisa undressed herself. "You sure you don't need help?" Jennie asked as she put her hand in to test the waters. "No thank you, Unnie." Lisa declined politely as she slowly, but surely ed all the buttons on her pyjama top and undressed. 

Jennie lifted Lisa inside the tub, and immediately Lisa got distracted by all the bubbles. She splashed the water everywhere, including a pretty pissed Jennie. "Lisa!" She complained as she top got wet. Lisa just giggled and let Jennie wash her. "Where's the duckie?" Lisa asked as she felt the bottom of the tub for a certain duck.

Jennie stopped washing and sat back to think where she put it. "Wait, let me call Rosie, don't move, alright?" She wasn't too sure of letting Lisa out of her sight, but she had to get her duck, otherwise Lisa would throw a tantrum. Jennie exited the washroom in hoped of finding it. Lisa decided to be of help too and she looked around as she sat in the tub. "Where's Mr. Duckie?" She asked sadly. 

Not wanting to bathe without it, she carefully stood up and stepped out of the tub. "I'll find you duckie." She said as she wrapped herself in a blue shark towel and headed on out. She was still dripping wet, so she made tiny footsteps of water wherever she walked. The first place to search was her room. So she entered it and searched through almost all of her belongings, but not the high places since she can't reach there. She felt sad as she exited and went to another room. 

"Rosé, have you seen Lisa's ducki-duck!" Jennie quickly caught herself. She was definitely not going to say duckie out loud. She had an image of a very fierce Jennie to uphold. Rosé came out holding a carrot stick as she munched on it. "No, I haven't seen Mr. Duckie." She said, without thinking twice of what was so wrong in saying it. Jennie face palmed. "At least two of us care about our image." 

Jisoo poked her head out of her room and walked towards them. "You guys don't where Mr. Duckie is?!" She asked in shock. Jennie face palmed again. "Scratch that, only I care about my image." Rosé nodded. "Jennie said she lost it." She said. Jennie snapped her head towards her. "When did I say that?" She asked. The red head shrugged. "That's what you were thinking." Jennie could just groan and head back to where Lisa was. Seems like her bath was going to finish without the duck. 

"Lisa?" Jennie called out, but Lisa was not in the bathtub. She noticed small water footprints leading out the washroom. "Nooo" Jennie whined as she realized that she now has to find Lisa. All she wants to do it watch Netflix, is that too much to ask for?! "Lisa!" She called out as she walked through the dorm. Her answer came in the form of a small, 'achoo.' The brunette walked towards the sound. 

She came inside the room to find Lisa in her towel, still dripping wet, now shivering. "Unnie, I'm cold." Lisa said as she walked towards Jennie, wanting her to pick her up and warm her up. "Sorry, you're still very wet. And didn't I tell you not to move." Jennie said, exhausted from what she had to do already. "But Mr. Duckie wasn't there." Lisa pouted and Jennie quickly forgave her. 

"Alright, let's go dry you off and put some clothes on you. We don't need our maknae turning into a frozen popsicle now, do we?" Lisa chuckled and shook her head. "I don't wanna be a popsicle." She said cutely and followed Jennie into the bathroom. Jennie made sure to dry her off properly and put some clothes on her. "There, now your bath is all done." Lisa cheered and immediately ran off to go play. 

Jennie smiled too, but that was wiped of her face when she turned her head to see the mess Lisa made in the washroom. Jennie sighed and got to cleaning, mumbling under her breath how she could have been on the second episode of the series by now. 

Lisa made her way into the living room and immediately attached herself to one of the dogs. The unlucky chosen one this time was Kuma. Lisa loved Kuma's fur, because she can just snuggle into it. Although, she always ends up getting dog fur all over her. But it's worth it. "I love you Kuma." She said and kissed the dog multiple times. 

"I wonder where Mr. Duckie is." She talked to the dog. In response, Kuma got off of the couch and walked away from her. Lisa got alarmed. "No, I didn't mean it in that way. He's nothing, I love you more." She explained as she tailed behind him. "Please give me another chance, I promise I love you." She pleaded. Kuma barked at her. "What do you mean, 'it's not you, it's me.'" Lisa said in heartbreak. "We can't be over." 

The whole conversation was unfortunately heard by Jennie who had just finished cleaning the mess and making her way into the room. She could only gaze towards Lisa with a concerned and weird look. "Maybe being a kid too long has messed her up. But, then again, she's always been like this." Jennie sighed and ignored it, just like she does to every weird thing that happens inside this dorm. 

She heard the commotion of Lisa doing another thing and Jennie took a deep breath. "Just until tonight. Just until tonight." Jennie repeated like a mantra in her head. Just until tonight, and everything will go back to normal and she can finish watching her show. 

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu