A new friend?

You don't remember me...BABO?!

I stood at the door to the teachers office with this boy...(What was his name again? Oh yeah! Lee Gikwang). He smiled at one of the teachers at the desk and explained who I was. *Wow his smile is so charming! I still want his glasses!* Gikwang was still holding my hand, but I think he sort of forgot.

He pulled me away from the door and we stood there in the corridor while we waited for the teacher to come out of the office.

"So, you are Park ___________, right?" He asked.

"Yes that's right!"

"And you moved here from the countryside, is that right as well?"

"Umm...yeah, how do you now?"

"Hahaha. It's sort of my job to check information on the new pupils in this school, to hopefully make the transfer easier for them."

"Oh okay" I felt slightly disappointed...I don't know why.

The teacher came out of the staffroom and said hello.

"Hello Park ____________. I am deputy head teacher for this school."  Gikwang bowed, but because he was still holding my hand, he pulled me down to bow as well."

The teacher looked at our hands and I quickly pulled my hand away. *Oh~ I think I blushing...*

"Lee Gikwang, I think you should go to class now" The teacher said, smiling at him. Gikwang bowed again and walked away towards this classroom. When he was half way down the corridor when he turned around and shouted to me.

"Bye Park ___________! I hope to see you around school!"

I waved back and shouted to him. "Bye Lee Gikwang, Thank you very much for this! I might see you around school!"

"Park _________, Lee Gikwang! Do not shout in this school please." The teacher said scowling.

When Gikwang was out of the corridor, the teacher told me to follow her into a room with a big table in the middle. It looked like it was a meeting room.

"So you have made a friend already?" She asked.

"No, Gikwang said that it is his job to make new students feel more comfortable"

"Yes, well anyway! Before you go to class, you need to look at this. This is a book of all the schools clubs. As you should know, this is a music based school and all our pupils create their own groups that can use the schools equipment to create new songs." She gave me a big book of clubs and all their information.

"Anyway, you have to pick a club. Some clubs are already quite full so you won't be able to join. There are a few exception however. But we'd appreciate if you didn't join a club with already six members. I will leave you to read this." And she left.

*Why is it written in a book and not on the computer?* I opened the book and read all the group names and information.

First was A-Pink, I read all the information, but I didn't want to join the group. Next was BEAST...*Sohee mentioned this group* Members include Yoon Doojoon, Jang Hyungseung, Yong Junhyung, Yang Yoseob, Lee Gikwang and Son Dongwoon.

*Yong Junhyung...That was Sohee's guy right? Or the guy she wanted to be her's anyway. Lee Gikwang? Lee Gikwang, the guy I was talking to ealier? Oh~...Son Dongwoon...Not my Son Dongwoon right? Waah~ I want my Dongwoon." /Depressed/

C-D- Ah~ Under D was DBSK another boy band. E-F another Boy band called F.T.Island G-H-I Another boy band called Infinite J-K- A girl band called Kara -L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S- Boy band called Super Junior and a girl group called SNSD  T- A Girl group called T-ara U-V-W girl group called Wonder girs-X-Y-Z.

Their the only ones I can remeber. *I Don't know who to join!* I thought.

I went back to the teacher and told her I needed time to think. So she told me to go to my class.

I left the corridor, the same way I say Gikwang leaving and then I looked around. * Where the heck am I suppossed to go?* I lifted my school bag onto my shoulder and walked forward. I thought about how Dongwoon might have got around school on his first day.

"YA~ How did Dongwoon do it?!"

"How did I do what?" I spun around to the voice behind me. There was a tall boy looking at me. He looked quite mature but something in his eyes said he was childish.

"Ah~ Not you sorry!" I bowed.

"Well there are no other Dongwoon's in this school so you must be talking about me!" He grinned.

"No, my old childhood friend was called Dongwoon."

"Oh" We stood there awkward for a while in silence. My mind was racing like crazy. I was thinking so fast. Could he be my Dongwoon? The chances were quite slim...indeed they were very slim. Seoul is a big place and I seriously doubt I would be at the same school as him. A part of me really wanted it to be him...but how could it be? I looked at him again trying to see anything that could prove that it was my Dongwoon.

"I know I'm handsome but please...Oh by the way, My name is Son Dongwoon. I am member of popular King group BEAST!" He bowed.

"Don't flatter yourself kid! My name is Park _________. I am new to this school, I moved here from the countryside, about a week ago!" I bowed back.

"The countryside? I lived there when I was younger. In a small village! I had a good friend, but I had to move..."

He lived in the countryside?! So he could be my Dongwoon?! But how long ago? Who was his friend? I have to ask questions?!


"Why are you not in class, we're going to get in trouble!?" He said. I frowned.

"I don't know my class? The teachers never told me!" I looked around, slightly paniced... I don't want to get in trouble.

DONGWOON'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was looking at this girl ____________ . She looked familliar. Oh well, she was cute! Quite very cute, she was making me feel a little nervous. How could she not know her own class though? How could the teachers not tell her?

I grabbed her sleeve and pulled into a short dead-end corridor and pulled out my phone. If anyone will know a new girls class, it will be Gikwang.

"Gikwang should know! He knows everything about new people!" I said to her. She was a bit red and looked worried. I put my hand on her cheek to feel her tempreture.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you for asking!" She smiled. Damn it was such a cute smile. I had to text Gikwang.

 To Gikwang: The new girl, Park ________ what's her class, the teacher never told her!

 From Gikwang: Umm...I think it's the same as you and Junhyung, don't text me in class!

"Alright, your in the same class as me! Come on let's go!" Me and her walked to our class, but I could feel she was staring at me..maybe she thought I was familiar too?

YOUR P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked at this Dongwoon boy. He seemed so nice... I watched him as we walked towards the class. He looked back to me sometimes as well, but he looked away quickly. I still couldn't tell if this was my Dongwoon or not. I wanted to believe it was but I couldn't be sure...



Hahahaha! Oh man..my chapters getting worse and worse T_T

I'm very sorry, the good chapters will be the ones I've planned ahead...I promise they will be good!!!

I hope this chapter was good enough for you! XD

Thank you for reading!!!

(Why the heck did the writing go so small?)

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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last year..is that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!