✧༝ Reviews ༝✧ (+2)

✧༝ Necalli ༝✧ Sunlight's Co-ed group! REVAMPING TO NEW THREAD

number of applicants 01


fc fc fcc

Qin ZImo : My character : chosen

Here is where the reviews will go! The middle picture will link to the app. I work with a three strike system. If you're accepted you're good to go, but if you're pending you need to fix some things. If you haven't fixed everything in three tries (which means you don't really pay attention to the reviews and mistakes...) I'll reject your character. I can also reject people on the get-go if the app is really a huge mess. But I'll grant you a second chance with a different character in case that happens... But if you know how to apply, that shouldn't be happening, unless there is just this weird af subject in your app that makes me really uncomfortable... Anyway have fun applying!


 ตลิ่งไทยโซ่ง ศิริพร

fc FC FC

Golden-blood : nelli : pending

Hi Sun! I’m so sorry this took a while but I took a break from applyfics before! But I’m all back now! And I’m so happy we got Siri back as well! She’s the queen of Necalli. I still cant get over how pretty she is… Her style is so simple and stylish, I love it. Anyway, her basics are all good! Let’s continue!

She’s so relatable, ugh, I love her <3 I can see a bit of myself in her, actually. She’s such a lovely and sweet girl. As you may notice, my reviews have gotten a bit shorter, but that’s mainly because I already know Siri and I have lots of stuff to do now that I’m back… rip. Omg Phichit… is that a Yuri on ice reference?? I love phichit so much he was my fave. Aw her parents are so cute for encouraging her so much, even though they didn’t really realise that she preferred dancing over acting. They even moved to another place just for her… Talk about dedication!

Damn the sudden specificity of the starbucks drink sends me lmao. I can imagine her giving skinship to other members and everyone is just like hALP. Oh god she hates comedy? That’s not a good thing for haitao lol. I found an issue! Please include two more habits, you missed some! Besides that, I really love her trivia! She’s such a weirdo lol

Ooohh hello pretty cloud e u e You don’t have to censor for me… I don’t do it myself anyways lol. One thing I do notice that he is kind of a gary stu. It would be great if you gave him smth more negative as well? They’re a real cute couple though!

I do think that your rap and dance twin are a bit too strong. She is a triple threat, but she’s not main level anything. Please downgrade them a bit! I am also confused at her pre-debut experiences… judging from her background I expected her to have played some more roles, you know? Like even just small ones.

I think these issues might’ve been in old siri too but maybe I didn’t notice them, oops. Well overall, fix those issues and she’ll be accepted, but for now, Siri is pending! Thank you so much for bringing her back though!




neoculture_dorknology : ahuilitzi : accepted

Hey wassup spawn of satan! Pinklove is back and god I love this layout! Let’s hope I can find my way in it though. Except for Daehwan (rip), Necalli Blast has now returned! Oop… I just called Siri the queen of necalli LOL. Lmao her nicknames…. Some are so lame. Okay damn those are MANY backup faceclaims lmao. MIN WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT MAKING HER TOO TALL OMFG I’ll just imagine that she’s 175,5 cm again…… You thought I wouldn’t see that? Oh hi jungil makes his first appearance we stan.

Oh god I almost missed her personality right here lol I knew I’d lose my way somehow. God I can’t express how much I love her personality! Her background is okay too! Oof we love boba. And OMG ADORE DELANOOO she’s one of my favourite rpdr queens (but no one can come close to Vanda Miss Joaquim, Tormai, Shuga Cain and Jujubee <3). Okay why does she dislike psy… he did nothing wrong. Wait hold on why is there a question mark in the special talents section? Is this some secret talent that I have to unlock lmao. Wait Jiahao… that’s my viva character lmao what a coincidence! Ideal type is tall visuals, also: likes jungil, the tiny boi. So cute.

Tall visual, tall visual, tall visual, KWON JUNGIL. Well I’d say it is an upgrade but im biased lmao.

Oh god I’m not ready to be attacked by the Shinfam overload. Jason is a crackhead as ever, yeah. (is he returning for Solaris? c: ) When you said that Journey watches ice melt I literally pulled a ‘wot’ face. She’s very weird indeed. I love her relationship with Luey! I bet the actual dad will be jealous af. And OH MY GOD THAT ZIMO PIC I am BLESSED!! Oh she’s so sweet welcoming my bby :c Oh damn even Nikolai makes an appearance!! Sunlight fam is so close-knit yas.

Her talent twins are on point! Wait I TOTALLY forgot that Hoseok was her cousin?? Apparently you forgot too cause he’s not in the relationship section lmaooo. Okay her solo stuff is AMAZING and its so cool that you worked it out! But I’d probably drop the debut because it’s a bit too early in my planning, but And July is definitely going to be included, since it is important, isn’t it? It’s a big plot point for Solaris too tbh. And her composing for sunlight is such a great idea!!

Her scandals are so elaborate I can’t relate AT ALL lmao I at scandals. Welp, guess I have to force my babies on idol room now… they’re never going back after they insulted Jiae though, the CEO will be MAD AS HELL.

Writing out all these love stories is going to be hard as hell (but Jiae getting the ingikayo sandwich is going to be hilarious). Oh well who doesn’t develop a crush on Shownudes… LMAO HYUNGWON WHY ARE YOU SO AWKWARD??? Omg that summit pic was from when he was a bit chubbier god his cheeks are sooo big and cute I love him ono. God their story is actually cute as hell ;w; NIKO WALKING IN ON THEM AND THEN JUST WIGGLING HIS EYEBROWS IS SENDING ME OMFG IM DYYIIING!!

Damn I got through this app somehow, it was a RIDE!! I’m going to listen to the password suggestions later… Of course this bub is accepted! Even though you completely forgot Hoseok for a moment (poor boy). I’m going to bed now gn.


character's name


username : plotline : status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pellentesque ex vitae magna consequat vulputate. Aenean tempor id risus eu consequat. Aenean metus eros, commodo ut justo vel, sollicitudin rutrum ante. Sed lacinia leo ac est tempus, a accumsan diam auctor. Morbi et justo commodo, venenatis erat vitae, viverra ipsum. Donec dapibus venenatis erat, sed malesuada turpis gravida sit amet. Phasellus ac risus libero. Etiam metus libero, facilisis at convallis nec, cursus at sem. Aenean a urna nulla. In congue enim nec orci aliquam, a consectetur mauris condimentum. Quisque semper nec massa nec dapibus. Cras sed ligula quam.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent aliquam nec mi quis convallis. Duis feugiat ultricies elit, sed malesuada libero pharetra sed. Pellentesque dapibus dolor eu velit bibendum faucibus. Suspendisse pharetra pharetra rutrum. Praesent rhoncus nulla risus, in commodo mi mattis quis. Vivamus lobortis nisi eget felis interdum, nec aliquet nunc imperdiet. Sed mollis eget magna et egestas. Vivamus vehicula sit amet velit at efficitur. Pellentesque a ex dapibus, pulvinar nulla vitae, bibendum mauris. Mauris interdum, diam congue auctor luctus, leo mauris feugiat urna, vel gravida orci orci id libero. Sed ipsum arcu, rhoncus vel massa et, maximus imperdiet eros.

Quisque vehicula sed nisi non porta. Etiam bibendum ultricies tellus ac gravida. Phasellus id lectus a nisl porta sollicitudin. Morbi venenatis lacinia dui non malesuada. Integer mollis, nisl id egestas interdum, mauris eros aliquam est, sed faucibus nisl elit vitae metus. Aenean id augue at ipsum tempus lacinia in consequat purus. Cras eget leo at sem lacinia tempor condimentum eget dui. Mauris faucibus quam malesuada, aliquet neque a, pretium sem. Nunc commodo consectetur turpis sit amet scelerisque. Aenean pulvinar, magna tristique rhoncus bibendum, arcu tortor sodales neque, id placerat tellus dui et nisi.

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Chapter 32: I’m still gonna apply for the new story!
Chapter 31: I’m still bringing my singaporean girl for this
Probably not Taeri tho, because I can’t see her as a rapper
Chapter 31: i need to finish my crazy crackhead
Chapter 30: Sorry I forgot to ask earlier but how long is the minimum of trainee years?
Chapter 30: Can Twice's Tzuyu pass for a 95 liner?
Chapter 31: I added the thai alphabet version of her name into siri-p's application!
Chapter 28: hello! is it alright to put a non-idol singer for one of the talent twins?
Chapter 29: heh im gonna keep the interview just show how crackhead luey can be-
Chapter 28: Hi sorry for the questions again but can I submit a pair of twins for the itotia and eleuia plotline?
Chapter 29: Btw I checked the cheatsheet thrice and there is no password?