My first...

You don't remember me...BABO?!

My whole childhood is hundereds of happy memories. Of adventures and fun. And my memories are always based around one person. Son Dongwoon. My best friend. He was the closest person to me in the world. He left me and now he's back. The thought of happiness is back. True happiness. Not the thing I usually do which is mainly fake. True happiness!

Dongwoon had rode his bike all the way to my house, with me sitting on the back. Now we were sitting on the step outside talking about our past. The sun was setting over the houses and the sky was a purply pink colour. I felt so happy, now knowing that Dongwoon was infact my Dongwoon!

"Do you remember when you and Junsu got into trouble, because you had knocked over all of Granny's plant pots during the festival. She was crazy at you guys!" Dongwoon nodded and laughed

"That wasn't my fault! Who thought it was a good idea to create a tower of plant pots in the middle of the center of the village?!" We laughed.

"Do you remember when we were playing basketball. You fell over all the time!" Dongwoon looked at me, grinning.

"Yes I remember! I was nearly crying..."

"But you didn't cry! That's one of the reasons I like you so much. You're always so cheerful and thoughtful for other people... Sometimes, I can tell you are just acting your happiness. But your always smiling for everyone else..and always helping other people first..." Dongwoon wasn't looking at me anymore but looking at the purple sky.

"Helping other people first?" What does he mean other people first? I looked at the sky as well. Dongwoon's face was so mature and beautiful looking. He almost looked sad right now it hurt my heart just to look at him.

"When we were young, you always got Junsu and the others out of trouble... When we were at the beach that time..."

"Ah yes the beach...You tried to climb the cliff part but the branch you were on broke! You were bleeding and everything!" I laughed happily untill I looked at Dongwoon who expression was still calm as he looked at the sky. I stopped.

"You ran over to me right away. When you saw my back was bleeding you took my top of of me and tied it around by back like a bandage. When you saw that it wasn't enough you took of your own top and tied it around me as well."

"I was wearing a vest underneath..."

"You walked with me to our bikes and sat me on the seat thing at the back and rode the bike all the way back to the village... And then you had to walk all the way back to the beach to get my bike...You are such a kind person."

"Only one time..."

"On your first day you had didn't know the girls on your team but you encourage them and everyone played... you knew what the other girls needed as encouagement and you did it!" Dongwoon was looking at me now. The setting sun was shining in his eyes *Oh my daze*

DONGWOON'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My heart was racing. I was talking to ____________. Finally. But it wasn't how I had planned. I planned to be smooth talking, funny and a mix of Junhyung and Yoseob. But I was now just speaking my true feelings. Speaking my heart...

"And are going to phone Ga In because you are going to help her with her English. It might not be true but you are going to phone her anyway, even though you are going to run, have to study yourself and stuff, you are going to stop that to help your friend."

I turned to face ___________. She was now looking at the sky. The purple-ish sky was beautiful but that was a bad word to use when __________ was sitting right next to me. Her eyes were shining like stars. Her cheeks looked pink. *Is she blushing or is it the sky?*

I looked at the sky too. My heart was still racing and I didn't know what to do about it. I couldn't hear any cars, which was unusual. I heard birds singing. I felt so happy.

I put my hand on her hand and she looked at me.

"You are a nice person, and I really like you and-" I started but i heard my phone buzzing in my pocket. "And I have to go home."

We both laughed and stood up. __________'s so cute when she laughs.

"Well...goodbye Dongwoon my oppa! My old friend!" She was about to go inside. I wouldn't see her again untill tomorrow.

Suddenly I don't know what I was doing. I grabbed her arm and spun her around. She looked at me confused, but I didn't see her expression for long, because I leaned forward and kissed her.

Her lips were so soft and warm. Her breath was so warm and tasted minty. I pulled away quickly and smiled shyly. *Oh my daze what did I do?*

"Um..Well I...I'm...Yah! I'll see you tomorrow!"

YOUR P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dongwoon left quickly and shyly. My whole body was warm but I only wanted to cry...

My whole childhood is hundereds of happy memories. Of adventures and fun. And my memories are always based around one person. Son Dongwoon. My best friend. He was the closest person to me in the world. He left me and now he's back. The thought of happiness is back. True happiness!

True Happiness?


Oooh! I liked that chapter! Yay, I think I did well!

Thank you very much for the nice comments about the previous chapter! They were very encouraging! Saranghae subcribers, and commenters!

Thank you for reading!!!


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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!