Day 6


Lynn stared in confusion at the text before her.

NJ: I hate that you're cold and I'm not there to warm you up. Just picture me holding your hands and blowing warm air on them. It's almost the best I can do until I see you.

Almost the best he can do? Lynn wondered to herself. If it was bravery or still being clouded with sleep, Lynn would never know, but she replied back.

L: What do you mean by "almost"?

Now that she'd asked, she was sure she had played into some kind of trap. She could almost see him smirking at her reply. 

NJ: If it helps, you can also imagine me kissing the chill away. I hear that lips and throats are the most likely to get frozen in the cold. 

NJ: I've found that your kisses light a fire in me. I like to think mine do for you, too.

A shiver ran through her before the assumed fire started it's usual low burn, melting away whatever ice was left in her veins. Another text popped in. 

NJ: The gift for today should help too.

What could he have possibly planned? A picture of his abs? Maybe one of his shirts? Curious and excited, she dragged herself to her suitcase and pulled out the next envelope. 

Day 5 - 

It sounded like it was going to be chilly out there so here is some extra insurance you stay warm when I'm not there to help. Can't have you being as cold as my heart will be when you're gone.


She laughed in utter disbelief when she pulled out the gift.

Hand warmers.

All of that build up and he gave her hand warmers. 

So much for that fire.

Clearly, this meant war. 

L: I believe what you're thinking of is noses, toes, and fingers. They're the ones that chill first. Thankfully, you've provided excellent relief so you won't have to worry about them. I don't think I'll be needing your ministrations. From your note though, it sounds like I might have my own ministrations to make. A cold heart is serious business.

NJ: It is very serious business. I'm glad you recognize the severity of my illness.

L: Of course. Luckily, I am an expert in administering the appropriate remedy. You just have to hold out a few more days. Can you make it?

NJ: I'll try. I can feel the frost settling in though.

L: Then, as a specialist, I recommend you go for a run in the morning and imagine I'm running with you. Some exercise will do you good. 

L: I hear it's hot in Seoul. Be sure to stay hydrated (even if your favorite drinking vessel isn't there) and stick to the shade so you don't sweat too much. I'd hate for you and imaginary Lynn to get all sweaty.

She waited for a bit for a reply. When it didn't come right away, she smirked with satisfaction and got ready.

He hadn't replied by the time they were leaving so she sent a follow up.

L: I'm off for another grand adventure, hand warmers at the ready. I presume you're busy planning your running route before bed and that's why you haven't replied. Rest well and I look forward to a report when I get back.




Lynn's hand warmers had lost their warmth by the end of the day. It wasn't quite as cold since she was out hiking around a bit more than the day before. Despite the weather, all she could think about on her way to her room was how she was excited to tell Namjoon about what she saw. Pulling up the thread, she was reminded of her victory earlier in the day.

L: No reply yet? That's okay. I think I'm going to have to get used to leaving you speechless.

L: Today we wandered around the park and saw lots of geysers and springs. Here they're filled with sulfur instead of water so unfortunately you can't soak in them even though they look beautiful and inviting. My favorite one today involved the word "fire." Thought you might appreciate that.

She set about getting prepped for the next day as well as ready to sleep. However, still no word from Namjoon as she climbed into bed for the night. She tried one last message before giving up.

L: Still no reply? We did just talk about this you realize. I realize I'm amazing but I didn't think my reply was *that* good.

She waited several heartbeats. They seemed to be as loud as thunder. Finally, a message arrived but all she could see in the preview was "(No subject)".

No subject? That's strange... Did he write a novel?

Lynn clicked on the message and froze instantly. The previously loud heartbeats were now stopped. gaped at his reply. It wasn't a long message - it was a picture.

Namjoon after a run. He was in a clinging white t-shirt that revealed more musculature than she had ever seen of his. He somehow also captured the sweat glistening off his body. His free hand was in his hair and the look in his eyes would set anyone on fire.

NJ: Doctor's orders. Here's proof I did as I was told. Unfortunately I couldn't avoid sweating. And my heart is still cold. Any advice?

Lynn couldn't muster much of a reply.

L: I think I'll have to sleep on it. I'll have advice for you in the morning. Time for sleep! Good night!

He was surely chuckling now. Lynn the Victorious had yet again become Lynn the Stunned. How was he always one step ahead of her?

She tossed her phone on the night stand and rolled over to sleep, Namjoon's picture still swimming in her head.

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Chapter 11: awwwnnn, this was so cuteee ? loveee ittt<3
reminded me how single i am
Chapter 10: I love them all, and I would like to demand more of every couple if possible. You do amazing work! Thank you for sharing.