The Bride and The Groom

We Got Married......In Real Life?

Right after B1A4 performed on Music Bank, their manager gathered them to tell them something. Something really important.

“Kids listen.” The manager says as he gathered the boys.

“What’s up hyung?” Baro ask him.

“Listen, one of you will be starring on We Got Married. And the filming will be held next Saturday.” The manager told them. The 5 of them suddenly getting noisy after heard it.

“Oooh~ who could that be~” Sandeul says.

“Hyung! Who’s the person??” Gongchan ask their manager playfully.

“It’s Jinyoung.” Their manager replies. The other 4 turn their heads to Jinyoung while on the other hand, Jinyoung shocked when he heard his name being called.


“Yeah you.” The manager slightly replies.

“Whoa Jinyoungie~ Congratulations!” CNU patted his back.

“Who’s his wife?” Baro ask the manager, making the other 4 turn their heads to the manager.

“I don’t know either. But don’t mention about the show on Twitter, okay?”

“Arasso!” The five of them nodded as the manager leaves them to change their clothes.

“Whoa hyung, who could she be?” Gongchan randomly ask Jinyoung.

“I don’t know...”

“Have you ever mentioned your ideal type on a variety show?” CNU ask him.

“I’ve mention miss A Suzy... but I don’t think she’s the one.” Jinyoung replied as he shook his head.

“Well we have to wait until Saturday then.” Sandeul says as he patted Jinyoung’s back.


“Unnie, the manager told me to hand this letter for you.” Yunhwa the maknae delivered the pink letter to her unnie, Melisa.

“Omo! That’s the We Got Married letter!” Songhyun says as her eyes widened.

“Unnie, that could be a letter from fans.” Kaitlin told the oldest unnie.

“Lisa! Open it!” Minyoung, the most unpatience one couldn’t take it anymore. Melisa quickly opened the letter and as expected, it’s the We Got Married letter.

“See, I told you it’s the We Got Married letter!” Songhyun says as she hit Kaitlin’s arm lightly.

“Read it! Read it!” Minyoung chant and the others started following her.

“Dear Melisa Kim, congratulation on your marriage! We can’t tell you who’s your husband yet because it’s a secret. Go to the xxx ice cream store next Saturday. Once again congratulation! Sicerenly the We Got Married staffs.” Melisa read it loudly.

“Unnie congrats!” Yunhwa says then she runnedto hug her.

“What is this? I’m 2 years older than you but you got married first?! Seriously...” Songhyun complains but still hugging her dongsaeng. The other 2, Minyoung and Kaitlin quickly join them for the group hug.


It’s finally the day of the meeting. The groom and the bride are both nervous but still thinking hard to figure out who’s their partner.

“Hyung! Good luck!” Gongchan told his hyung.

“Don’t forget to call us right away!” CNU added.

“I hope your wife will be pretty person.” Baro followed.

“Don’t do anything bad to her!” Sandeul says as if he’s the ahjumma.

“I got it, I got it. I’ll go now. Bye!” Jinyoung says as he waving his hand to s and went to the parking lot, where his manager already waiting for him. Because they will be meet at an ice cream parlor, so Jinyoung doesn’t wear a tuxedo ‘cause he thinks it’s too formal. He just worea comfortable shirt but it’s still looked formal. His heart beating fast and he keep thinking about his future wife. The members helped him to guessed the bride but they didn’t really sure about it.

 A few days ago...

“Hyung, your could be from a rookie group too.” Sandeul told him all of a sudden.

“I think so too. So we could be like more comfortable towards each other.” Jinyoung says.

“Nah, I don’t think it’s a rookie group. I have a feeling it’s our sunbae.” Baro joining the conversation.

“Hyung, you think she’s a noona for Jinyoung hyung?” Gongchan ask his hyungs.

“That couldn’t be. Our sunbaenims who debuted in 2008, 2009 or 2010 are younger than Jinyoung hyung because he’s old~” Sandeul says but teasing Jinyoung at the same time.

“Yah are you calling me old?!” CNU ask at him angrily because he’s also the 91ers.

“Hehe mianhe hyung but I was reffering to Jinyoung hyung.” Sandeul told him.

“Hyung! What if it’s one of the Dazzlers?!” Baro immediately get up from the couch.

“Yeah! It could be Melisa! Your favorite member of Dazzlers!” Gongchan become one level happier.

“Noona! Call her noona Gongchan-ah. Aish it couldn’t be her. I mean, she’s like everyone’s ideal girl.” Jinyoung says as he shook his head.

“What are you gonna do if it’s really her?” CNU ask him.

“I’ll faint because of her goddes look.” Jinyoung replies as he smiling to himself, imagining Melisa is his wife.


“Jinri-ah!!! You have to get ready now!!!” Songhyun shouted loudly from her room when she saw her dongsaeng still sitting there, watching TV. Even though Melisa is the one who got married, but the excited ones are her members. She, herself well she’s excited too. But her members are MORE excited.

“Arasso arasso.” Melisa quickly went to her room to find perfect clothes to wear. She didn’t really know what to wear but in the end she chose to wear a casual jeans dress. After she put her make up on, she look at the clock and it’s already time for her to go.

“Unnie goodluck!” Both Kaitlin and Yunhwa told her in unison.

“Goodluck Mels, 92-line jjang!” Minyoung told her then she hugged her.

“Don’t forget to call us!” Songhyun told her and Melisa nodded at her.

“I’ll go now. Wish me luck!” Melisa says when she opened the door, with a fast heartbeat.

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hyo-ji #1
Chapter 15: It really good!!!! Please write more!!!!
mangotaengoo #2
@SujuXLove nope they name them lee, teuk, so and ra kkkk-_-
Fishes........ XD Did they name it Donghae? kekekeke I need to watch.dang it. kekeke it always couples arguing about who to pay
mangotaengoo #5
@SujuXLove yeah they have fishes lol XD
Ooooh. A baby? UPDATE SOON~
wat? Wait..I haven't watch TeukSo for a while now.....(coz Donghae *coughs*) A PET??
lalalalala #8
a kid??
CAnt wait...
Yeah...their song was daebak!!! ssi, fighting!! XD
aigo!!! I cant wait!~~ Palli!!