
Blood Bound

Jennie's POV
Why did there have to be blood involved?
I really hope she didn't notice me trying to control myself. It didn't seem like she did, I'd managed to hide it pretty well.
Well, that and the temptation to rip that girls throat out that did this to her in the first place.
'I'm feeling a lot better now' she said.
'I don't care, we're getting you seen to even if it is onlt by a school nurse' I said and Rose sighed 'Rose, can I ask you something?' I added.
'Why are those girls so horrible to you?'
She just shrugged in reply.
'I don't know, because I'm different I guess' she said 'I don't fit in with what they think everything and everyone should be like and that makes me weird and thus an easy target. For example, who uses thus nowadays?' she added and sighed staring at her feet.
'Rose look at me please' I said and seh did so 'There is nothing wrong with you, you are not weird'
'But I...'
'No buts' i said 'I mean it Rose, it's their problem, not yours. Okay?' she nodded
And then I kissed her.

Rose's POV
Jennie kissing me was so unexpected that I didn't know how to react at first and I almost jerked away from her as she did so. Now that would have been awkward.
But why was she doing it in the first place?
Why was I questioning it?
Wait what? DId I want this to happen?
I had no idea.
She broke it off first and just looked at me.
'Sorry, I had to do that' she said.
'No no it's fine...honest' I mumbled.
'Chaeyoung?' the nurse popped her head round the door 'sorry that took so long, you can come in now'
'I'll wait out here' said Jennie as I stood up.
Luckily, nothing was broken, just bruised.
I blushed bright red when Jennie offered to take me home.
'What if they think I'm just using you and try to make it worse, or what of they start on you too?'
She smirked 'let them try' she said and I swear I felt myself shiver.
'Why did you kiss me?' I asked trying to change the subject
'I told you, I had to. I've been wanting to since I first met you' she said 'why, didnt't you like it?'
'No I did' I said a little too quickly 'I was just surprised that's all, no one has ever wanted to do that kind of thing with me before'
'Well that's their loss then' she smiled 'you need to have more confidence in yourself Chaeyoung' the use of my real name made me look up 'you have a beautiful name. you should use it more often' she said as we came to my front door 'I'll see you tomorrow' she kissed my cheek 'take care okay?'
I nodded 'you too Jennie'
'And just like that, she was gone.

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Chapter 6: Roseee :c Then Jennie will turn her into a vampire so she will not die? I hope so :P
Chapter 3: how is Jennie going to deal with chaeyoung's wound, can't wait for next chapter