The Man in Black

Babysitting the Maknae

Chaeyoung POV

"Currently, it's the fourth day of baby Lisa and I'm starting to lose my mind." I reported while my Unnies laughed. "Oh, it's not a joke." I said sassily to them. "Come on Chaeng, she is actually so cute." Jennie gently poked the sleeping Lisa's cheeks. It was time for her nap and like the past three days, she has been sleeping in my arms. 

"It was cute at first, but now all she does is follow us everywhere we go. Jisoo Unnie couldn't even take a shower in peace, for crying out loud." The oldest just shrugged, still keeping a smile on her face looking at Lisa. Jennie Unnie began to smirk at me. "What? Did I say something wrong?" 

"You're jealous, ain't you? That we spend all our time on Lisa." Jisoo began to smirk as well. "What, no!" I was too loud and Lisa stirred in my arms. "Shh, Rosie." She murmured and went back to using my lap as a pillow.  "Sorry, Lis." I noticed that she was sleeping in an awkward position and fixed her. 

"Whipped. Just like us." Jennie and Jisoo said together. I scoffed. "I am not whipped for this child." Jennie rolled her eyes. "You treat her like you were the one who pushed her out of you." I scoffed again. Lisa once again stirred in my arms and opened her eyes. "Uyu." She sleepily outstretched her arm and opened her hand. 

"K, I'll go get your milk. Just lay on the couch for now." I said sweetly to her. Lisa shook her head. "No." I sighed. "K, let's go." I picked her up and leaned her head on my shoulder. As I took her to the kitchen, Jennie and Jisoo once again said. "Whipped." Lisa laughed. "Whipped, Rosie." She even said that. "I'm not whipped." 

As Lisa ran around the house, me and the Unnies were thoroughly examining the bottle that Lisa drank from. "Jen, are you sure that this caused her to turn into a kid?" I was still skeptical about it. "Are you doubting my superior intelligence?" I could tell that I struck a nerve. Luckily Jisoo backed me up. 

"Maybe, I mean you don't know for sure that if Lisa drunk that, it would change her." Jisoo made a valid point. Jennie raised one of her brows in speculation. "I guess I don't really know then. But that doesn't mean I'm any less intelligent. At least I had a possibility." I chuckled at how competitive she can get at times. 

From the corner of my eye, I noticed something that we hadn't seen before. "Hey, what's that?" I pointed to another bottle, except this was only filled halfway. It was placed near the other medicines that we had. Jisoo hopped off the couch and went towards it. "It says 'Cold Medicine'. Did you buy this for Lisa?" 

Jennie and I shook our heads in the negative.  Just before I inspected the bottle further, the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Did the Unnies invite someone over? "I don't know. I didn't call anyone." Jennie said with her brows furrowed. As we walked towards the door, Lisa came and jumped onto Jisoo Unnie's arms. "Who dat?" Jisoo shrugged as her response. 

Jennie opened up the door, and there was a man who was dressed in a very formal way. Wearing a black suit and tie, looking like he was part of the FBI. "Y-Ya?" I said as he entered into our dorm. I guess Lisa was frightened by him, because I heard crying. "Scary man!" She squirmed in Jisoo's arms and faced the opposite way. 

"Shhh, don't worry Lis, nothing will happen." Unnie comforted her and ran her hand up and down her back. "What do you want from us?" I snapped. Seeing Lisa scared made me angry. "Nothing miss, just a misplaced bottle that had found its way here." The bottle that we had found? Before I can even respond, her walked in, searching. 

"Hey! Get out of here." Jennie tailed after the man. The man merely ignored her and kept searching through our stuff. "H-Hey, if you're gonna keep doing that, I'm calling the cops." I fished my phone out of my pocket and was threatening him. "Don't worry miss, just thirty more seconds and I'll be gone." 

What is he trying to do? Jisoo walked in with Lisa in her arms, still crying. "Get out of here! Chaeng call the cops right now!" Just as I started to dial the number, he grabbed the half filled bottle and turned around. "I found it. Thank you for your cooperation." He made his way to the door. 

Before he can exit however, Lisa hopped out of Jisoo's arms and ran to him. "Lisa come back!" Jennie went after her, followed by Jisoo and I. "Dat's Mine!" Lisa grabbed onto the bottle that the man was holding. She pulled on it, but the man was too strong. "Kid, get off." He warned. "Lisa!" Jennie tried to pull Lisa off of the bottle, but it was useless. 

"NO! DAT'S MINE!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The man grunted and snatched the bottle away. He made his way out the door and Jennie held back a squirming Lisa. "COME BACK!" She tried to break free of Jennie's grip around her. At this time, there was tears coming out of her eyes and she was panting. 

"Lisa, what's wrong?" I worriedly asked and crouched down to be at her level. I held her shoulders incase she lunges towards me. She sniffs. "That was mine." She cried. "The bottle?" She nodded and gave me a hug, signalling me to pick her up. I did and she placed her head on my shoulder. "I'm sowwy, Jennie Unnie and Jisoo Unnie and Chaeng Unnie." She pouted. 

"It's ok, but can you tell me why you like that bottle so much?" Jennie Unnie tried to interrogate Lisa. "It tastes good." She smiled slightly. "You have been drinking that!" Jisoo Unnie burst. "Who knows what's in it?" She rubbed her hand against her forehead. A sign that she's stressed. Jennie calmed down Jisoo and continued to ask another question softly. 

"When did you start drinking that?" Lisa hummed in thought. "Ever since I got sick." She smiled at her answer, but us three opened our mouths in shock. "That was the drink that made her a kid?!" Jennie widened her eyes in realization. My brain suddenly clicked. "Now we'll never be able to turn her back! The man took it!" 

Jisoo paced back and forth. "We only have three more days to get the bottle back and figure out how to turn Lisa back to normal." She worriedly said. I took a deep breath in and out. "We need to have a plan." I said smartly. The Unnies nodded in agreement. Noticing that Lisa was awfully quiet, I looked over and saw that she was fast asleep. 

I smiled fondly at her. "We'll start planning in the morning. Let's just have a good night's sleep for tonight." I suggested. "Rosie, sleepy time." Lisa murmured. I chuckled at her cuteness. "I'll sleep with Lisa tonight." 

I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her because we will turn her back to normal soon. As I made my way into the bedroom, the Unnies called out. "Whipped" This time I didn't retort, probably because I am kind of whipped for her, but who wouldn't be? 


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 13: Fin already? What? No!
KittenThief #2
Chapter 13: Fin? Wtf you mean fin?! That's how it ends?
Chapter 13: lol
lisa doesnt care
Chapter 3: Uwu