My confession

You don't remember me...BABO?!

Afew weeks has passed since my first day at my new High school and my very successful basketball game in the PE class. I's become quite friendly with everybody since then. I talked to most of the girls and afew boys had even praised me on my good basketball. To be honest, I didn't think my basketball had been that good. I kept falling over and tripping up and I missed catching the ball alot but it was really fun. Maybe that was what the boys had seen? Like I'd said the boys like you more if you participate... I blushed everytime I thought about that.

It was almost the end of day and the teacher had given us half an hour to talk and stuff.(Me, the author here...well, I just wanna say that it's mainly going to be free periods in the school, because I don't want to make my fanfic so long which might happen anyway ¬¬) Miss Kim, left the classroom. Thankfully it didn't get too loud. I put my head on my desk because I was so tierd.

Soon there were three voices and my arms were being shaken. I lifted up my head and saw Sun Mi, Hyerim and Ga In sitting and standing around my table.

"Can you come to town today?" Sun Mi said. I shook my head.

"Sorry no. My parents are going to be out, after I've ran I need to stay inside."

"You run?" Hyerim asked.

"Yes, I run. I found a route to run on my first week here. I still don't know Seoul to well so I will come out some time okay?!"

"Yes okay! Can you phone me tonight? I'm not going to town either and I need help with the test!" Ga In asked.

"You need help with the test?! But you're so smart Ga In!" Me, Sun Mi and Hyerim nearly shouted. Ga In blushed.

"Maybe, but my english is really bad and yours is really good ____________! So please call me!" She said. It seemed as though she was lying here but I didn't say anything. * I wonder, what's wrong?*

The classroom door opened and everyone quieted to see who it was. A tallish boy with a pretty face walked into the room. He looked around akwardly.

"Um...hi everyone?" He gave a cute wave. The girls in the classroom grinned and started laughing.

"Jang Hyunseung!"

"Hyunseung oppa is back!" I leaned closer to Hyerim, who was sitting next to me.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"What! Where have you been the last year!!!?" I looked at her frowning.

"Well I was in the countyside, untill afew weeks ago where I ca-"

"He's Jang Hyunseung. The only member of BEAST you haven't mangaed to make friends with yet." Sun Mi laughed.

"Oh~ But where has he been? I've never seen him before."

"First he went on holiday, but then he got an audition for a drama and started work. He has been away for about a year now." Ga In smiled.

I watched this -okay yes he was just as cute as the other members of BEAST- boy walk to Dongwoon and Junhyung's table. Girls got out of their seats and hugged him and boys got up to high five him. Hyerim stood up and her and Sun Mi and Ga In stepped out of the way.

"Hey? Where are you going?" I asked. They had only stepped to the side, but they had still moved away. Sun Mi smiled.

"You'll see." They stood close together and pretended to be in a close conversation.

"What the hell-?" Hyunseung moved away from Dongwoon and looked at me. I looked at him back. It was quite awkward.

"Yes?" He asked me.

"Yes what?"

"Your sitting in my seat."

"But this is my seat."

"Oh~" He continued looking at me. I could feel that Sun Mi Hyerim and Ga In were watching me from behind. *Oh my friends are good...why don't they help me out!* Jang Hyunseung, finally stopped looking at me and put his bag on the chair that Hyerim had been sitting on.

"It seems like I'll be sitting next to you from now on! I'm Jang Hyunseung!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Park ___________." Hyunseung nodded and turned away from me. I sighed in relief and noticed Junhyung was looking at me. Him and Dongwoon must have been watching. *Why didn't they help me?*

I turned back to face my friends but suddenly the bell rang and everyone left the classroom.

"I'll phone later Ga In!" I shouted as she left the classroom.

"Yes please! I'd wait for you but I have to go to a study class! I'll see you tomorrow!" Ga In left the room.

"We'll wait for you _______." Hyerim said.

"No, you should go else you'll have less time in town! I'll see you tomorrow!" Sun Mi and Hyerim nodded and waved goodbye.

I walked back home. I remembered my first day when I was trying to get back home. I somehow managed to get lost and I had to take the bus to get back, that was how far away I was! I was terrified! My Dongwoon had told me (before he left for Seoul) that when you go to a new city or a new place, you have to act confident when you walk around. That if you get lost, Look for a bus stop timetable to find out where you were or to look for a sign. But try not to ask people for directions and definatly try not to tell people your lost, because it makes you more vunerable. I always followed that advice. Stupid advice made me feel safer but took me twice as long to find my way back!

Today it was nice. The sun was still shining at it was so warm. *I can't wait to run later* As I walked home I started to think about Dongwoon. Could he possibly be my Dongwoon? I really wanted him to be. We had both become quite close since my first day, and we had often eat lunch together. My Dongwoon and this Dongwoon seemed so similar. It would make me so happy if he was my Dongwoon. I had a picture of us when we were younger, and a friendship keyring in my purse. They keyring was one we had made together when we were kids. It was yellow with one purple bead at the bottem, mine had a D at the top for Dongwoon and My Dongwoon's had a __ at the top for ___________. If I showed these to Dongwoon maybe he'd react.

*Yes! Next time I see him I will ask!* I felt very confident.

"___________! Park ___________!" I hear someone behind me shouting. I turn around and see Dongwoon riding towards me on his bike!

*What the hell?! Why is he here?! He did that on purpose! He can read my mind or something! I don't want to talk to him about this yet!* "Hi Dongwoon..."

Dongwoon got off his bike and pushed it along side next to me. We started walking home together.

"Umm...Dongwoon, when we first met, you said that you grew up in a village like me...What was it like?"

"What was it like?...It was good I guess. It was hard work but very fun. I had a good friend there. She was very fun and kind to me. But then I left to come here..."

"Ah~ Me too. When I was younger...I had a good friend also called Dongwoon. He was very fun and we both were together alot. But then he left to come to Seoul. I really missed him for such a long time! I didn't want him to go!"

Dongwoon looked at me.

DONGWOON'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at _____________. She was staring at me like she was trying to get me to understand something. *Who was this Dongwoon? Could it have been me? But I don't even remember the name of my friend! Her name began with a __ according to my friendship keyring. Wait! __? ____________ 's name begins with this letter!

"I...have this photo of us when we were younger! The stupid jerk promised to keep in touch but...he didn't. But he was my stupid jerk and I miss him so much!" _________ sighed and took her purse out of her bag. She pulled a photo out of it and handed it to him.

"You don't remeber me...babo!" She whispered so quietly I'm not sure if she said that at all.

"This is Dongwoon and you?" I choked. __________ nodded. This was... me! It was me. Me and ___________ together when we were kids! I passed back the photo and climbed on my bike.

"Hey, come on. I'll give you a ride home." ________ sat side-saddle on the seat thing at the back of the bike. She put her hands around my waist. I gasped and could feel my face blushing. This girl still made my heart race whenever I spoke to her. I think I loved her. I started to ride down the road.

"So..I'm your childhood friend?" I asked, looking straight forward. I heard _______ gasp. She then put her head on my back.

"Dongwoon!" She cried. I tensed a little. "Dongwoon! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you to ________! I really did!"

"You didn't keep contact!"

"I couldn't! I sent you letters but I couldn't call you or anything! I didn't have your number because we didn't need them in the village!"

"You sent letters?"

"Yes! Number 15 yes?" I'm sure that was her old house number.

"No! I lived at number 16! Babo!"

"What?! So who lived at number 15?!"

"No-one that house is always empty!"

"So all my never replied so I thought you didn't care anymore! How is everyone?!"

"Everyone is great! Granny's still making yummy chilli crab... and Junsu and Hana are all the same!"

"That's really good..."


Oh my daze too long!

Thank you for reading! Like always!

(If the chapters are too long please just tell me and I'll make them shorter!)

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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!