1st Girl

Mnet's We Got a Baby
The moment you've all been waiting for.... the unveiling of the contestants!!!

AFF Username 
Cho DaeSun
Age and DOB 
She can be a pretty crazy person. She is loud, tough, and really scary if you get on her bad side. But she is also very atentive and will pay attention to the person she is talking to.. she is a good listener and loves to give advice. she is also actally very quiet and caring and loving. she will take care of anyone in need, even if she just met them off of the street. but if she is provoked to.. she can defend herself really well.. she is a black belt in taekwondo and karate.. she gives off a vibe of being innocent and sweet,which she is, but she is also very tough and crazy.she is not afraid of defending the people she loves or she knows who are worthy of defending.. she can get all up in your face if ou dont back off.. and go back to being all cute and innocent after it is all over. she loves kids.. they are always soo cute to her.. even if they are mean.. just playing with kids gives her joy... its almost the happiness in her life becuase she grew up as an only child and she rarely had anyone to play with.. so she wanted to give the kids someone to play with in case they are alone like she was.. she has a caring heart.. almost everything she does.. is out of love..

is an average girl with long hair and a good complextion. not the type of girl that guys would cater over. has a cute face with a touch of innocence..and a smile..:D oh and is all natural.. ;] if you get what i mean.. haha  
Likes :
-play with kids,
-decorating for parties,
-chocolate and lots of it...x]
-make up,
-stuffed toys,
-writing stories,

Dislikes :  
-food being picked of the floor...>.<
Habits :
-cleanning everything... even when its clean..-__-[a badhabit],
-hitting people out of randomness...{you know that feeling? like hitting your brother or sister because they are who they are.. xD} [again.. a bad habit.. but can be used for good..lol]
-biting nails... another bad habit.. haha yeah..

-making up stories or lyrics in her free time
-walking around a silent neighborhood to clear her thoughts..
-playing around and having fun..

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so adorable^^
gotler #2
So cute haha.
koreansleeper #3
koreansleeper #4
nail polish
koreansleeper #5
a unicorn and a pig both ate my foot
koreansleeper #6
koreansleeper #7
koreansleeper #8
Hongki. OMG. >w<