In my new class!

You don't remember me...BABO?!

The boy in front of me. I didn't know him, I'd talked to him for the first time only afew moments ago. Yet I felt close to him. I didn't quite understand this feeling but it felt as though I'd been with him forever. As though he was a part of my family, my life. Like he was an important person and I wouldn't know what to do without him.

He opened the door and smiled to his, nope our, teacher. He bowed to the teacher as an apology and walked to his seat, leaving me standing at the front of the classroom and for the third time this day, feeling like an idiot.

"Son Dongwoon! Why are you so late? You were only suppossed to go to your locker to get you jotter. Why did it take you ten minutes?" The teacher shook her head.

"Very sorry miss, but, I bumped into Park __________ on my way back and she didn't know her class. This is her class though." Dongwoon sat down in a seat next to a cool looking boy. He sort of looked like a badboy.(I don't know?) The teacher turned to me and a I bowed just like Dongwoon had.

"Park _________? I'm Miss Kim."

"Hello Miss Kim."

"Okay, please sit at the empty table at the back."

I walked to the table at the back and full of relief, I dropped my bag on the floor and sat in the seat which was behind Dongwoon and the cool guy. The teacher went out of the classroom because it was a free period. Suddenly, the whole class was talking. A couple of people smiled at me, and some girls shout HI to me from the front of the classroom. *This seems like I'm in a nice class*

"Yo Park ___________!" Dongwoon turned around in his seat to face me. "How good are you at P.E?"

"I'm quite good. I have alot of energy for sports."

"Haha! Doojoon is going to love your girlfriend!" The cool guy laughed loudly. The whole class suddenly stopped talking and looked at the three of us. And for the second time today, I feel my face blushing.

"She's Dongwoon oppa's girlfriend?"

"Dongwoon oppa's going out with the new girl?"

"How long have they actually known each other?" *Good question*

"Is she going out with Doojoon or Dongwoon?"

"She's a two-timer?!"

"How did the new girl manage to get two of the Kingka's in 20 minuets?"

I am looking around the classroom, worried now. *No I'm not his-*

"She's not my girlfriend!"

"I'm not his girlfriend!"

We both shout at the cool guy and the class at the same time. Everyone is suddenly quite again.But not for long. Speaking at the same time as your 'boyfriend' is a bad idea!

"Hahaha! They are a couple!"

"They speak together and everything!"

"They have been together for so long they know each others thought!"

Soon, the class calmed down and went into their own groups, with afew jokes and comments coming at us. *I knew it wouldn't be perfect for my first day!* I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I can feel that my face is so hot.

"What the hell Junhyung?!" Dongwoon nearly shouted. *So this cool guy is called Junhyung?* Junhyung just smirked and leaned back on his chair. Then he turned to face me like Dongwoon.

"I'm Yong Junhyung." He smiled. *He had a nice smile. Who has best smile now, Lee Gikwang? Son Dongwoon? Or could it be this cool guy Yong Junhyung?*

"Nice to meet you Yong Junhyung!" I looked at Dongwoon.

"Why did you ask if I was good a sports?"

"Umm, because we have PE. The boys and girls aren't in the same class. But we have PE at the same time."

*Thank so much that I brought a PE clothes!*


Not exciting but, the next one will be...I think so anyway ¬¬

Don't get your hopes up my friends! Kekekeke

Thank you for reading again! :D

Thank you for subscribing and even thank you to the people who have atleast read one chapter! I will try to update often!

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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!