Chapter 3

❣ Lost Without You
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“Why would I go with you?” You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest, standing in the middle of the doorway and looking at him with an annoyed look. You didn’t like it if someone would wake you this early during the weekend, surely not for something like this. Why had you given him your address anyway, that was one of the biggest questions you were asking yourself right now. Though you couldn’t lie, it was very nice to see him first thing in the morning, for him to be standing on your door step to ask you to come out with him. It wasn't exactly like he was asking you on a date, but the fact that he asked you to go with him while he could be asking anyone else he wanted meant something. For the past few days Baekhyun had been popping up by your side a lot, it almost seemed as if he went everywhere you went. A few days before you hadn’t even known him, now he seemed to be playing a very big role in your life. “Because I have this party to go to and I’m horrible at dressing myself up. I need someone to come with me and help me pick something out. Just, come with me, I promise you won’t regret it.” He said, sending you one of his perfect smiles that almost made it impossible for you to say no to him. He always knew what to say to you, as if he was able to look straight into your head and read your mind. It wasn’t easy to hide your real feelings from him and sometimes you caught yourself staring at him while you shouldn’t, but until now he didn’t seem to have figured it out. 


“Why don’t you just call one of your friends so they can go with you?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest as you stared at him, trying to ignore the feeling of embarrassment that came over you because you were still in your pajamas. What was he thinking of you, that you dared to appear in front of him like that? Though he didn’t look as if he minded, he didn’t even seem as if he noticed. “I can’t, my phone is dead remember? I smashed it…” He reminded you and your mouth formed a circle as you remembered the events that had taken place not so long ago, how could you have forgotten about it. Maybe you had expected that he would have a new phone by now, walking around without a phone these days was like walking around . Who knew what would happen to him if he was alone and then he didn’t even have the chance to call someone for help. You waved him in, stepping aside so that he could walk past you. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to go with him after all, besides, what else would you have done today, it wasn’t like you had made any plans. When you walked back into the living room you could see that he was staring around himself, taking in the house where you lived and it made you blush slightly. It seemed very personal to show him this, but yet again it were only a few walls and some furniture. You walked towards a closet, searching through the cabinets to find what you were looking for. “Are these your parents?” Baekhyun’s voice came from somewhere behind you and you turned your head to see what he was talking about. He was holding a picture frame that had been standing on a small table next to the couch. 


Without looking at it you knew what kind of picture he was looking at and you cursed inwardly. Why did your parents have to leave these awkward photos of you lingering around the house? “Yes, but that was taken a long time ago.” You muttered as you focused back on what you were doing, a small smile forming onto your face as you finally found what you had been looking for. As you made your way back of him you saw that he was still staring at the picture, almost as if he couldn’t put it down. “You were really small here.” He pointed out, making your roll your eyes at how obvious his statement was. “Here, take this.” You held him up the phone you had been looking for and saw how he blinked his eyes at you in away, not extending his hands to you. “I can’t take that.” He muttered, his cheeks coloring red as his eyes went from your face towards the phone and back. It was clear that he was feeling uncomfortable because of the situation but you didn’t want him to be. You were giving this to him, if it wouldn’t be okay for him to have it then you wouldn’t have suggested it. “Nobody still uses it, my dad bought a new one not too long ago but it still works fine. You can have it, no one will miss it.” He still didn’t seem convinced about it and it wasn’t like you didn’t understand, you also wouldn’t have taken it if you had been standing in his shoes. But he needed a phone, at least until he had found the time to buy himself a new one. You were just trying to help him. “You can always return it after you have a new one, if that makes you feel better. But I don't like the thought that you’re running around the streets without one.” You muttered, pushing the device inside of his hands and pulling away so that he couldn’t give it back to you anymore. 


Even though he still seemed to be looking for a way to change your mind you were no longer listening to him. Instead you rolled your eyes and turned around, ignoring how he was standing there with that phone inside of his hands. Never would you have imagined him to stand in the middle of your living room, staring at the pictures that were spread around the room. You had been crushing on him for so long, thinking that you would never talk to him and now you were standing in front of him in your pajamas. As you got reminded of that your eyes widened and you felt how you started to blush. “I’m going to get changed.” You muttered, slowly walking away from him and leaving him by himself in the living room. He lifted his head so that he could look from the phone to you and that seemed to be the first time he noticed that you hadn’t been dressed. The way his head became red was probably the cutest thing you had ever seen but you demanded your fast beating heart to calm down. “Just make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.” And with those words you ran off, quickly grabbing some clothes out of your bedroom before fleeing into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. It was really hard for you to believe that this was really happening and you almost couldn’t stop yourself from pinching your arm. Was this just a dream or was Baekhyun really sitting on your couch waiting for you until you would come down so that he could take you out? Of course you knew that he would have asked someone else if he had had the chance, you probably weren’t his first choice. To be honest that thought hurt you a little bit, you couldn’t deny the fact that you liked him a lot, you would never be able to undo the feelings you had for him. 


But he barely knew you, he had met you only a few days ago and he probably saw you as a distraction so that he didn’t have to think about the pain his ex was putting him through. People at school were still talking about him and ever since he had come back to class that had only seemed to worsen. Sometimes there could be a dark side about being popular and every student that was walking around in the school knowing your name. You looked up at yourself in the mirror and moaned, not even believing that you had stood in front of him like that. It was clear that you had just stepped out of bed, just the way the stripes of the pillow were still covering your cheek was clarifying it. A deep sigh left your lips as you got out of your pajamas before quickly changing into the clothes you had brought with you. You could already tell that your hair wasn’t going to make things easy for you today so you grabbed an elastic band and made a ponytail on top of your head. You used some mascara to brighten up your eyes but decided that you didn’t want to make it seem as if you were making a big effort for him by wearing a lot of make up. It was probably going to make him sense that you liked him and that was the last thing you wanted right now. Though you couldn’t help yourself as you reached out towards your perfume and sprayed it inside of your neck, just in case. God, you were so hopeless. When you were done you turned off the lights and almost sprinted out of the bathroom and went back downstairs. You wondered if he was still there or you had imagined everything, it wouldn’t be such a big surprise. This wasn’t the first time you had dreamt of Baekhyun asking you out and mag

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree