Episode 2: Final Couples

Mnet's We Got a Baby

The wind was blowing violently when the fourteen “We Got a Baby” contestants stood shivering in front of the Dongdaemun entrance. Mi’ki stood bouncing on the balls of her feet & pulled the beanie down to keep it from flying away. Minhyo and Taemin stood not far behind Mi’ki, arguing about whether banana milk or soy milk was better.


“Coffee! Coffee is better!” Key yelled. “How can you drink cold milk in this type of weather?!?! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!!”


“Nu-uh… Milk tea is best. Psh… who drinks coffee nowadays?” DaeSun scoffed, sipping at her tea.


“Umm….. I do -_____-“ Hyunseung sulked, gesturing to the Starbucks coffee he held.


“You guys are so weird… Soy milk is obviously the best!” Minhyo tsked, shaking her head and waving a nagging finger in everyone’s direction.


“Ewwww…. I hate soy milk……” AeHee said from the studio.


“Let’s vote!” Key proposed (more like demanded), a glare shot in Minhyo’s direction. “All in favor of coffee!” he raised his hand and soon Hyunseung, Hongki, Kyuhyun, Kevin, Miju, and Eunha followed. “Majority rules~” the Almighty Key sang.


“Noooooo~!” Taemin and Minhyo wailed, rushing over to Mi’ki.


“Unnie!!!! What do you like better? Hmmm?”


“o______O ummm… banana milk….”


“Yay!!” Taemin hugged her tightly and stuck his tongue out at Minhyo.


“I still won,” a quiet whisper was heard before Mi’ki yelled.


“Oh, look. That lady is here! And she’s 46 minutes and 17 seconds late!” Everyone stared incredulously at the girl and she blurted, “What? I counted…. The rest of you were arguing… so….” ^__^’


“Oh! You were early!” The director lady smiled softly.


“Annyeonghasaeyo,” everyone bowed and Eunha pushed Mi’ki’s head down in a bow, ignoring the girl’s grumbling protest.


“I don’t get why I should respect her….. She’s a flirt. Doesn’t she get the fact that she’s on TV?” she scowled, crossing her arms over her chest.


“Yah! She’s here to help us!” Eunha knocked Mi’ki on the head.


Meanwhile, on the other side, the director was reaching out to hug Hyunseung when Mi’ki, in the speed of light, stepped to her side and stuck her arm in between them. “What are you doing? Do you want to cause scandals?”


“I never realized…” she said quietly.


“Shut off the cameras.” The PD snapped. “Take 5.”


The girls, one by one, marched past the director lady and glared, following Mi’ki who was already miles ahead, kicking away everything in sight.


“Who brought her in? Huh?” The PD exploded with anger. “Did anyone think to do a background check? Interview her? We can’t have a complete fangirl on set! Get her off set!”


“Yah!” Eunha and DaeSun rapped Mi’ki on the head…. Again. “you didn’t have to completely exploded! That didn’t take care of the situation really well…..”


“But it got her away,” Miju pointed to the security unit, dragging the lady off set.


“Gather around!” The PD called and the girls reluctantly trudged back out from under their shelter. “Let’s start from the beginning. Places!


They got back into place with Taemin, Minhyo, and Mi’ki farther up towards the camera than the rest.


The camera started rolling and the camera man brought over to Taemin an envelope.


“Hello, We Got a Baby contestants…. Soon to be couples.


Today, you will be decorating a bedroom for your future child! But before that… it is a time to reveal the couples. Shall we start with the oldest girl, Eunha? Eunha, your partner is a bit broody and immature but with that voice, he could be a fallen angel, Kyuhyun. Next is our little tomboy, Mitsuki.” Mitsuki lowered her eyes at the use of her full name then Taemin continued reading. “A diva with a complete set of talents, rap,vocals, dance. The Almighty Key. Following, is our innocent but harsh DaeSun. Her partner is an expert dancer and an amazing singer as well. With his big doe eyes, he’s an adorable sight, Hyunseung. Next is the visual maknae, a positive and tough girl, Miju. Her partner is a childish and immature boy with power vocals that compliment his angelic looks, Hongki! Iseul, shy and gentle is paired with the lead vocal of the hottest, 2PM’s Junsu. Euna is the dorky mood-setter, fun and teasing. Euna, your partner is a boy who’s a little bit feminine, matching his girly good looks and contrasting with his strong charismatic vocals, Kevin. Last, but not least, is the sweet maknae, Minhyo. Your partner is full of aegyo and adorable but when he dances, he is full of charisma,Taemin.” Taemin finished, out of breath. “Whew… why do I suddenly feel like the MC???”


“I’ll read the rest,” Mi’ki and Minhyo both said, grabbing the mission card. “You have 3 hours to buy all the necessary decorations for your baby’s nursery. Each of you will be given an alarm clock, you must get to the food court, finished, before the alarm rings, or you will fail your mission. Your budget will be unlimited but only buy what is necessary. The couple who uses the least amount of money while buying all the necessary items will win first prize and will have the privilege of choosing their house first. Ready, Set, Go!!” The two girls read in unison and then grabbed an alarm and credit card from a box that the PD was holding, rushing out and dragging their “husbands” behind them. Miju was the next to react, Eunha and Iseul following after with Euna and DaeSun not far behind.

Hola!! It's been a while..... I'm sorry T________T I feel so fail.... but it's late now and I can't write anymore.... But anyways.... I decided to get with the director lady for 3 reasons. 1) everyone seemed to hate her 2) I hated her 3) she had no Ne and I couldnt call her director lady all the time....


Please apply for this fanfic that I am co-authoring called Swap Dating found at http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/19484/swap-dating-apply-korean-lovestory Thank you and Night night,


Chloe :3

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so adorable^^
gotler #2
So cute haha.
koreansleeper #3
koreansleeper #4
nail polish
koreansleeper #5
a unicorn and a pig both ate my foot
koreansleeper #6
koreansleeper #7
koreansleeper #8
Hongki. OMG. >w<