New friends!...And by the way watch out for the new girl on the basketball court!

You don't remember me...BABO?!

There were three girls who stood by the door while I was picking my school bag up off the floor. I reconised them abit. I think they were the girls who had called HI to me from the front of the class. They seemed quite friendly to me.

"Umm, hello!" I smiled at them.

"Hi ________. My name is Sun Mi." A girl with long brown hair and a nice smile waved a little.

"Yeah. And I'm Hyerim!" A small girl with curly hair jumped up and down. *She has alot of energy*

"Nice to meet you Sun Mi and Hyerim!" I turned to face the third girl. Her hair was long, black and straight hair and she had the cutest geek glasses I had ever seen.

"I'm Ga In." The girl bowed to me.

"Hey Ga In. You don't need to be so polite to me. Oh by the way, your glasses are so~ cute." Ga In smiled a shy smile and giggled abit.

Sun Mi, Hyerim and Ga In showed me the way to the PE hall. We went into the changing rooms and changed into our PE kit. We all wore the same clothes, which was short black shorts and a blue t-shirt and black trainers. All the girls tied up their hair (Except from me, because my hair was in bunches!) and we walked towards the basketball court.

We walked along the corridor. I turned around and started walking backwards so I could talk to my new friends. I was laughing at something Hyerim had said and then I suddenly CRASHED! into someone. I stumbled backwards, stumbled forewards thenturned around so I faced the person I crashed into.

"OUCH!" I shouted hiding my eyes.

"Ya~ I'm sorry are you hurt!?" The boy stepped towards me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Wait, why are you covering your eyes?"

"Your hair,it's too~ bright!" Everyone who had heard us started laughing.

"Ya~ you hear her Yoseob! She's telling you to stop bleaching your hair!" Some boys shouted. I opened my eyes and looked at this boy called Yoseob. He was also quite cute.

He smiled at me and pulled a very cute face. *What's with the aegyo?*

"Sorry about your eyes! I just bleached my hair afew days ago. Oh, I'm Yang Yoseob by the way!"

"Hello Yang Yoseob! My name is Park _____________."

"Come on __________!" Sun Mi grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the basketball court. Hyerim and Ga In followed us laughing. We stood in a quiet part of the corridor and the three girls stared at me with weird expressions.

"Are you a flirt or something?" Sun Mi asked.


"Apart from us, how many people have you met today. Remembering you've been at school for just under one day now." Ga In asked grinning.

"Let's see. A girl called Sohee. A boy called Lee Gikwang. Son Dongwoon, Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob."

"How the heck are you friends with all of BEAST?!" Hyerim laughed.

"Who cares? Introduce us okay!" Ga In laughed. *I think we are good friends now. Shy Ga In is friendly with me!*

We got called into the basketball court by the teacher. We got split into two teams. I was in a team with Hyerim, who was jumping up and down with excitement. We were given a blue coloured sash while the other team had a red sash.

"Are yous any good at this sport?" A girl asked. Nearly everyone shook their head. My heart dropped a little. I love basketball. Ever since I'd played with Dongwoon (My Dongwoon) in the village.

Everyone was slightly worried I could tell. It was uncool, to be beaten at anything. My eyes flickered to the window where I could see the boys getting ready to play football. *Aww crap. These girls have got to try hard. They'll embarrass themselves if they don't try to win!*

"Hey, we can win right?" I asked the girls. They all looked at me and I looked at them. "Oh hi Sohee." Sohee looked at me and smiled abit.

"Are you all worried about losing infront of boys?" I asked. Everyone nodded. "Hahaha. Okay! My name is Park _________ everybody who already knows me, knows that I have moved here from the countryside! Seoul is very different from the village I lived in, but I'm sure boys will be the same wherever I go right?" The girls giggled abit.

"Okay listen to me. I know boys quite well. There were more boys then girls in the village so I got to know them quite well. I'm not gonna go through everything, mainly because we don't have time and you are all probably thinking ' Who the heck is this country girl thinking she knows about boys!' Right? Well anyway. If you want the boys to like and respect you when it comes to sports just have to try hard and participate! Boys don't like it if you sit at the side. If your good at sports...Then boys will admire you for it...If your not good at sports, they will think you're cute for trying! Trust me!!!"

They all looked at me slightly more confidently now. I blushed a little.

"Nice speech ___________!" The girls smiled.

"Yeah we can do it!"

"We can do more then sing and dance right!" We all put our hands together.

"Hwaiting!" Sohee said smiling at me.

"Hwaiting!" We all said together.

"Keep away from Junhyung~" Sohee sang.

"I'm doing it~" I sang back..

I was chosen by my team to stand in the centre circle. Sun Mi was chosen by her team. I held out my hand to shake hands like I'd seen in the American movies.

"Good luck, friend!" I said

"Good luck, friend!" Sun Mi said back.

The PE teacher blew the whistle and threw the ball up in the air. Me and Sun Mi both jumped up into the air and swung to hit the ball back to our teams.

"Hyaa!" I shouted hitting the ball back to my team.

DONGWOON'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We were in the middle of playing football when suddeny everyone stopped. Everyone stopped! Even Doojoon! Yoon Doojoon, the football loving weirdo. How he can love sports so much I have no idea! Anyway, I was finally getting good here and suddenly everyone stopped!!!

Doojoon stopped. Junhyung stopped. Gikwang stopped and Yoseob stopped. Everyone in the class Stopped. I didn't get it untill I went to the window like everyone else. The girls were playing basketball....Wait wait wait what!? The girls were playing basketball. They never played. They sat at the side and walked around.

I looked through the window to see things clearer. _____________! It was _____________! She was running around with the ball. Dribbling the ball so fast! She dodged a couple of people, passed the ball, caught when it got passed back to her and scored! *She scored oh my gosh! Park __________ scored! Wait, why is this such a big thing to me?* Why was this such a big hing for me. I just met the girl today!

But when she ran with the ball, she was always laughing and smiling when she was passing and catching. Even though she tripped afew times and it was clear she wasn't perfect...she was having so much fun and I felt a strange feeling of deja vu!

I felt a little dizzy (It must have been the sun...yeah the sun). And my heart was beating so fast it was weird! (Must have....umm...been all the sports...yeah). I was shaking a little and I had this feeling in my stomach, like I was going to faint! My tummy was feeling tickly...waah!

I felt

DOOJOON'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Who was this girl? No girls ever played much sports! Somehow, this girl had got the other girls to actually play! This girl was quite...umm pretty. She running and dribbling the basketball, really quite well! She laughed and smiled the whole time I saw her and she shouted encourging things to her team mates!

She dodged afew people and stepped to the side and jumped up to the net. And she Scored! My eyes widened and I almost gasped out loud. I had to stop myself just before I did. I had a quick glance to the other guys. They were watching too. Some where complimenting her, others were laughing, they couldn't believe the girls were trying so hard. They complimented all the girls.

Who was this girl though? With the bunches and smile. She was really cute, especially how her face was all pink and her hair was damp from sweat...which I thought was quite beautiful looking!

*Waah~ My heart feels stomach is twisting!

Who is this girl?! What is she doing to me?!*


Oh~ I like this chapter better! hehehe...not the best I'll addmit but I like it!

I hope you all like this chapter too!!!

Thank you for reading, thank you so much for reading!

(Sorry my chapters are so long and sorry if the names are weird...I'm not good with Korean names! T_T)

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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!