Let's go to the city!

You don't remember me...BABO?!

"______________ AREN'T YOU READY YET!?" My mum shouted from downstairs " TIME WAITS FOR NO MAN!"


Me and my mum laughed at our inside joke. Yup, my family is a little weird. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I would never be looking throung this mirror ever again.../Depressed./ My family and I were leaving our little village for the big city. For Seoul.

I had tried to act happy about it...well I didn't try. I'm very good at acting. No-one ever knows how I'm really feeling. I force myself to be happy and smiling constantly hehheh. I'm quite immature and I guess I'm funny...because everyone laughs at me, I know they laugh in a nice way though, not like city es!...Oh gosh...City es, how the hell could I deal with them...?

I shook my head and looked in the mirror...Thoughts should not stray...just in case.

I was wearing a blue check shirt and grey shorts. With messy hair which I had tied into bunches and sandels I was a typical country girl here...

When I started to study my clothes, I got a weird feeling of deja vu. Like this wasn't my style I was wearing. I leaned closer into the mirror... Who else have I seen wearing this outfit...Think...Think...Think... I tapped my finger on the side of my face in thought.

"Dongwoon?" I whispered. I stepped back from the mirror in shock. Yes! That was it! I was wearing the exact same outfit Dongwoon was wearing when he left...Dongwoon...

Dongwoon was my childhood friend. We grew up together in this village...We were so close. We read books on rainy days and helped the adults plant seeds on warm days. We went outside on adventures to the beachin summer and played football and basketball too. We both failed at sports but...it was still fun! Then, he left. Just like I'm doing...He left for Seoul...and I never heard from him again.

I cried so much. He promised to write-he never wrote. He promised to call-he never called me, or anyone. He promised to visit, and guess what...yup, he never came. He is a ...a... a JERK!

I walked downstairs and picked up my travelbag, all my clothes and things had already been sent to our new house, so I only had one bag to carry. It had my book, my sweets, my notebook, phone and iPod in it. Everything I needed in it.

When someone left our village, it was always quite awkward. They walked through the village while everyone else who was staying shouted 'Goodbyes' and 'We'll miss you' and gave little leaving gifts. It was nice, but awkward. I often wondered if people who left, just wanted a quiet leaving...

Anyway, just like Dongwoon...I had to walk through the village.../More Deppressed/

I walked colse to my parents who I let say most of the goodbyes, until I came to a boy my age. Jang Junsu. He was my 'enemy' here. He argued alot and got into fights which were resloved by seeing who could eat the most ice-cream in a minute.

I frowned at Junsu and put my hands on my hips like an immature child. Then I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed. Junsu laughed to.

"Bye!" I smiled and gave a little wave.

"See you kid!" Junsu laughed.

"Don't call me a kid you JERK!" I called to him, before I turned my back on him and began walking away. Suddenly, I felt Junsu's arms and warm body hugging me from behind.

"Can't you stay. If I tell you I love you, and that I'm gonna die inside if you leave, will you stay?" I pulled away from Junsu's hug and turned to face his smiling face.

I pointed at  him and winked.

"Nope absolutly not!" I turned around and left, grinning. That's Junsu. Stupid jokes like that came from him often.


JUNSU'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I kept grinning even though my heart dropped a mile. She rejected me...She pretty much rejected me. I felt a friends hand on my shoulder and dropped my head. I loved that stupid girl. *Park  _____________ . I never thought you where stupid* I loved her for years and years. I turned to face my friend.

"You okay..." He asked

"Yeah...I'm...fine..." I said.

"Are you sure..."

"Yup, it's my fault anyway. I waited too long. It's just...I didn't want to ruin what we had...And I didn't expect her to leave"


YOUR P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well, that's it...I have said goodbye to Junsu, Hana and all my other friends... My parents were saying goodbye still. This was taking forever.

I swung my arm backwards and forwards then I swung my leg backwards and forwards.... Then I started thinking my bag was too light. It felt as though it should be heavier. I opened my bag, and noticed that my book was missing.

"Waah~ The book, the book! Where is it!? Kyaa~ The thing...with pages...and words!!! The book! Where is the book!?" I started running in circles and shouting like and idiot... Looking in my bag and then in the sky and in the bag and on the path like it would be there.

Then an old lady who worked in the store came up to me with my book in her hand.

"Are you looking for this?" She asked, handing me the book.

"Thank you Granny!" I said bowing and taking the book from her. She wasn't really my Granny but I was being polite.

"Awesome book~ Science Fiction book~ By Bernard Werber~" I started singing into the book, jumping up and down and dancing.

"Just like Dongwoon when he left." Granny said. " He forgot a book too!" She started to laugh along with some adults from the village.

I stopped singing and nodded to Granny. I also remeber that...

Mum and Dad walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on!" They said, climbing into the car. I nodded to them to.

"I will come back to visit! To help planting in Spring!" I said pointing at the men who did most of the planting. "To visit the festival in Autumn!" I said pointing to the women who organised the festival. " And to eat your chilli crab Granny. So please make me some when I come back!" I called to Granny.

I waved BYE to everyone and climbed into the car.

VILLAGERS P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"No ___________ That means less help in Spring, unless she comes back! She always had energy for work...I'm going to miss her!"

"She was always so cheerful...It's a shame she's going!"

"Chilli crab...She really loved your Chilli Crab Granny!"

"Yes I know!"

"She had so much enthusiasm...even when things went wrong she helped us cheerfully /Sigh/"

"I love you..." (That's Junsu by the way)

(So as you can see, you're quite popular in your village!)

YOUR P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Let's go to the city!"

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shujun #1
Chapter 13: Aish~ just realised that the last comment was send last year..is that means that this story had been left to collect dust like u mention above?!? Im a new reader.. So u know.. Anyways, hwaiting !!!
I wonder whats going to happen when they find out she finished the song...~
Please update soon :3
yuxuan #4
update soon
likeab2uty #5
omg please tell me she's gonna stick with dongwoon!
though it's cute with doojoon too..
When you'll UPDATE ?! T^T I really want to knew what will happens (_ _") PLZ UPDATE SOON!!
Cuti33Aziannxx #7
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ~ i really LOVE IT !!!!!!!! I WANT A KISS TOO ;___; YOU'R SO AMAZING GURL !!!!!!! <333333 #MuchLove <3333 PLZ UPDATE SOOOOON ~ ~ ~ ~ <3333333
lol! Confused with the kiss?? keke ^^..
Woah... im confused too!! LOL hmm hu should i pick?! uPDATE SOON!!