Chapter 11

Finding my Twin Brother

F i n d i n g  m y  T w i n  B r o t h e r  i s  T h e  B e s t

"You kissed him?!" The loud Jeongmin spitted out his drink, too amazed. 
"Yes, and he feels the same way since he kissed me back."
"He kissed you back?!" The two friends, Youngmin and Donghyun turned their heads to the surprised Jeongmin, wondering why the mirror prince was so surprised about it. 
"What's wrong with you? Did you bet that he wouldn't like me or something?" Youngmin crossed his arm, ready to punch someone if that bet was true. 
"No no!" Jeongmin waved his hands in front of him in defense. "I'm just so happy for you!" To prove that he was, Jeongmin hugged his blonde friend the usual cheerful way he does it. 
"Thank you then."
Jeongmin chuckled a force smile after he pulled away from the hug and continued to walk with the two cool boys. His smile turned slanted as he thought of what happened the day of the amusement park date. 
I'm a horrible spy...
Flashes of memories entered Jeongmin's head when he thought of what happened right after he left the haunted out with his dear Hyunseong. 
The taller boy held the smaller one as they exited the haunted out in fear. Jeongmin screamed the whole time, scared of the sudden movements and scary creatures that grabbed onto him. Hyunseong, the hero smacked, punched, slapped the monsters away to protect the boy and although he too was scared, he hid it by holding Jeongmin into his arms to take him away. It was a good sight. Cute and sweet, Jeongmin felt his heart pounding when he heard Hyunseong's own heart beat so close to his ears. 
Once they left, Hyunseong let go and fixed Jeongmin's hair noticing it was all out of place. It was in the moment, Jeongmin's heart couldn’t stop racing and usually he was the one teasing Hyunseong and making him blush, but right now he felt a taste of his own medicine, a very sweet way medicine. 
"Thank you." Jeongmin voiced softly. 
"So where to now?"
"umm.. Let's take a break. A little cafe?"
Hyunseong nodded and by impulse from the moment, he held Jeongmin’s hand to guide him to the cafe with ease. Jeongmin felt like his lips was about to break because of that huge smile on his face. He let it be and walked quietly to the cafe. 
They found a booth and sat in front of each other. Jeongmin still felt his smile as wide as ever as they talked about their own lives and learn more about each other. They talked about music and how important it was to each of them as they gazed into each other until... It just got awkward. 
The first time the cheerful YongDoJin student showed awkwardness. Jeongmin stared at his Americano cup while playing with his fingers under the table. He always ordered that drink. He loved it. Hyunseong felt the same awkwardness but he waited for Jeongmin to break it as always.
And just as Hyunseong expected, Jeongmin says something random. 
"I got my dad's sangtae you know." it was expected but not at the same time. 
"Oh... Okay?" 
"My parents would chase each other whenever my dad says something random."
"Like what?" Hyunseong took a sip of his tea. 
"Like..." Jeongmin took a pause while looking around the café to remember a joke. "Oh, what did the ocean say to the other ocean?" 
Hyunseong actually thought about it for a second before giving up, curious to what the answer was. "Umm.. I don't know, what?"
"Nothing! They just waved~" 
Hyunseong stared at the laughing Jeongmin and took another sip of his tea, not sure of what to say. 
"Did you sea what I did there?"
".... Please stop."
"I'm shore you did."
"Don't make me hurt you."
"Don't be such a beach." 
And with that, the second Hyunseong put down his drink, Jeongmin got up to run and surely enough Hyunseong chased after him.
"Yea... I got distracted.." 
Youngmin turned to Jeongmin with a raised brow. "What?"
"Oh there they are~" The mirror prince quickly changed the subject and pointed at his friends, who were waiting at the gate. 
Donghyun smiled seeing the waving Minwoo, Jeongmin raised his hand to the shy smiling Hyunseong, and Youngmin grinned with a hint of smirk, at the blushing Kwangmin. 
"Annyeong...." Kwangmin couldn't look at his brother in the eye. Memories of what happened still made him shy. 
"Are you hungry?" Youngmin asked, trying to capture Kwangmin's eyes, but the brunette kept looking down.
"A little."
"Why don't we go have dinner at my place?" The confident prince gently lifted Kwangmin's head up to take a look at his brother's flustered cheeks properly. Of course it only made it worse for the brunette. Kwangmin turned away hiding his crimson red face followed by a slight whimper.
Youngmin chuckled at how cute that was. He then looked through his bag to look for his cell phone to call the limo when he realized something was missing. 
"Ugh, I forgot my notebook." Youngmin groaned.
Kwangmin turned back, putting aside his red face. 
"I have to go get it. You guys can go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow." Youngmin waved to his four friends who nodded understanding and waved back before turning away. Kwangmin was about to walk away with them before he was grabbed on the hand by his blonde brother. 
"Your coming with me" 
"Eh?" Kwangmin's red face came back feeling Youngmin's hold so tight and the eyes of some YongDoJin students staring at him with the prince of the school. Kwangmin couldn't hear it, but he somehow pictured it in his mind how the students would whisper to their friends about them.
Oh my god, he looks like Youngmin!
They are holding hands! Wae?!
Which one is Youngmin-oppa?!
"I think it's on the rooftop." Youngminnie popped Kwangmin's thoughts when he spoke. 
"Rooftop? Why there?" 
"We go there sometimes to relax. It's nice and quiet there." 
Kwangmin nodded understanding. Being Youngmin was hard. How can someone be so popular in one place and have girls cling to him all the time like that? Now he thought about it, he wanted to rip those girls head off. 
Kwangmin has never been up the YongDoJin rooftop before. He now was curious and imagined it must be a great view of the school from up there and he was right. It showed the whole entire school and it was bigger than he knew. Kwangmin stepped up to the edge to check out how high they really were and his eyes widened finding out. He gripped onto the bars protectively before stepping back away. Never doing that again. The brunette ran back to the blonde one who was looking everywhere for his notebook. Kwangmin noticed Youngmin's facial expression was more worried now rather than the confident one he wore before.
"Can't find it?"
"No. I wonder where could it be..." Youngmin needed that notebook to study for his test tomorrow. He didn’t know some of the materials so he had to write it down, now he wasn't confident about the test without those notes. He groaned. 
Kwangmin didn't like seeing his Prince so worried like that. He too helped search for a notebook around and thought of the steps Youngmin could have taken back. While Youngmin was at the rooftop, Kwangmin went back to the stairs in search for the lost item and to his relief, in a few minutes, he found it.
Kwangmin ran back upstairs to his brother only to stop right before stepping up the last step. He had opened the notebook and saw his name written all over on the very corners of every page in different style of handwriting. Some even in the English alphabet. He was impressed. Kwangmin blushed for a bit as he stared at it for a few more seconds then called for Youngmin. 
"I found it!" Kwangmin yelled and quickly closed the book when he saw his brother run to him.
"Ah your amazing!" Youngmin quickly reached for his notebook to take from Kwangmin, but Kwangmin was quicker, retracting his arm from the now confused Youngmin. Kwangmin smirked as he kept moving his arms away from his brother to keep the notebook from him. "What are you doing, give it up Kwang!"
"Why is my name written all over it~?" The brunette teased and it only made Youngmin more determined to reach for it. Fourth dimension Kwangmin chuckled and ran back downstairs to get away from his flustered brother. 
"Yah!" Youngmin wanted to jump on his brother, embarrassed that Kwangmin like that. He really didn't have a good lie right now for it, so he kept reaching for the thing. Finally the stupid notebook landed on Youngmin's hands when he had pushed Kwangmin against the wall, trapping the teaser between the wall and Youngmin's own body. 
"Why else would I have it?" Youngmin smirked knowing he now had Kwangmin in control. He wasn't embarrassed anymore, instead he decided to be honest. "Because I can't stop thinking about you of course." 
Kwangmin looked into his lover's eyes, listening to his sweet words of confession. It never failed to make his heart pound as loud as a drum and with this position, Kwangmin was surely embarrassed thinking that Youngmin might hear it too. The blonde twin didn't but it wasn't hard to guess by Kwangmin's expression. Youngmin took the opportunity to lean in and plant another sweet kiss on those lips he had been dreaming to feel against his own again. Kwangmin of course happily kissed back, letting his shy lips to just go with the flow. 
It went well, very well, Youngmin dominated the kiss and lead his precious brother to close his eyes and reply softly. So sweet and tender, the kiss was. Youngmin didn't want to stop but he had to for air that Kwangmin much needed. He pulled away completely after giving one more peck on Kwangmin's lips and hand as they walked down the stairs together, fingers laced.
Kwangmin was getting used to it. How tight Youngmin would hold his hand, specially when the blonde squeezes it. The possessive hugs Youngmin surprises him from behind. The shivery love whispers the hugs comes with. The sneaky kisses to his cheeks that gradually moves up to his lips then turn into a small little make out session. Kwangmin was getting used to it all and the more it happened, the more he missed it when they had separate for school. 
"Young~" Kwangmin whimpered as he tried to peal off his brother's arms from his waist. "Quit fooling around and study." Once he got the prince off, Kwangmin thumped Youngmin's forehead playfully. 
"Ow Kwang. I don't want to anymore. Just cuddle with me." Youngmin tried to the reach for his lover again but Kwangmin got off the bed to tease.
"I'm going to get a snack~ and when I come back, you better have memorized your notes." Youngmin pouted at the small threat then yelled a loud whimper watching Kwangmin leave to the kitchen.
Satisfied, Kwangmin chuckled ignoring it. He continued to travel down to the kitchen to look for many snacks, he was sure the brother owned. 
The fridge was huge, five times his body's height and width is not an exaggeration. Kwangmin opened the fridge by pulling it as hard as he could to begin his hunt for good food. He found yogurts, juices, cakes, and it took him a while to decide what he would actually get. He picked up a bottle of what seemed to be strawberry banana juice to drink. 
"Youngmin! There you are! What on earth did you want to talk to me about?" 
Kwangmin slowly closed the refrigerator door when he heard a loud man voice so close to him. The bottle still against his lips, when he turned and saw an upset man throwing mail papers on the kitchen counter. 
"You know you are only allowed to leave me messages if it's an emergency!" 
Kwangmin's eyes blinked when the unrecognized man made eye contact with him. 
"I'm sorry son, but I have another flight tomorrow morning. What is it you wanted to tell me Youngmin?" 
That's when it hit him. Kwangmin almost dropped his bottle, but thank goodness he didn't and was able placed it on the counter. 
"YOUNGMIN!!!!!" Kwangmin was so happy and surprised and excited and giddy he couldn't hold it in. He yelled for his brother as he jumped up and down like a little kid, smiling widely at his real father who stood confused in front of him. The dad covered his ears from Kwangmin's yell and was about to question in until the real Youngmin came. 
The blonde was frightened, when his twin yelled so loudly like that. He thought something had happened. He figured out why and calmed when he saw a familiar figure standing in front of his brunette twin. 
"Dad your home."
"What... Wha-..." The real father of the twins couldn't continue his tangled words. He stared at his two sons, looking at them top to bottom, not even sure which one was Youngmin. The blonde? Or the brunette? The last time he left Youngmin, his son looked like Kwangmin and now... "What is going on here?"
"Dad, this is what I needed to talk to you about. I found him. Kwangmin."
"Kwangmin..." Mr. Jo knew that name all too well. He wanted to run to his not-so-little boy's arms if his body wasn't so stiff from shock. Good thing Kwangmin was way ahead of him. The jumpy son, leaped into his fathers arms and embraced him as tight as he could. 
The honor twins took their father to sit down in one of the luxury seats, the rich twin owned in the living room, so they can explain everything. 
Youngmin did. Kwangmin was too dazed in studying his father's looks. Head to toe, he guessed the man's young age was around less than forty to match his mom's age but the business world definitely did some damage. There were bags under his eyes that made Kwangmin worry. The dad was working way too hard. The brunette son also noticed the grey suit his real dad wore. It looked good with a matching tie. He hardly sees his fake dad wear one. 
"So, Me and Kwangmin are real close now dad. We wish you could be home more often to spend some time with us. Kwangmin really wants to get to know you dad."
Mr. Jo turned his head to the nodding Kwangmin. He found his son's adorable gaze so accepting and Youngmin's words were right. He did miss his son and not only Youngmin. 
"I guess... I can postpone my trip." 
Kwangmin quickly jumped on his dad's arms again to hug him. 
Youngmin laughed at his cute brother's actions but didn't stop him. Instead he joined their first hug together with their dad. 
A few weeks has passed and things are settling into order. A new family had been born and although Jo Youngmin and Cho Kwangmin still have two different names, they treat each other like one family. 
Mr. Jo comes home more often than usual now and sometimes the Cho family eats dinner at the Jo palace to bond. They talk about old times, new times, good times, and hard times. Whenever a get together happens, everyone ends up having fun. 
Mr. Cho ended up becoming good friends with the twin's real dad. He had no worries about being replaced and hated anymore. Instead, he felt even more valuable. Mr. Jo had trusted him to take care of Youngmin while he goes away on trips. Of course Kwangmin too, but the two fathers both knew that even without being told to, Mr. Cho would take care of their precious Kwangmin no matter what. 
The stars were blinking brightly above the honor twins. Such a relaxing night with a matching relaxing view. The hammock they laid on swayed gently at every move a twin makes. Kwangmin turned slightly to his side to rest his head on Youngmin's supporting shoulders and took his blonde beloved's hand to intertwine with his. Of course, Youngmin happily accepted and gave a small kiss on his dear lover's head. It was such a perfect night.
"Hmm... I think the best thing that happened to me Kwang, is finding you."
"... Me too Young. Finding my twin brother is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Saranghaeyo."
A/N: And this is the end. Thank you so much for sticking with me. *bows* (:
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Krisyeolsdaughter #1
Chapter 12: Twincest stories are the best
shahir #2
lol . hakhak . Kwangmin !!!! cute ~ :'D
he's manage the couple date , but he's getting jealous . :P
yes Youngmin , just look at Kwangmin ,.. ^__^
author nim , please make another YoungKwang stories , pleasee
Chapter 10: As much as I loveeee the story and all...I have a hard time find what manga did the pictures come from...(;_;)Author-nim can u send a list of the manga pic that u took from?!!!
Chapter 12: I so love the ending! Its such a cute fluff! Love this story so much!
I Love your story <3

it's like 3pm here and tomorow I need to go to schoolbut I just couldn't stop reading <3 Love it so much