Teaser 2

Mnet's We Got a Baby

On a bright and sunny Monday morning, seven girls stepped outside from their cozy homes and out into the snow, bundled up in warm jackets. Some wore their school uniforms and others work uniforms. They headed towards the mailbox which was peeking out from under a mount of snow.


A single envelope lay in the mailboxes, each baring a single stamped pink square with a white M inside. (A.N. It's supposed to be the Mnet logo... but I didn't know how to describe it....). Curiosity got the best of them as they tore through the envelopes.


Dear Applicant,

We gladly invite you to join us here at Mnet to be a lucky contestant on Mnet's We Got a Baby. We will require an email address, home address, and phone number and we will be contacting you soon to provide you with a meeting date and the recording schedule. Please also state whether you would need an apartment in Seoul or not.

RSVP at Mnet's Official website: www.mnet.com. Enter the code printed on the inside of the envelope and we will be notified of you confirmation.

Thank You,



A happy squeal erupted from the girls' lips as they did their own celebratory rituals. They stuffed their envelopes into their bags, running down the road as the buses pulled up. They scrambled up the steps to the bus, rushing up the eisle and waving the envelopes in the faces of their friends. More squeals and shrieks rose, turning the heads of many individuals boarded on the bus.


"I'm going to be on.... MNET'S WE GOT A BABY!!!"

Author's Note  silvrwngz

This was definitely not the best teaser in the world. But I wrote it during my psychology class when we were talking about soup and cookies and popping balloons, so..... yeah..........

ONE DAY LEFT UNTIL THE DEADLINE!!! but i think everyone knows by now... and no one is applying anymore... but just to be safe!!!!

Yay!!! One day left!!! ^_____^

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so adorable^^
gotler #2
So cute haha.
koreansleeper #3
koreansleeper #4
nail polish
koreansleeper #5
a unicorn and a pig both ate my foot
koreansleeper #6
koreansleeper #7
koreansleeper #8
Hongki. OMG. >w<