3rd Girl

Mnet's We Got a Baby
AFF Username 
Han Miju
Age and DOB 
05/14/1993 - 17
Miju is a straight up happy, random girl. She makes the most out of all the opportunities she gets. She loves spending time with her friends and family. She`s usually the comical person of a groups since she likes busting out jokes. Miju wants to work hard on everything, but ends up not doing so since she`s a pretty lazy person. She`s fairly creative. She enjoys art , but her main specialty is dancing. She also plays violin and wants to learn piano. She`s very passionate about dancing and music. Miju tends to have a huge ego at times, and compliments herself a lot although she doesn`t REALLY mean it in the end. She HATES feeling inferior. She`s often sarcastic and sometimes rude, but people close to her know that she actually has a nice personality. Even though she seems brave, she really isn`t and needs someone to comfort and protect her. Miju shows great interest in languages, and she`s actually good with English and Japanese. She sleeps and eat a lot, likes cute stuff, and hates spending money.

fairly short, medium-length hair, brown-ish/red-ish hair, dark eyes
Likes: the colors blue and gray together, food, music, art, chocolate, humor, rice

Dislikes: failing, criticism, walnuts, math (although she`s VERY good at it), waking up early
Hobbies: Dancing, photography, violin, web/graphic designing, eating, sleeping

Habits: talks to self, sometimes dances even without music, spaces out and stares into space (but these don`t happen TOO often. XD), makes weird facial expressions that reveal her inner thoughts

THERE!! Now only two more girls left!!! Congratz to the chosen girls so far!! - silvrwngz <3
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so adorable^^
gotler #2
So cute haha.
koreansleeper #3
koreansleeper #4
nail polish
koreansleeper #5
a unicorn and a pig both ate my foot
koreansleeper #6
koreansleeper #7
koreansleeper #8
Hongki. OMG. >w<