Chapter 13

The smile that melts my heart

You walked hand in hand until you reached the grocery store. You both took your time and decided what would be good to get.


While you were in the fruit aisle, you thought about the time when Youngmin said something about being obligated to see and flirt with Yoona.  You frowned at the thought and got curious over what it was all about.


"Something wrong?" Youngmin interrupted your thoughts.

"Remember when Yoona called you, the day she had me hostage."  You bit your lip, reluctant to ask him, but you finally did.  "What did you mean by the 'you were obligated to flirt with Yoona'?"


Youngmin took a deep breath and started his story.  "She blackmailed Kwangmin into dating her.  I overheard it so I went to see her myself and we talked.  She wanted Kwangmin to date so she could get more popularity.  If Kwangmin refused, she would get Super Junior to beat him up and make his high school life hell.  We also talked about other stuff but that isn't as important.  By the end of our discussion, we made a deal.  That I would flirt with her for a few months so she could look desirable.  If I do the job right, she wouldn't hurt my brother.  And well... that's it."


"Oh" was all you could come up with.  You felt bad for Youngmin.  Having to suffer so that his brother would be alright.


"But now everything is more than fine" he said.

"What?" You were caught off guard.  You were too absorbed in your thoughts.

"I have you now and I couldn't ask for better" He smiled at you.  You smiled back as you continued your food shopping.


After a few hours you were both done and you headed back to your rooms.  You went to drop the food in Youngmin's room until you saw a note on his bed.

Are you guys back yet? If you are, put the food in Jeongmin's room and get dressed. Youngmin, wear you should wear some jeans and a nice dress shirt. -----, you wear a pretty dress or something. Tonight is a nice to remember and everyone should wear something fancy.

Meet up in the garden near the beach at 6pm sharp.

- Kwangmin 

You and Youngmin questioned why you were to wear something fancy and shrugged at the thought.  "Well it's already 5:30pm. We should get ready. I'll wait for you outside your room and we'll go together" he said. You headed out his room to yours.

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 15: lol minwoo X'D

btw, I like it <3
kpopaddiicted #2
Chapter 15: I just melted this story is just soo cute i love it!! ^_^
Omooo! Nice start you have there author! ^U^ Specially that I love BOYFRIEND! Shucks!
Awwww..Youngmin-ah this is why your my top Bias
I want more of this..
Minwoo silly, "Now you should get married!"
Love your fanfic..
the pic you showed , isn't it from Boys over flower?
haeyeol28 #6
your fanfics was too cute for me. I like this *You took a deep breath, looked at Youngmin in the eyes and
said "I love you and that you've captured my
heart."* part. It was... Hehee.. How cute! Make more youngmin's fanfics! :3
--fallenangel #7
Too short a story!! I want mooorreeee!!!
But you did well! Hwaiting!
EEp! The story's very well written, and it brought butterflies in my stomach! <3

Chukahae, chingu! :D
AhRiShA #9
Love this story!!!