Episode 1: KIDNAPPED

Mnet's We Got a Baby

It was a normal day of schedules for SHINee, running from place to place, their cheeks hurting from smiling. They were finally all through, walking out from a warm building towards their car, the cold and bitter wind stinging their skin.


“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh– AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Taemin began with a content sigh, stretching him arms and tucking them behind his head with his eyes closed, then, startled by a hand tugging on his arm, broke out into a scream. “HYUNG!!!! We’re being kidnapped again!! RUN!!” the maknae yelped, running to hide behind the tall rapper who chuckled.


“Annyeonghasaeyo.” The director, a short, balding man with black-rimmed glasses bowed, chuckling also at Taemin’s behavior. “I’m the director of We Got a Baby.”


“Neh?!” Key blurted. “Never heard of it.”


The PD’s eye twitched and he cleared his throat. “It’s Mnet’s newest reality show. It’s going to be a hit, a mix of Mnet Scandal, We Got Married, and Hello Baby.” His voice was laced with annoyance (towards Key) and pride.


“So…. What’s that got to do with us???” Jonghyun said, ruffling his hair and gazing up from his cell phone (which he was using to text someone).


That was when some big scary guys in black crept up behind them and grabbed a hold of Key and Taemin, easily hoisting them over their broad shoulders and carrying them into a black van. The PD and his crew hurriedly followed after, all of them squeezing into a car meant for 7.


“Whaaaa??” Onew mumbled, scratching his head as the car drove off, stealing two of their members.


The music came to an end in B2ST’s dressing room and the boys came to a halt in their dance. They sprawled out on the ground, panting and wiping away sweat.


“That. Was. Probably. The. Best. Practice. In. Weeks.” Yoseob yelled, falling back from a sitting position, his arms tucked behind his head.


“Yah! Where did Hyunseung run off to?!” Junhyung quizzically rubbed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed. “He was here a minute ago…..”


No one noticed the note tapped to the practice room door, a white piece of paper with pink ink writing.


Dear B2ST,

Hyunseung is busy. Don’t look for him. You won’t find him in your practice room. Bye!!


Mnet’s We Got a Baby


“1,2,3,4!  F-T! I-S! L-A-N-D! LET'S GO!

F-T! I-S! L-A-N-D! LET'S GO!!” Hongki was singing into the microphone. Seunghyun and Jonghun were on guitar, Jaejin was playing bass, and Minhwan was on drums, flipping his drumsticks and whatnot. “Na jigeum uhri-geh bo-igetjiman

Dallayo ddokgatchi bojimayooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” The note carried on and echoed as the stage floor beneath the magenta haired vocalist (A.N. how would you describe his hair color??) and he fell through. The members of FTIsland leaned over the open pit, checking to see if their lead singer was okay. There was a loud “oof” as he landed on a mattress in the back of a truck.


“I’m okay!” He called up just as the truck engine started and it began driving away. “Yah!!! Wait!!! Where are you taking meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”


“How’d a truck get in there?” Minhwan wondered aloud, twirling his drumstick and the other three exchanged a scared glance when a lump wrapped in paper flew up at them.


Dear FTIsland.

Hongki will be gone for awhile. Practice without him. We’ll bring him back! :]


Mnet’s We Got a Baby


Four girls sat in a plain and white room, each very pretty in their own way. Before their capture left, he had told them to introduce themselves to each other. Oh, and they had. Very shortly, of course.


One sat, a large pair of headphones over her ears, her fingers tapping on the table to the rhythm of the song. Park Mitsuki AeRin was her name. Of course she made it clear that she preferred Mi’ki and only Mi’ki. She sat with her eyes were closed and her dark lashes contrasted against her milky white skin of her puffed out cheeks. Her hair was short and overly layered, the choppy strands resting right above her shoulders. She was petite and short, standing at about 153cm.


A girl sat to her right noticeably taller than the first with long brown hair then fell in that “just right” way over her left shoulder. She was leaned against the wall, biting on the nail of her thumb. Her eyes darted nervously at the door every once in a while. She got up suddenly, pacing around the perimeter of the room. Cho DaeSun, she had stated clearly.


To the left of the first girl sat a girl even shorter than she.  Her wavy brown hair was pulled into a ponytail, her bangs falling right at her eyebrows.  Between her lips, she held a straw stuck in a carton of soymilk and she was tearing apart the straw wrapper, throwing the small pieces on the ground. Then she moved on… to a piece of paper she had found, tearing that apart as well. A piece of paper with her name written on it; Lee MinHyo.


The last girl sat smack in the middle of the room, on the ground. She seemed like she was the youngest out of the girls (although she wasn’t) with those pichable looking cheeks and childish features. Of course the panda hat didn’t do much to help either. But, when introducing herself, she said, “I’m Han Miju. I’m 17, not 14.” She had her back turned towards the other three, a bag of chips sitting on her lap. One hand was tugging at her shoulder length brown locks and the other was deep inside the bag.


All four of them, of course, were very curious to why such a big entertainment company like Mnet had picked such a bland and boring place to hold a meeting. And where were those big shot celebrity idols that they had been promised? But of course none of them could argue with Mnet, so they sat with nothing to do, obviously bored out of their minds. They sighed. All of them. At once. Beginning to give up on ever meeting their stars, when all of a sudden, four tall figures fell into the room.





Was that….?


“HyunseungKeyTaeminHongki!!!” The girls shot up from their seats (except for DaeSun, who was already standing).


“Hey!!! Why was my name last?!” Hongki said in mock irritation. The girls giggled.


“We can discuss that later, hyung.” Taemin tugged on Hongki’s sleeve to stop him, “Do you know why we’re here??” He was unaware that he was using his aegyo and that the girls probably didn’t hear because they were too busy going fangirl over him.


“Didn’t you know?? We’re here for Mnet’s We Got a Baby. It’s supposed to be the hottest new reality show.” Mi’ki answered, her eyebrow raised. How could they not know?


Just then, an envelope flew into the room.


“Hello Contestants. Welcome to Mnet’s We Got a Baby!!!!!!!!!This is your first official mission. To be able to meet your children, you will have to pass the parenting test. To truly succeed, you must pass 3 out of the 5 tasks. Only when you pass will the couples be revealed. Please face the camera and begin by opening one of the five scrolls! GO!!!” Mi’ki read aloud, for she had grabbed the envelope while the others just stared at it.


“What camera? There was no camera in here.” Minhyo spun around as she yelled, yelping as she found a man with a camera, staring at them. “Umm… were you there the whole time???”


“Filming began when you received the envelope.” The camera man said.


“Okay… well…. I’ll pick first,” Key reached for the first scroll, tugging the ribbon off. He stopped right before he opened it, shaking his head and muttering, “Man, this is just like Hello Baby.”


“What does it say? What does it say?” Hongki said, jumping up and down. He jumped on Key’s back, trying to read over the brunette’s shoulder.


“Number 1. Be able to change a baby’s clothes in less than 5 minutes.” As he read, the door crept open once more and a baby doll was thrown in with a pair of clothes. But this was no normal doll. It moved. It cried. It had a camera stuck on its forehead.

Alo!! Silvrwngz here with your the first chappie!! Yay!!

I'm excited. Are you excited??

Oh, God.... I think the lack of sleep is getting to me.

It's 12:34 in good old Wisconsin. I need to get some sleep now or I'll fall asleep during church

Night night.


Love <3,


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so adorable^^
gotler #2
So cute haha.
koreansleeper #3
koreansleeper #4
nail polish
koreansleeper #5
a unicorn and a pig both ate my foot
koreansleeper #6
koreansleeper #7
koreansleeper #8
Hongki. OMG. >w<