Still Learning

You don't remember me...BABO?!

 As soon as I left the dinning room I leaned against a wall and sat on the floor. How did I get myself into this sort of situation? I am just the country girl that moved to the city! I'm not as pretty as some of the other girls why was this happening to me?!

 I took a bottle of water out of my school bag and drank it quickly trying to cool down my red hot face. I leaned my head against the wall, but I accidently smacked it right off the wall.

"Flaming Fudge Cakes! That Hurt!" I cried rubbing my the back of my head. Then I noticed something. *Huh? That didn't sound right* The walls around me where all stone but it sounded like I had hit my head off something wooden. Then I hit my head off the wall two more times, listening to the sound it made. *Yup. Definatly wooden.*

I stood up and looked behind me. It was a big wooden door. It was a fancy big wooden door. It was a decrotive fancy big wooden door. Well you get the idea. Music notes and swirls and tiny flowers had been carved into the wood. It looked like it had been very expensive. At the top of the door it had the words ' The Kings Hall' carved into it.

*The Kings Hall?* There where no kings in this school. I then noticed that there was a sign next to the door.

'This is the Kings Hall. Only the Kingka's may enter this room. The Kingka's for this year are as follows;

Yoon Doojoon

Jang Hyunseung

Yong Junhyung

Yang Yoseob

Lee Gikwang

Son Dongwoon'

*Ah Yes I remember, BEAST where the Kingka group wheren't they?* I tapped my finger on my cheek and read the sign again. Ignoring the sign I opened the door and went inside.

The Kings Hall was a very big practise room. All of the left wall was mirrors for practising dance. In the top corner there was a corner for relaxing. There was two sofas, three armchairs, a table, fluffly rugs, two cupboards and a fridge. It looked like a tiny apartment. At the right wall there was a built in recording studio and at the bottom of the room was a grand piano, along with a few other instruments.

I walked up to the piano and sat on the stool. There was a sheet of paper with some music notes on them. Someone had started to write a song. But it didn't look finished.This song was called 'Oasis' apparently. I looked at the notes and began to play it on the piano. It was such a beautiful melody. As I had though, it wasn't complete. It came to an awkward stop.

I took a lollipop and a pencil out of my schoolbag. I put the lollipop in my mouth and began to think. I drew a couple of extra notes onto the music sheet and played it on the piano to see if it worked. It did! *Yay!* I wrote some more notes and played the melody again. But this time it didn't work. I rubbed out the notes and tried again. It worked again! I continued like this until I had completed the whole song.

I was playing the melody for a final time when I realised what I had done. I had finished a piece of music for BEAST...I was pretty sure that I wasn't suppossed to do that. I then remembered a conversation I had had with Sun Mi, Hyerim and Ga In.

"Right this is how this school works so pay attention!" Sun Mi had said

"________ are you even paying attention?" Ga In shouted

"Huh?...Oh sorry I was just watching this bird over there...."


"Yes I mean ma'am!"

"Okay our school works like this....There are alot of groups in our school. They all train hard to sing and dance really well. They even work out and diet and spend alot of money on clothes and make-up and accessories...even the boys! Looks is very important in our indusrty got it!? Anyway, we do all this hard work because there is a compotision at the end of the school year in which every group perfroms a song or two in front of pupils from another school. The pupils from other schools are the judges and they all vote for who they think was the best. Who ever is voted the best becomes the Kingka's or Queenka''s very rare for someone to become a Kingka or Queenka for their personality and their looks.

The unwritten rule is that you have to be exeptionally naturally beautiful and an amazingly friendly and caring and kind and fun person to be a Kingka/Queenka without winning the compotison okay?

Anyway...the winning group becomes a Kingka group or Queenka group and they work in the 'New Hall'. It becomes the 'The Kings Hall' or 'The Queens Hall' Depending on who is the group that won the compotision. Anyway what I'm getting at is...BEAST is the Kingka's and they are most popular. We have came second nearly every year so far and we are going to try and be the Queenka's next year...You can help us if you want.'

But I couldn't remember anything else that was said to me. Maybe they didn't say anything about not helping other groups.

Then I remember the very last thing that Sun Mi said to me. 'You can help us if you want' I still wasn't a part of any group. I had been here nearly four weeks or something yet I wasn't a part of any group. Maybe I should have joined a group... I looked at my finished piece of music and played it one more time. *Such a nice tune*

I thought maybe I should join my friends group. They only have three members. They where called GUESS the last time I checked. Girls from under Eastern Seoul Skies...or something like that. Accept I wasn't born in Seoul. Oh well I doubt it matters.

Suddenly I heard voices outside the door and then the door opened. I quickly stood up from the piano and felt my heart racing. Then BEAST walked in. My heart dropped and I felt sick in my stomach...their not the types to get me into trouble are they?

Junhyung entered the room first and looked at me. Then the other members looked at me too.

"What are you doing in here?" Junhyung asked me.


"You're not allowed to be in here." Hyunseung said.


They all looked at me and frowned.

"I was looking around?" I said.

"Even though there is a sign outside that say's 'Do not enter at all'" Gikwang said

"Well technically it didn't say exactly that...besides it's just a stupid can't tell me what to do."

BEAST stared at me for a minute before Junhyung laughed out loud.

"HAHAHAHAHA! So we have a rebel here? Ah~ I like this girl, she's so funny! HAHAHAHAHA!" He walked up to me and put his hand around my shoulders. The other BEAST members laughed abit too.

"Well, since you are a Queenka, you are welcome in here when you like okay?" Doojoon said.

"Yup, anytime you want just walk in." Gikwang laughed

I smiled at them uncertianly. Then I remembered what Sun Mi had said about Queenka's.

"Wait! You keep calling me a Queenka, but I'm not even a member of any group...and I have never won the end of year how can that be?"

To my surprise, all of BEAST laughed.

"Who has been informing you of the rules of our school?" Hyunseung smiled.

"Sun Mi..."

"Ah~ Well that is correct, you have to be compotision winner but...did you not see how eveyone wanted you to sit with them this lunch? You are popular, funny, smart and you've got good skin without wearing you pass all social regulations. You are a natural Queenka." Yoseob said happily.

"Which is very rare for this school." Doojoon added.

"Very rare indeed!" Dongwoon added to Doojoon's add.

"I see..." I said.

"So since you're not member of a group...are you planning to join one?" Gikwang asked as all the BEAST members started walking to a different part of the room.

"Yes...I was going to ask Sun Mi if I could join her group with Hyerim and Ga In." I looked towards Hyunseung to see if he had any respones. And he did!

"Ga In? Her group's called GUESS is it not?" He asked turning to me.

"Yup! GUESS!" I smiled.

"GUESS? You want to join GUESS?" Junhyung stepped away from me and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Yah! We have to work harder this year!"


"Ah...GUESS have always come second place in the summer compotision. If they get any better we will lose our place as the Kingka's" Hyunseung laughed.


I saw Dongwoon walking over to the piano and I remembered that I had finished the music that was there.

"Oh I have to go see my friends now!" I paniced. Bowing to BEAST, I practically ran out the room.

BEAST P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Huh? Why did she run away so fast?" Yoseob asked.

Everyone shrugged and started doing their own thing. Junhyung practised his rapping, Yoseob and Doojoon practised their singing, Hyunseung and Gikwang practised their dancing.

Dongwoon sat at the piano and looked at the music sheet. The song had been finished.

"Hey! Did any of you guys finish this song?" He asked.

"Nope!" They all called back at different times.

"Strange. I'm sure that I didn't finish it. I was going to do it now." Dongwoon began to play the melody of Oasis. All the members of BEAST stopped what they where doing and listened.

"Wow that's really good maknae!" Yoseob called.

"Yeah that's really good, we should be able to use that for the contest." Junhyung called.

"Who on earth finished that?" Dongwoon asked.

All the BEAST members looked at each other and frowned. They have no idea!


Sorry this update took so long!   m(-  -)m

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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!