
Loving You
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"Ahh.. Yes.. Right there.." 


"That feels so good Lisa.." Jennie praised while biting her lip.


"Harder please.." Jennie moaned while closing her eyes.


We heard a loud banging on the door so we both look towards it.

"GUYS KEEP IT DOWN! IT'S 12 IN THE AFTERNOON AND CHAEYOUNG AND I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING! I TOLD YOU TO CONTROL YOUR HORMONES FOR PETE'S SAKE!" Jisoo shouted through the other side of the door and I saw Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Relax unnie! We're not doing anything!" I answered but I just heard Jisoo groaned.

"Stop lying Nallalisa! You ert!" Jisoo retorted and I just gasped. 

Okay. Just to make things clear, Jennie and I are not having right now. I'm just giving her a Thai massage because she said she needed one because her body was aching because of all the dance rehearsals that we've praticed this week.

"But unnie--" I was about to say something again when Jennie interrupted me.

"Just ignore her." she muttered and closed her eyes. I nodded and continue what I'm doing.

I massage her shoulders and rubbed it in circular motion. She moaned softly and I wonder if she really likes my massage to react like that. Sometimes I feel like she's just faking it to make me feel proud of myself or maybe she's doing that to tempt me. I may be overthinking about things again but I can't help it. Because Jennie was so unpredictable sometimes. Last night, she suddenly barged into my room and insisted on sleeping there. Of course I agreed to her request but when I was about to cuddle with her, she immediately back away from my touch and said that the weather was too hot and we couldn't stay close to each other. I just sighed defeatedly and put a pillow in between us. Then, I decided to get to sleep. When I woke up this morning, she was clingy again and keeps on giving me a hug. I love it when she's being like that so I take advantage of the situation and asked her to go take a shower with me. Her mood suddenly changed and said that she couldn't. After that, she keeps her distance from me during our rehearsal. I swear, she had a weird mood swings and it's driving me crazy. I don't know what's happening to her or why she's acting like that.


After giving her a massage, Jennie and I decided to go out and have a date. I am wearing a shades and a cap as a disguise while Jennie was wearing a mask to cover her face. 

We are now waiting in line to order coffee when I saw the guy behind Jennie checking her out. I frowned and pulled Jennie close to me. She just looks at me curiously while I just shook my head. I saw the guy moves closer to her back and sniff her hair. What the-- I felt my blood boil and immediately switch places with Jennie. 

"What's wrong?" she quietly asked but I just gave her a small smile.

"Ladies first." I replied and she just laughed lightly and shook her head. She turned her back on me and starts looking to the menu.

I felt the guy's presence behind me and moves closer to me. When I felt his body inches away from me, I purposely move my arm and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ow!" He groaned in pain catching everyone's attention. I turned towards him and apologized.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. It was an accident. Forgive me." I said and he just glared at me. I shook my head and turned towards Jennie.

"What happen?" she asked curiously and I just wave my hand.

"Nothing." I smiled and look at the guy again. 

I saw him checking Jennie out again. I don't know if he recognize her face or he's just simply being a ert. Whatever his reason was, I can't let him look at my girlfriend like that. I slowly move backwards and stomped on his foot. 

"Ouch!" He groaned again and looked at me in disbelief.

"Oh sorry. Didn't see you there again. I swear, it was also an accident. Ugh. I'm too clumsy!" I lied and slapped my forehead.

The guy glared at me again and balled his fist. He was obviously just trying to contain his anger. I just shrugged and gave Jennie a backhug. She gasped and looks at me in surprise.

"What are you doing? We're in public place Lisa." she mumbled quietly and I just chuckled.

"Relax. They won't recognize us." I murmured and rested my chin on her shoulder. Jennie just sighed defeatedly and caress my hands on her stomach.

We stayed like that and wait for our turn to order.

After eating our lunch, we head towards the mall to buy some clothes. We are currently inside a store when I felt someone tapped my shoulder. 

"Lisa? That's you right?" The girl said and my eyes widen when I saw her face. 

"Nami!" I said and smiled at her. She's one of the YG dancers. We're always talking to each other during rehearsals and became good friends.

"How did you know that it was me?" I asked and she just giggled.

"It was because of your height. I can't see your eyes so I can't confirm if it's you but when I caught a glimpse of your bangs, bingo!" Nami said and we both laughed. She pulled my hand and smiled at me.

"The other dancers are also here. Come and hang out with us. We're going to play pool today." she excitedly said but before I could respond, I felt a dark presence behind me. I gulped and turned to face Jennie. She's wearing a mask so I can't see her expression but based on her posture and her piercing gaze, she obviously looks displeased. She looks at our hands and I realized that Nami was still holding me. I retracted my hand from her and smiled at Jennie. She just rolled her eyes and walked past me. She was about to walk away but Nami hold her wrist to stop her.

"Oh! It's you Jennie-unnie! You're here too? Cool! Come and join us!" Nami suggested excitedly and Jennie just looked at her blankly.

"We're busy and---she cutted Jennie off and pulled our hands. She led us outside the store and we saw the other dancers there.

"Rapline will join us guys! Jenlisa in the house!" Nami announced and they all cheered for us. Jennie sighed defeatedly and glared at me. I just avoided her gaze and cheered with the guys too.

We went towards a pool place and my eyes wandered around. This is not a bar so it's okay. We're going to be in big trouble if we go to a place like that. I spare a glance at Jennie and I saw some of the dancers circled around her. They really look like fangirls at first but then I frowned when I saw one of the girls drape her arm around Jennie's shoulder. They seem close because Jennie didn't mind their close proximity. I look away from them and get a cue stick. I have no idea on how to play this game but I have a good feeling that it was easy. 

I positioned myself on the side of the table and try to practice aiming at the ball. I tried to hit it but I can't seem to aim at it. I groaned in frustration and was about to give up when Nami suddenly approached me. 

"That's not how you hold that stick. Here, let me teach you." she said and positioned herself behind me. She told me the correct position of my hands and arms. Then she moved my arms and adjusted my position. 

"Now try to relax and hit the ball gently." She whispered in my ear and I quickly nodded and aim for the target. I was about to hit the ball when I heard a loud noise at Jennie's side. I look at it and I saw some of the balls scattered all over the floor. Looks like someone dropped the balls there. I felt Nami pulled away from me and I looked over at Jennie and saw her looking at me too. No. She was actually glaring at me right now and I suddenly felt nervous. I put my stick down and walk towards her direction.

"Why are you glaring at me like that? Stop that baby. I swear, it's so creepy." I whispered in her ear and glance around us. She just scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Stop acting so innocent. You're such a flirt and I hate you!" Jennie said and was about to walk away but I pulled her hand and pinned her on the wall.

"What is wrong with you? I'm so confused because of your mood swings. Are you on your period again?" I asked curiously and eyed her skirt and she just blushed.

"Stop gawking at me idiot!" she tried to slap my arm but I caught both of her wrist and stick my tongue out at her. She groaned in frustration and kick my leg. I flinched and released her hands. 

"Ouch!" I whined and holds my leg. That really hurts. Why do I always get a physical beating from my girlfriend? She's so small but her kick and slap was too strong. I will stop teasing her from now on.

I head back towards the table while limping. I get the cue stick and smiled.

"Let's start the game!" I announced cheerfully and Nami just laughed.

"Are you familiar with the terms and rules of this game?" I smiled sheepishly at her and scratch my nape.

"Uh..no." I answered and she just smiled. 

She started teaching me the rules and I listen to her carefully. After a few minutes, she finally finish explaining the game and I get ready to play. I look at my opponent and I frown when I realized that it was Jennie.

"Okay guys, why don't we make a bet to make the game more interesting." I offered and smirked at Jennie. She raised a brow and I begun to speak.

"If I win this game, I will treat you guys and gives you a free hug!" I announced and all the girls squealed. I saw Jennie bit her lip and shook her head. She glared at me and I just smirked to .

She took a deep breath and speaks.

"Okay. If I win, I will give all of you.." The room fell silent and all of us anticipated on her answer.

She smirked at me before speaking.

"A kiss." she added and all the girls went crazy. I looked at her in disbelief and she just wink at me. I bit my lip and stretch my arms in the air.

I have to win. I really have to win now. I will do everything just to win. I won't let her give them a kiss. No way! She's mine! And I'm the only one who could kiss her. No one else.

We started the game and I prayed to God to give me luck. I will do whatever it takes to win.

Minutes later..

"Congratulations! You did great!" The girls circled around her while I was just silently pouting at the side. I pretty badly at the game. I can't count how many times the ball jumped off the table. The dancers make fun of me and I feel so embarrassed. I want to go home now.

"Thanks." Jennie flashed her cute gummy smile at them.

"What about our prize? Give us a kiss." The girl who was clinging to Jennie earlier said. I quickly stood up from my seat and head towards their direction.

I drape my arm on Jennie's shoulder and smiled at her.

"I think I should go first and start claming my prize too." I muttered and cupped Jennie's cheek. I saw her blushed and narrowed her eyes me. I lean in and kisses her cheek lingeringly. She closed her eyes and savor the moment. I pulled back and she slowly opens her eyes to look at me. Our gaze locked and I know that if we're the only people here, I would really kiss her lips. I hold her hand and turned towards them. 

"I'm sorry but we have to go home now. Try to claim your prize next time okay?" I suggested and they all just protest.

"But why? We want to kiss her now!" Some girls grumbled but I just smirked at them.

"I'm sorry girls but this dumpling is mine." I said and pinched her cheek.





Jisoo and Chaeyoung went to visit Jisoo's family because her older sister Jiyoon keeps on bugging her about her girlfriend, Rose. Her sister wants to talk to them and ask them about their relationship. 

"It's nice to see you again, Rosé." Jiyoon greeted Rosé with a hug. Rosé hugged her back and smiled.

"I'm glad to see you too unnie. You look beautiful today." Rosé complimented before sitting on the couch. Jiyoon just blushed and thanked her.

Jisoo ran upstairs to play with her two cute nephews leaving the two ladies alone in the living room. Rosé just laughed at Jisoo's childishness and shakes her head. Jiyoon smiled and s

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I was so happy that Jennie updated last night 😭😭😭 I miss seeing all four of them together 😭😭😭


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Chapter 19: 😂😂😂 chaesoo the rescue squad 🛟 🚑
Chapter 16: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1327245/16'>Double Date?</a></span>
Hahah this is sooo good 😊 I’m especially loving the Chaesoo breadcrumbs 🤍😭
Astraea21 #3
Chapter 51: 👍
Juliaperes12 #4
yaaaay you are back!!! thank you for the update!! your story is my favorite so far ❤️❤️ 화이팅 for the next chapters!!!
Shirloe #5
Chapter 51: So whats next?
LiMario_8 #6
Chapter 51: who 's Palisa?
Limario_Jendukie #7
Chapter 51: Man when I was saw this pop up I was confused because I couldn’t remember why the title sounded so familiar to me and then it hit me. This was that one story I was obsessed with lmaoooo. This chapter was really good. I remember reading the previous chapter a long time ago and being super annoyed but this chapter really would have made the past me all happy again. I missed how good the drama in this fanfic was damn. Thank you for coming back even for just one update and I hope you’re doing well!
Chapter 51: Kudos to Jisoo for being straight up with Chanyeol. Lisa should be like that too with Jongin. Like they can’t get a hint. Rosé did her part, she told him she doesn’t wanna see him again. Now I hope Jennie can do that too. Or at least tell the idiot to stop overdoing it and he should keep it friendly. Nothing more.
Chapter 51: Wow an update after so long,

Great great great :)
Limario_Jendukie #10
Lmaoooo yo you really dipped on us. Just wanted to comment though and say hope you’re safe and well and even if you don’t finish this story it’s really good. You wrote this really well and thank you for giving us this great story. It’s by far one of my most memorable JL fics. I’ll miss it. Take care!