
don't be good to me.

Walking inside his head turned around and clench his on his teeth. The house was a big mess; Tae Kyung hate messy places especially when Mi Nyu they first met, she ruined his cd stacks.

"Ahhgissuuu!" Tae Kyung frowned using his feet to move the mess out of his way. "yah! What the hell is this?" he yelled out as Mi Nam came out of the bathroom, "ahgissi what the hell is this smell? Shin woo? Jeremy?" he asked impatiently holding his nose and stand there like a stone. "even Go Mi Nyu wasn't this messy" looking over at Mi Nam, he pouted his lips and walked over to him.

"Go Mi Nam, do you know what time is it?" looking at his watch, "it's 2:3-" Tae Kyung made a fist, after Mi Nam have puked what ever he have drink on him. "GO...MI...NAN! you jerk " pulling on Mi Nam collar and raising his hand.

"Hyung! Stop" both Shin Woo and Jeremy yelled out, bringing a bowl of cold icy water, but the puking on him made Tae Kyung who is already in the stage of fainting, wanted to throw up afterward.

"I need to-" covering his mouth, Tae Kyung eye widen and quickly went inside the restroom slamming the door.

"like alway" Shin Woo tried to calm Mi Nam's bipolar mood, while Jeremy who looked so lost cleaned the smelly mess that both man had made.

After hours of cleaning, alone Shin Woo was finally done, Jeremy was still cleaning the mess both Tae Kyung and Mi Nam had made at the door. Coming out of the restroom after a countless long hours, he finally feel clean.

"what is wrong with Go Mi Nam?" he asked with the towel covering his nose, Tae Kyung can still smell the strong alcohol even after both Jeremy and Shin Woo sprayed countless house spray.

Jeremy sighed and looked at Shin Woo with the 'you explain the situation please' look.

"he got dumped" Tae Kyung folded his arm.

"dumped?" questiong as he think back, "could this be her father fault?" he whispered catching the ear of his dongsaeng.

"whose father? hyung" Jeremy asked but Tae Kyung just ignored him and walked away to his room.

At the airport,

"ah, finally feels like home." she said smelling the fresh air.

"your here!"

"oh, manger Ma . . And Coordinator Wang" she said happily, spotting her two old friend coming her way.

Next day.

"Go Mi Nam have to attend press conference with President Ah at 10:00 AM, so you have to go get your hair done with me" Coordinator Wang said, pulling on Go Mi Nam who have no heart to do anything and wasn't sobered up enough yet.

As for the rest they all have there own little solo activity until there 7th album comes out. Jeremy is an MC for Music Bank, Shin Woo is filming some cf and Tae Kyung is doing nothing much, he just have to attending an opening ceremony for a cosmetic and that was it.

As for Yoo He Yi she went home that night and with her mom, packing their belonging, they both moved out of the house and is living in the hotel that Yoo He Yi alway stayed in. Her schedule was very packed, she have to attend an cosmetic ceremony, interview, filming her upcoming drama and had to finish filming her cf.

The morning came as He Yi left the hotel at 9:00 AM to the hair salon, because her interview was at 10:00AM, but she was going early to review those questions. While Mi Nam was also there siting behind her, both of them had there back to each other, they didn't know that they both were there together at all. Until Yoo He Yi saw Coordinator Wang coming with a hair brush.

"Hee Yi?" Coordinator Wang asked, surprises that she didn't see He Yi at all until now.

Mi Nam looked behind him and saw He Yi, they both blankly stare at each other, breaking the eye contact Mi Nam looked away like he didn't care at all. He Yi the air out of and turned back looking into the mirror like she doesn't give a damn about this guy. Coordinator Wang looked awkwardly at them both and quickly went to fix Mi Nam's hair.


Both their hair was done and ready to go. As Mi Nam didn't even looked at He Yi and went straight into the van, Coordinator Wang came running after but stops for He Yi.

"He Yi. . Today is Mi Nam conference. . It starts at 10:00 if you can come" telling her, Mi nam yelled from the car.

"you should go." Uee told Coordinate Wang, smiling alittle. "You shouldn't make Oppa wait... Thank you Unnie." Uee finay said and bowed down deeply to her. Walking fastly into the building she dropped to her knees and cried loudly. Cry of how much she can't take the pain anymore.

The interview didn't end smoothly, as the question they've asked her was too personally and it wasn't what they have presented her early, leaving the set she looked very tired, sipping her coffee, she didn't talk at all, and slept for most of her free time.

Into her van, 10:00 AM

"unnie, let's stop by the spaghetti shop." she said putting on her sunglasses.


"the press conference is starting" President Ah said into the mic, looking very nervous at Mi Nam. "the purpose of this conference is to clarify any question you've got for Go Mi Nam," looking over at the over pale Mi Nam. President Ah took his seat and listened to the clattering sound of the camera.

"is the relationship between you and Yoo He Yi-sssi really over?" the reporter asked, there were flashes of light and mic all over the room.

"yes, the relation between me and Yoo He Yi-sii is over"

"did you guys really like each other or was that just an act to the public?" one asked from away far.

Mi Nam looked at the reporter with an annoyed look. Which alerted the president that it's bad luck. "I'm sorry, but please don't compare peoples life to drama that you've seen on tv, because when you love someone you love them truly not because the public wants you too." President Ah can see that Go Mi Nan was mad already at the reporters, and at any time soon enough will burst.

As the reporter do there job, He Yi was there hiding behind the doors listen to his answers, at times she think to herself. "it's okay. . To be like this" and hurt herself for other people wills.

"there's a rumor going on that you broke with Yoo He Yi ssii because she isn't as beautiful inside as her image?"

This question trigger the bullet inside the gun, Mi Nam slammed his hand on the table. "what right do you have? To judge someone like that?!" Mi Nam raise his voice at the reporter "you don't know her! You haven't seen her cry because of her family? Have you seen her work all her life and never got a single support?! Have you?" literally spoiling the bean, Mi Nam calmly take a deep breathe. "she is purely beautiful inside out, . . With a beautiful heart that people take advantage of her goodness." saying as he look past all the reporters and directyl to her eyes. " t's just that nobody actual took the time to look at her, to see her pain."

The reporter all went quiet his words were so strong it just shut all the reporter up.

"so . . . the reason for the break up was it because she doesn't love you as much as you love her? "

l Mi Nam was clenching his fist to just straight off and punch the guy on the face. Like God! Doesn't this knows how to stop.

"it's doesn't matter who love who more" looking straight to Yoo He Yi who too looked right back at him. "because I know that I love her with all my heart . . . . And when you love that someone you will let them go." holding his tears she is tearing up already. "and if your going to ask about A.N.Jell future plans, I'm sorry to say this that I officially will be departing as a member and I'll be going solo in Japan . . I won't be participating as a part of A.N.Jell anymore. . . The 7th album I will not be a part of. . . Kansamida" bowing he can see the speechless and shocked President Ah, Coordinator Wang and He Yi, getting off the stage, security guards quickly block the reporter way of coming closer to Go Mi Nam.

He Yi was in her van, always she would sit in the middle seat, but today she sit at the back where the clothes and supplies are, with her dark round shade hiding her red swollen eyes. Even with this He Yi told the driver to turn up the volume as it was done she began to cry, she cried loudly as the music hide her cries.

Attending the cosmetic ceremony with Hwang Tae Kyung as they both were asked does it felt awkward working together after they've broken off. He Yi too was getting tired of these kind of interview, Tae Kyung can see it too, as smart as he is he answered the question professionally. "no, even though we had broken off, we are still friend and will remain as good friend for future references" Looking at her, she sends him the 'thank you' look as he just his famous smile.

Overall everything ended smoothly, He Yi leaned against the wall with her hand in her skirt pocket, worn out.

"here" Tae Kyung said handing her a cup of coffee.

"thanks" taking the coffee. Tae Kyung was shocked, devil fairy never says thank you to anyone at all, nor look so sad before too. Taking a sip of his coffee, he chocked on it when He Yi asked him a question.

"Tae Kyung Oppa, how does it feel when you inlove?"

" it . . ." suddenly moving his neck back and forth. "it feels as if I would take bullet for her" He Yi gentle smiled and thanked him again for the coffee.

Alway sleeping, she haven't got time to answer her phone at all. To her drama filming, she hasn't even ate lunch yet, but she didn't complain at all usually she would get mad and cancel her whole scheduled but she didnt.

Reading the script, He Yi was reading it quietly, but usually she would be on her phone texting or calling for someone. The director tell them what angle they have to face and where they have to go to or face to next.

" ready . . ACTION " the director yelled out.

The first scene and the next was done perfectly the staff around wasn't shocked to see her do this greatly just after breaking up with Go Mi Nam. The same thing happen with her and Tae Kyung's break up, she was still happily doing whatever she was doing.

In A.N.Jell van, Tae Kyung receive a call from Manger Ma.

"what is it?"

"come back to the dorm, somethings here for you"

"I don't want to"

"come now. President Ah said so, I'm hanging up"

Tae Kyung blinked his eye with the 'you did not just hang up on me' look.

"ah-gisss, drive back to the dorm" he told the driver and laid his head back into the seat. His car key was taken away after he and Mi Nam got into a fight concerning Mi Nyu. 

30 minutes passed.

"I'm here what do you want Manger Ma?" looking at the figure standing with its back at him.

"Manger Ma? Did you got extensions done?" asking and moving from side to side to get a look at him.

"hyung-nim! "she turned around as Tae Kyung's eye widen up and constantly blanked in disbelief. "I've missed you alot!" going up and hugging him, Tae kyung frozen up by her hug.

"Go. . Go Mi Nyu you're here" hugging her back, he smiled freely for a minute but then pulled himself back together. "uh-hum, Go Mi Nyu" clearing his throat.

"ah, sorry hyung-nim" letting go of him, they both still wore the smile that was hard to let go.

Until filming was done, He Yi got out of the dressing room and handed the clothes to her stylist. "He Yi sii, do yo- Yoo He Yi siii! What's wrong with you?" the stylist was on the ground tappin on Yoo He Yi shoulder. "director! Hurry and help Yoo He Yi! She's unconscious! Hurry!" yelling the director and the cast crew all came in, her leading man picked her up and put her into the van as the manger drives to the hospital.

After an hour in the emergency room, He Yi was emitted out and was sent home by the manger who called the cf director informing them that He Yi won't make it.

"ah, adios kansadmida " hanging up the phone, the cf director clap his hand calling from them to come over. "Yoo He Yi's manger just called, the cf filming for today is canceled, so we have to wrap up and come back to film next week." the crew sighed and express there disappointment with this event.

"Shin Woo-sssiii, you dont have to change anymore," putting the makeup back into the box "and feel free to leave the filming site." she said smiling to Shin Woo who too looked disappointed.

"wae? Noona," he asked while changing back into his clothes.

"Miss Yoo, is sick and couldn't make it," Shin Woo was out of the changing room and handed her that clothes. "so the director reschedule the filming to be next week."

"Ahh, I see" sliding on his jacket. "well then I'll take my leave."

Everyone was happy that Go Mi Nyu was back, but except for President Ah, he was overly load of sadness. Pleading Go Mi Nam in every way that he can but it wasn't helping at all, Mi Nam was leaving for Japan the next day, leaving Korea, leaving the person he love in order to move on. As for Yoo He Yi her mom is going to sign the divorce paper with her dad and go out of states, trying to convince Yoo He Yi to go with her but she didn't want to. She wanted to stay in Korea until all her work is done.

Go Mi Nam left for Japan even though Mi Nyu was home in Korea he didn't want to stay, and wanted to pursue his career as a solo artist for awhile. He Yi mom also got her divorce with her dad, and left for overseas, as for the rest of her days she's been work nonstop, and getting very little sleep for the next 2 week. Until today going inside the BIG manger office, He Yi and A.N.Jell members were also there with President Ah. After a moment everyone yelled out.


"no can do" Tae Kyung said calmly, shooking his head in disapproval, He Yi didn't really talk much, until the door open.

"Go Mi Nam?" her voice changed from being dead to alive, as she jumped up from her seat and hug her. "na, I really miss you" everyone was stunned by her actions.

"Yoo He Yi sssiii? ," the woman asked. He Yi dropped her hand from Mi Nyu's neck, looking down at her foot.

" I'm sorry . . ." looking up and around, everyone stared at her if she have gone crazy. "excuse me" and walked out the door.

"what was that all about?" Jeremy asked in a confused tone, switching interesting stares with Tae Kyung and Shin Woo.

"ahgissi, maybe Miss Yoo He Yi still miss our Mi Nam" President Ah expressed sadly, he too miss Mi Nam.

In the restroom, she huddle herself and cried, for the next very long minutes finally back in the room again. Everyone can see her red eye lump, even though the makeup was covering it. The talk was that there has been a change in plans, He Yi drama was postpone due to that the director have gone over seas to vacation, and A.N.Jell will be producing a new album so both manger thought that it would be great if He Yi was to come and live with A.N.Jell in there dorm for the following 6-10 months due to publicity.

No matter what they have to agreed to it somehow, since the break-up scandal was too big, and blah-blah. So to clear their sweet voice artist and Nation's Fairy name they have to agree. Since Mi Nyu was also going to stay at the dorm now that her aunt isn't there anymore they've come to a conclusion, Mi Nyu and He Yi sleeps in Mi Nam room and the rest sleeps in their own room but they must be a family like style. It tooks hours and hours, mostly from morning to night to come to an agreement, when they all agreed on it, it was required that the member go and help her move her stuff in which they did, instead of going to her house, she told the driver to stop by the hotel that she was staying in, all of the A.N.Jell member had on there caps and sunglasses to where He Yi was tired: with only a shade on she walked quickly inside due to the cold chilly wind.

"why are we coming here for? Is this your home?" Mi Nyu asked, she was just simply dumb or didn't know what was going on.

"you've been gone for quite awhile now didn't you? Mi Nyu-ssi " Yoo He He asked in a formal way, since after all now that if Mi Nam and Mi Nyu are twins. Mi Nyu was older than her by a few month.

"can we just hurry up, how many floor do we have to go to your room?" Tae Kyung asked annoyed, walking and looking at his surrounding carefully.

"dont worry, I don't live at the very top floor or even that far .. . Over here" walking, they were all shocked it was the bottom floor, as she went to the very last room. "not everyone live in a fancy hotel like you" opening the room, it was an okay size for 2 people to live in.

Everyone was shocked that Miss Yoo He Yi lived in a not so fancy nor poor conditions.

"no need to hurry," Shin Woo told her, lookin around the house, they were surprise that for sure this wasn't the Yoo He Yi they used to know. Looking around, Shin Woo picked up a broken picture fame on the ground.

"whats this? Oh" looking at the picture closely. "this is Yoo He Yi's family" but she went and grabbed it from his hand. "I'm sorry" he told her but she didn't answer back. Like always maybe she turned vampire cold, Shin Woo thought.

Into her room, she looked at the picture for the last time, walked up to the trash can and throw it in. Before they knew it, Yoo He Yi was done packing, she only have a suitcase and bag with her, they were to shocked to even go out the door.

"can you please stop at Mr. Yoo's house?" He Yi asked the driver.

"Mr. Yoo?" they all asked confusingly.

Turning on the left of the corner, she opened the door and looked at the big house infront of her.

"You guys can go first, I'll come by myself" she assure them with a gentle princess like smile, but Tae Kyung hop out of the car.

"I'll help you"

" its okay"

"hung... Why are you like that?" Mi Nyu asked sadly.

"Tae Kyung, you can go. . . I'll come back myself" pushing him back into the car. Shin Woo observed this carefully, something fishy was going on, and it doesn't look pretty at all.

"it's not okay, men are suppose to be gentlemen right?" smiling to her, she brightly smiled to him as the car takes its leave.

Using her key to open the the gate and the door, walkin inside her tears began to form. Their family picture wasn't there anymore on the wall nor is all the memories they've created together.

"Oppa, wait here, I'll be back " she instructed him, going upstairs. "who are you?" a man's voice asked, after a moment of He Yi's upstairs disappearance Tae Kyung turned around and bowed to him.

"Annyeongsayo, I'm Yoo He Yi's friend Hwang Tae Kyung"

" . . Arent you the kid that she dated? . . ." recalling the memories of when Yoo He Yi and Hwang Tae Kyung went out. "why are you here? Tae Kyung . . . Please sit " walking over and sitting on the sofa. Her father was quite a scary man when he talks.

"He Yi was coming to get some of her stuff so I came to help her."

"oh. . . She's still here?" he asked Tae Kyung who simply nodded.

After packing, He Yi came down stairs with a medium sport bag, looking around Tae Kyung was sitting and drinking tea.

"Tae Kyung oppa," walking up to him with both hand on the bag trying to pull it up right. "have you seen Mr. Yoo?"

"why do you call you dad Mr. Yoo?" He asked out of curiosity. He Yi bit her lower lip and stumbled to answer his question.

"yes, answer him. Why do you call your father Mr. Yoo?" her dad asked walking back to the living room with 3 bags of different sort of thing.

"here, I've heard from your friend that you were at the hospital and been busy, I've packed some stuff for you." he handed it toward He Yi. Her heart became sullen and mad, it's just out of pity.

"it's okay, Mr. Yoo, thank you for your concerns." her dad was taken back by her callin him Mr. Yoo instead of dad, even if there not blood dad and daughter. He have always love her like his own.

"uh, here. "taking out some papers, and keys placing it on the counter, her voice was shaky enough for Tae Kyung to tell that she've became so fraguile.

"I've came here to return your house keys, your car key, also the rest-house in Jeju Island, along with the bank cards." looking at her dad, he was speechless as she just bowed.

"sorry to bother you, We will take out leave now" bowing to her dad again,  she pulled Tae Kyung up and walk toward the door.

"you won't even call me your father?" He Yi frozed and clench her hand holding Tae Kyung hand.

"I'm sorry Mr. Yoo..." she joking laughed. "I don't know what your taking about, goodbye." picking up her pace, they walked out the door into the gate, pulling on her hood, she puts on her sunglass and began waking up the cement hill.

Hwang Tae Kyung wasn't at all confused about them at all. From the very start when he faked kiss He Yi infront of the reporter, he knew her story, he knew that she wanted a father love, so he played along with  He Yi. Forgotten that Tae Kyung was with her, he walked up to her and squatted down covering her cold body with his large jacket.

Even when they were by theirselves they both acted perfectly, deceiving her father who alway watch them both closely, Tae Kyung pity her, as she never once was appreciated for her good heart that no one really took the time to see.

He Yi covered with both of her hand to stop her cry as Tae Kyung stand beside her, no one can see her cry; they can put it against her as if she was a weaning who asked Hwang Tae Kyung to help her, who acted another face just to get her father to whole-heartily love her. He choose to help her because he knows how it feel like to not be loved by his mom.


How was this Chappter?

I feel sad for He Yi, but I am glad that Mi Nyu back though!;))

@ breeranisar; thanks for pointing it out, Lol. NO! I wouldnt be that evil(=^x^=), Hwang Tae Kyung belong to Mi Nyu!;))

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i want shin woo and mi nyu to end up !
please update soon ^^
sweetheart_cdoress #2
Why did he help HeYi n ignore Mi Nyu??? Please update more... Tae Kyung seems to be nicer to He Yi than towards Mi Nyu... That is sad for her...
love_violet #3
hi..i'm sure you're update for chapter 14 right?? but i can't find it. there's no chapter 14 on da list. or am i wrong?? did you actually reupload for chapter 13 only? TT TT
love_violet #4
omg.please update soon. i can't wait to know what shin woo will do to he yi after he saw the kiss.update soon!! ^^
i want more pleaseeee..^^
devil_fairy_o3o #6
OMG I can't wait for the next chapter..
kyuhyun?? i thought that was mi nam.
hha shinwoo started to falling n jealous.
im curious with who is kyuhyun in here n also their past ^^
update soon!!
they kissed already o_O shinwo is ert xD
i need more chapter with more shinwoo n he yi moment ^^
update soon!
devil_fairy_o3o #9
I love this story more than your previous story but i subscribed them both....this is the best fanfic ever