My second...

You don't remember me...BABO?!

I opened the door to apartment block and looked at the lift. Sighing, I shook my head and ran up the stairs instead.

First flight of stairs; Dongwoon is my Dongwoon. Yay! Second flight of stairs; He did try to keep in contact...babo just got the wrong address Third flight of stairs; He remembers our childhood. Fourth flight of stairs; But he kissed me...and this means what? Fifth flight of stairs; What the hell?! How many flights of stairs are in this place?! Sixth flight of stairs; Ga In wants me to call some time today. Seventh flight of stairs; Finally!

I unlocked the front door to my apartment and threw my school bag on the floor. Closing the door behind me, I went into the kitchen and poured myself some apple juice. Then I changed out of my uniform and put on some shorts and t-shirt and a zip hoodie then put on my running shoes.

I wrote two notes and stuck one on the dining table and the other on the my side bed cabinet by the phone. The one on the table was a not to my parents incase they came back while I was running;

Hello Mum and Dad! Just so you know, I am out running and will be back soon so don't worry okay? Love _________ x

The second was a reminder note that I was to phone Ga In;

Yah! Don't forget to phone Ga In! She needs you for something and you gotta help her okay? Good!

I put the house key in my pocket and left the apartment, locking the door behind me. I ran down all the stair and out the apartment block, where me and Dongwoon had kissed only afew minutes. *I don't understand that kiss? Dongwoon is my old friend, so why does he kiss me like that?*

I ran the route I had planned out on my first week in Seoul and smiled. I loved running. *Unless, he see's me as more then a friend!* I stopped running and frowned. That couldn't be true because...because ... because he never was like that when we where kids. *Maybe it was a reunion kiss?* (Okay that was pathetic but don't judge me!)

I continued running again. I ran into a feild...which now I realise is just pretty convinent for me but still. I stretched and straight into the middle of the feild. Then I had to stop to tie my shoelace. I stood up and there was a boy standing right infront of me.

"Umm...hello..." I said. I knew this boy, he was in my school, I had definatly seen him before...

"Hi ________." He said...Doojoon, that was his name.

" what are you doing here?"

"I'm practising my football skills. Hehheh! What are you doing here?"

"I'm running!"

"I have quite alot of energy don't you?" *Waah~ Doojoon has a nice smile!*

"Umm...yeah I guess..." I looked at the football in Doojoons arms. I suddenlly really wanted to play football. I hadn't played in ages. Doojoon noticed I was looking at him.

"I know my muscles are nice and everything but..."

"No, I'm actually looking at your ball..."


"Nah! Not like that you weirdo, I mean your football!" I felt my face blushing...

"Oh~ Do you play?" He held the ball infront of my face.

"Yes, I play. I'm not sure if I'm any good..."

"Then play with me!"


"Nah! Not like that you weirdo. I mean football!" His face was blushing now...

Doojoon put the football on the ground and stood beside me.

"When I count to three, we race to get the ball." He said. "1-2-"

I ran to get the ball before he shouted three. That gave me an advantage. I ran ahead with the ball but suddeny, Doojoon got the ball from me and started running in the the other direction. I quickly turned around and tried to get the ball from him, but he was really good it seemed impossible... then I got the ball! Happily and quickly, I turned the ball around and started kicking it the other direction. Then I relised there was no goal...

"Doojoon! No goal!" I said as I continued to run, kicking the ball with my feet. (Well I can't really kick it anything else can I?)

"So what?! Just run!" He almost got the ball from me but he kicked me in the ankle instead of the kicking the ball.



But I kept running with the ball. We must have played for an hour or something. Then we got really tired and lay down on the grass and looked at the sky. I could see a couple of stars in the sky.

"Hey, you're quite good at sports, _________!"

"Thank you! You are as well. Oh man, my hair is damp from sweat!"

"Oh well, who cares...I think it makes you look cuter anyway."

"Umm...thanks?" I closed my eyes and breathed slowly. It was quite late now and it was quite cool. I felt the breeze blowing gently, which was cooling me right down.

Then, it started to feel different. It seemed colder and warmer at the same time. Like there was a warm shadow leaning over me. I opened my eyes and saw Doojoon, leaning over me. His face not far from mine.

I felt my face blushing. *What is he doing?*

"Umm...Hi Doojoon..." Doojoon just looked at me. I tried to look away from his face. I looked down, but all I could see was his body, leaning over me. *Awkward...* I tried to look to the side, but all I could see was his strong-looking arms on either side of me, not giving me any chance to somehow get out of this situation. I looked up. I could see the sky. It was so beautiful and the stars shining in sky made it look better. It was such a nice dark blue...

My heart was suddenly racing and for some reason I felt worried. Then Doojoon came closer to my face and I felt more of his weight on me. Then his lips were on mine. He was warm and tasted sweet. His kisses warmed my whole body too, and my head felt suddenly quite light.

But unlike Dongwoon's kiss, Doojoon was taking longer. I put my hand on his chest trying to push him away but I was just too weak from his kiss. He just pushed his weight onto my hand more, so that in began to hurt my wrists. His kiss changed after that. I felt his tongue on the edge of my lip and then he sort of the inside of my mouth... He pulled away to breathe and I gasped for air.

"Stop now," I said putting my finger near his lips. He kissed my finger and sat up.

"I'm's just...Yah! You're quite...quite... Ah~ I gotta go." He pulled me to my feet and picked up his football.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked shyly.

"No thank you, I need to stop somewhere first." I lied.

"Okay..." Doojoon waved goodbye awkwardly and left. I was blushing now. I felt my face burning hotter then a lantern. What was going on? Two kisses in one day...*Ah~ I've never been kissed before today...and now I've been kissed by two different people in the same day! Waah~ my head hurts*

I slowly walked home...very confused.

At the time when the sky was pink and purple, the romantic colours of love, I had my first kiss. It was nice and sweet but confused me slightly. At the time when the sky was blue and starry, the relaxing colours of beauty, I had my second kiss. It was nice and sweet but confused me more...Love is a weird thing, I still don't yet understand...


Yah!~ Oh my daze what is going on? Why is Doojoon kissing my character? I have no idea...¬¬

Ah well...I'm glad you liked the last chapter! Thank you for the comments XD

I think of the previous chapter as pinky purple while this chapter seems to be more blue and silver don't you think?

Well thank you very much for reading!!!


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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!