To The Rescue!

Babysitting the Maknae

"Wassup!" The Blackpink trio were startled with the loud voice. "Jihyo Unnie, your voice is too loud!" Jennie turned around, followed by Rosé and Jisoo, as she heard loud voices. "Ah! Twice!" Jisoo exclaimed out of relief. "Of course. We have to find your maknae." Nayeon said as she hugged the members. 

After everyone had hugged, another van pulled out and Red Velvet came out. "Rosé's my friend!"   "No, what're you talking about!" "I met her first!" Joy and Yeri came out arguing with each other.  As soon as they saw the certain red head, the pair hugged her and began squealing over her. Irene came out and immediately latched onto Jennie's side. 

Jisoo spotted Seulgi and the two imitated Jennie and Irene's position. Wendy came out last and apologized for the scene the maknaes created. Feeling that the scene was getting too out of hand, Jennie tried to collect everyone and gather them into a circle. That was very hard considering that Momo had somehow wandered off and Sana was busy flirting with everyone she sees. 

On the other hand.  Irene and Jisoo were throwing dirty looks at each other, while hugging Jennie and Seulgi. Things got out of control when the shorter Chaeyoung gestured to the other one and made a 'call me' gesture and winked at her. Causing the red head to blush and turn the same colour as her hair. Joy and Yeri had even pranked Dahyun and Tzuyu by tapping them on the shoulder and disappearing. Leaving the pair to believe it was each other, causing them to break into an argument. 

Jihyo was too busy talking, or yelling in excitement over meeting with Wendy. Mina was also talking but it sounded like she was on mute because of Jihyo's voice. Jeongyeon was suffering from Nayeon hitting her on the shoulder as she laughed. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. 

"Wait, where's Lisa?" The huge group went quiet as Momo wondered aloud. They all looked at her with a 'seriously?' gaze and the latter only made a confused face. Nayeon face palmed and shook her head disappointedly. "She turned into a kid and went missing. Come on, we went through this three times in the van on the way here." 

Momo chuckled nervously. "O-Of course I knew that. I-I was just testing you. Ya, just testing you that's right." The rest of the group copied Nayeon and face palmed as they shook their heads simultaneously. After some time, Jennie and Jisoo were able to reel them all in and tell them about how they lost Lisa in the amusement park.

 Of course, the others all sarcastically applauded them for their responsibility. "I don't get it, why didn't you just keep an eye on Lisa." Seulgi questioned. Jennie rolled her eyes. "Ya, why didn't I just look at her." Seulgi nodded in agreement. Jennie was close to bursting. "Of course I kept an eye on her!" She got up to strangle the monolidded woman. She almost succeeded, but Irene held her back in time. 

Jisoo took a deep breath and decided to take over the explaining. "So that's why we need your help. We have no idea where she could be and we need to find her before she gets into any danger." The others nodded their head understandingly. Jisoo was doing a good job in keeping things in order. 

"Alright, so I think it would be best to split up into groups. Since there's a total of eighteen, let's have groups of 3." Everyone else agreed. Mina raised her hand and spoke."So, who's gonna be in which group?" "Hmm." Jisoo scratched her chin in thought. "Maybe we should go into groups that would be the least distracted. Meaning that Joy and Yeri, Nayeon and Jeongyeon, Momo and Sana, and Irene and Seulgi, can't be together. 

Irene whipped her head in Jisoo's direction. "What! Why can't I be with Seulgi. Oh, I get it, you want her for yourself, don't you?" Jisoo furrowed her brows. "No, that's not it!" "Guys! We should be focusing on finding Lisa!" Rosé spoke up, causing them to be silenced. Of course everyone knew that her and Lisa both had a very strong bond with each other and were never away from each other. 

Yeri rubbed her arm reassuringly. "Don't worry, we'll find Lisa." The red head nodded. The group quietly got into groups of three without anymore complaining. "Alright, we have to search all around town and we only have four hours until it's midnight. We have to find Lisa by then." Jisoo  reminded them. 

With a few encouraging messages, the groups went their own separate ways, making sure that all their phones are on so they can call if they find Lisa. As the massive group search for the blonde, on the other side of the city, Lisa was holding her breath as the man approached her with the needle. 

"Listen kid, if you sit still then we can get this over with. Stop moving!" Lisa just continued squirming even more. "No, I don't wanna get the spiky thing in my arm!" The man grunted and grabbed onto Lisa's right arm, that was still tied. "Hey, I'm just trying to help, you know." 

"NO! Let me g-wait? You're trying to help me?" Lisa stopped mid scream and questioned. The man sighed and nodded his head tiredly. "No, you're lying!" Lisa couldn't believe that the strange man was trying to help her. Lisa maybe a kid, but even she knows that kidnapping someone and tying them up to a chair is not considered helping. "You kidnapped me!" 

"It was the only way!" The man defended himself. He seriously was just trying to help the blonde. Lisa still seemed unconvinced. The man shook his head and dragged a chair over to where she was tied. It was going to be a long explanation.

"GUYS! COME IN!" Loud "Ow's" entered the phones collectively. "Jihyo, can't you be a little quieter." Nayeon complained through the phone. A loud cackle was heard and Jeongyeon responded. "You're one to talk, loud mouth!" "Yah!" Nayeon hit the person beside her, imagining it was Jeongyeon instead. "Ow!" Yeri screeched and rubbed her shoulder. "And I thought we were best friends." She pouted. 

"Guys, it's not the time for arguing." Jennie spoke through the phone sternly, causing everyone to shut up. They all nodded timidly even though she can't see them. They were afraid to speak up. "What did you find, Jiyho?" "Eh?" Jihyo lost track of what she was going to say. "Oh! I think I found Lisa! All of y'all! Meet me at Hondae Street!" Everyone said their okay's and rushed that way. 

"So what'd you find?" Everyone came running in around the same time. Except Sana's group. In her defence, she was running as fast as she can, but it seemed like she was just speed walking. "I run slow. You already know that about me." She complained. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "Ya, ya." 

Jihyo quickly shushed them and guided them to what she found. "Look, isn't that Lisa?" She crouched down and pointed towards a vent. The Blackpink trio widened their eyes and quickly crouched down, eager to see if it was Lisa or not. Rosé gasped. "Lisa!" She only saw the back of the blonde's head, but she knew that it was Lisa. 

"Oh my lord! My baby! My child!" Rosé covered dramatically and was close to shedding tears, if not for Jennie slapping her across the cheek and telling her to get a hold of herself. "You didn't give birth to her." "What's happening in there?" Momo and Seulgi asked impatiently. Jisoo took a better look and she got confused. "It seems like she's...playing cards with some dude." 

"Cards?!" Everyone questioned simultaneously. Jisoo nodded her head furiously. "Ya, cards." Dahyun got excited hearing that. "Ooh! I wanna play too." Irene butted in as well. "I'll definitely win at cards. I'm the best at everything." She said confidently. "Right Seulgi?" Seulgi merely showed her eye smile and nodded. Wholeheartedly agreeing to whatever Irene said. 

"Why would she be playing cards tho?" Joy crouched down beside them. "Not sure, but we have to get her out of there." Jennie stood up and stretched out her arms and legs. "What are you doing?" Wendy was confused by Jennie's actions. "I'm getting her out of there by breaking through that vent." She said determined. 

"What?" Everyone questioned at the same time once again. "How? That thing is bolted shut. And  it's pretty small." Jennie merely smirked. "Don't underestimate the power of a short person." Everyone just got more confused by that statement. Jennie sighed, realizing that she was gonna have to actually explain her plan. 

"This is the plan. Joy, Tzuyu, Jeongyeon, and Rosé are going to break open that vent with their tall people strength. Then, us, superior short people, are going to crawl through it. I need Jisoo, Irene and the rest of Red Velvet, no offence." The Red Velvet merely shrugged. They were quite used to that. "I also need Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jihyo, and Nayeon. After we crawl through it, we have to be fast and pick the lock on the door so that the others can get in. While one of us it picking the lock, the rest of us have to distract the man." 

Jennie took a breath before continuing her plan. "Then, Mina, Sana, and Momo are going to rush in that door and beat the crap out of him. While me, Rosé, and Jisoo are going to secure the bag-I mean Lisa." Mina raised her hand to speak. "What makes you think we can beat him up?" Jennie just shrugged. "Not sure, but I'm going by instinct." Momo nodded her head understandingly. "Totally." She commented. 

"Alright, let's do it." Jennie said and the rest got to work. The tall people team were able to pry open the vent with some difficulty. The short people crawled through the vent and that alarmed the man. Lisa shouted. "Unnies?! What are you doing here?!" Jennie grunted and quickly got up and went into her attack position. "Let's go Lisa!" The others distracted the man as Irene picked the lock. The rest of the group barged in and  were all in their attack position as well. 

"But I don't wanna." 

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu