New fanfiction.

The smile that melts my heart

New fanfiction about you and L.Joe.  I have liked Teen Top's song Going crazy and thought I should write a fanfiction.  They are also having a comeback soon and thought it would be the right time ^u^  Infinite is also in it but they won't appear until later on ㅠㅠ


You stared at your bedroom, waiting for something to happen, but nothing.  Your room was empty for the exception of big furniture like your bed.  All your things were packed in various boxes, ready to be sent to Korea, where your new school was located.
Your aunt had the sudden idea to sign you up in a boarding school there.  She thought it would be best for you.  But deep inside, you knew she wanted to get rid of you.  She never enjoyed taking care of you.  She always thought you were the reason why she was never able to go out and party with friends.  Why she never had the time to get a boyfriend or even having a life outside of work.
You didn't blame her though.  Having no choice but to take care of you since the young age of four.  You were grateful she didn't just leave you in the streets of Tokyo when you were younger, that she always fed you and gave you a roof over your head.
You glanced at your room one last time before heading down the stairs to leave for the airport.  Your aunt was waiting for you, as soon as she saw you, she stood up and smiled.
"Well, I guess this is it."  you smiled awkwardly
"Have a safe trip dear.  I know, I might not have been the best aunt ever, but please know that I enjoyed your presence here despite anything." She told you.
"But... You Are the best aunt anyone can ever have.  I'm grateful you took care of me.  Thank you for everything." you hugged her tightly. 
"I'll get going now."  you went to get your purse and suitcase that were standing right next to the door.  You both waved at each waved at each other one last time before you headed outside to the taxi that was waiting for you.


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 15: lol minwoo X'D

btw, I like it <3
kpopaddiicted #2
Chapter 15: I just melted this story is just soo cute i love it!! ^_^
Omooo! Nice start you have there author! ^U^ Specially that I love BOYFRIEND! Shucks!
Awwww..Youngmin-ah this is why your my top Bias
I want more of this..
Minwoo silly, "Now you should get married!"
Love your fanfic..
the pic you showed , isn't it from Boys over flower?
haeyeol28 #6
your fanfics was too cute for me. I like this *You took a deep breath, looked at Youngmin in the eyes and
said "I love you and that you've captured my
heart."* part. It was... Hehee.. How cute! Make more youngmin's fanfics! :3
--fallenangel #7
Too short a story!! I want mooorreeee!!!
But you did well! Hwaiting!
EEp! The story's very well written, and it brought butterflies in my stomach! <3

Chukahae, chingu! :D
AhRiShA #9
Love this story!!!