Chapter 9

❣ Lost Without You
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A soft airstream against your face made you stir, trying to grab a hold of the sleep that was still hovering over you. Honestly you didn’t want to wake up just yet, you had had such a wonderful dream and you didn’t want it to end. The wind hit your closed eyelids once more and you groaned while turning your face against your pillow. You couldn’t remember that you had forgotten to close the window last night. “Kids, wake up. You’ll be late for school.” Someone stirred your shoulder and you groggily moved your arm, trying to get them to leave. Why did they always have to come and wake you during the best part of the night? Eventually you seemed to find the strength to open your eyes, knowing that you had no other choice. There was no way your mom was going to allow you to skip a day of school only so that you could finish your dream. Although the view wasn't what you had expected it to be, when you opened your eyes you didn’t see the walls of your room. Your heart skipped a beat as you stared into a pair of dark brown eyes which had a surprised look lingering inside of them. “Oh my god!” You yelped, pushing yourself off of the bed and landing on the floor with a soft thud. Your mother squeezed her eyes at you before they went back and forth between Baekhyun and her daughter who was now laying onto the floor. “I’m serious, get your asses out of bed and get ready.” But even though she tried to sound threatening she failed because she wasn’t able to hide the smile that was playing around her lips. Then she turned around and walked out of the room, leaving the two of you together. 


At first you weren’t able to move, your brain wasn’t able to comprehend what had just happened. Had you just woken up in your own bed with Baekhyun beside you? But how was that even possible? Your mother would never allow you to sleep in a bed together with a guy. Yet she had been here a few seconds ago to wake the both of you up which meant she was very aware of the whole situation. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?” It was very weird to have someone else asking you that question while you were supposed to be the only one here inside of this room. Especially since you knew who this voice was coming from, god you had slept with Baekhyun. Quickly you sat up, knowing that you were making a fool out of yourself by staying on the ground like that. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You said after thinking about it and moving a few body parts around. A silence fell over the two of you and you tried not to hyperventilate because of the thought that Baekhyun was actually sitting in your bed right now. You thought back about what happened yesterday, about how you two had talked inside of his room for hours, how you and forgotten about the company downstairs. Eventually you had grown tired, even though you had been in his company. He had been kind enough to drive you home and you had wanted to show him your room, because he had showed you his. You had just felt as if it had been something you had had to do, in order to let him know how much it had meant to you that he had done all of that. You had promised your mom that it wouldn't take that long and that Baekhyun would leave soon. 


Seemed like the two of you had failed to keep that promise, instead he had slept here. You pushed yourself up from the ground and stood up, seeing that you were still wearing the dress you had gotten from him and he was still wearing his button up shirt. “You can use the bathroom first.” You quickly muttered, realizing that the two of you had to get changed and that there was no way you could go to class like this. He probably wouldn’t need that much time, he was a boy and his name wasn’t James. “I…I don’t have anything to wear.” He mumbled, slowly getting up from the bed and standing onto his feet. He seemed to feel a little uncomfortable about the whole situation and who were you to blame him, he would have to face your mother soon. Luckily for him your father would already be out for work, so he wouldn’t have to meet him. You eyed him, trying to ignore how amazing his morning voice sounded and how y he looked with his hair all messed up like that. “Wait, I have something.” You suddenly recalled something and walked over to your closet. Every since the time you had slept over at his place you had told yourself that you should give it back to him one day, but you had never had the chance until now, or you had always forgotten about it. Now that he was here anyway he could take it back with him. When you turned around to face him you showed him the red shirt he had given you that night for you to sleep in, saying that he didn’t wear it anymore. Maybe this time he had to make an exception. 


As soon as he saw it he chuckled, getting reminded of that night. “That will work.” He took it from you and you couldn’t believe he was actually standing here right in front of you, in your bedroom. You cleared your throat, trying to make the sphere a little lighter as you took him with you towards the bathroom, leaving him there after telling him where he could find everything. When he disappeared into the room and closed the door he smiled at you before leaving you by yourself in the hallway. A shivering breath left you as you leaned against the nearest wall, thinking about what to do next. Your mother was probably going to be pissed because of everything, she had allowed you to go out wit him and to guide him through your home, but she had never thought you would do this. It wasn’t like you had meant for this to happen, you hadn’t even known that he had been laying beside you while you had been asleep. The two of you had just been deepened into a conversation and had both drifted off without noticing, that wasn’t a crime. Well, you would have to face her one time and you could better do it before Baekhyun was ready so that you could talk some sense into her. The last thing you wanted was for her to embarrass you in front of him now that you finally had a chance. So after staring at the door for at least a few more minutes, wondering what Baekhyun would be doing on the other side of that door, you went downstairs, where your mother was waiting fro you. Did you have to make up a good excuse because of what happened? What if she got angry and started to scream at you, there was no way that Baekhyun wouldn’t here that from his spot at the bathroom. That would be so embarrassing, you wouldn’t know if you would ever be able to look him in the eye again afterwards. 


She was standing in the kitchen and to your surprise there were two plates waiting on the table, waiting for someone to attack the food on it. For a moment you could only stare at the table in disbelieve but then your mom turned around to face you. As soon as she noticed you standing behind her she pulled up one of her eyebrows, sending you a mischievous look. You had never seen her looking at you like that before and you wondered what was going on inside of her head, just so that you could predict what she was going to say to you. Thank god your father wasn’t here, he would have given you a lecture and then he probably would have kicked Baekhyun out of the house, just to prove his point. Your father had never been an easy one in these kind of situations, just the thought that you would ever have a boyfriend nearly gave him a heart attack. “__________, sweetie, why don’t you take a seat?” Well, at least she didn’t scream at you ,if she really would have been angry at you then you would have noticed that already. Silently you did what she asked you and sat down at your usual spot, thinking that the other pl

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree