Chapter 2

❣ Lost Without You
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“Did you hear the news? I heard that she dumped him, over the phone and that he completely broke it. He isn’t able to use it again, he must have been so angry at her if he destroyed his phone in the process.” She kept going on and on about the topic, she just couldn’t let it go. All day long everyone had been talking about it and you were slowly getting tired of it. In the beginning you had still found it interesting, maybe there had been some things about this story you hadn’t known yet. But you had figured out that you knew more than the others did. For a matter of fact, Baekhyun hadn’t been angry, he had been upset and hurt and it felt bad that people were just pressing a mark on him like that while he wasn’t even able to defend himself. The gossips were everywhere, the most popular and hottest senior of the school had been dumped by his girlfriend, people were loving this situation. Nobody had seen it coming, they had seemed stable, in love and all over the place. Yesterday they had still been spotted kissing in the library, hugging outside, holding hands while walking through the hallways. Today the couple was in the past, one boy left heart broken in the process while the girl was just peacefully moving on with her life as if nothing had happened. You wished you could defend Baekhyun, but then everyone would figure out that you had played a bigger part in all of this than they knew. 


There was no way you were going to throw yourself into this, this was none of your business and you just had to stay out of it. Baekhyun probably didn’t even remember you anymore. Even though he had asked you your name yesterday you were sure that today your face would get lost in the sea of people and that he wouldn’t even be able to recognize you. “I’m sure that it wasn’t really like that. Maybe he was just upset because she dumped him like that.” You suggested, trying to keep your voice airy and light, making it seem as if you knew just as little about all of this as she did. She lifted her head in order to look at you, a disbelieving look covering her face before she shook her head, clearly convinced about her own idea. “No way! Byun Baekhyun can get another girlfriend in no time! He can get every girl he wants, there’s no reason why he should be sad about it.” You leaned against your locker while staring at her. Jill was really pretty, with her long, dark hair and her fresh looks she definitely caught a lot of attention. People stared at her as she walked by and you were just seen as one of those people who hobbled behind her because you couldn’t find another friend. But the truth was that you had known each other for a very long time and that you both really relied onto each other. It wasn’t like you only needed her, she needed you as well. Together you were a team and you made each other stronger. She had a strong personality, you were rather soft. She easily went along with things while you were stable with your own thoughts. She was seriously the best friend you had. Together with three other girls you had formed a strong group of friends and you loved every single one of them. 


“It was just a thought.” You muttered softly, but you could tell that she wasn’t listening to you anymore. All of a sudden her attention got absorbed by a girl that walked into the building, just like everyone else’s who was inside, just like yours. No matter what had happened you still weren’t able to contain your gasp as she walked by, she was just so insanely pretty. That counted for her looks, surely not for her personality. If you would look behind that perfect curled hair, those perfect done nails and that perfect but fake smile you wouldn’t be able to admire her anymore. You wondered how empty she must feel, knowing that everyone liked her for her looks and her status, not for who she really was. Though during moments like these you wondered if she even cared. She loved being in the centre of attention, no matter if it meant something bad or something good. If people would stare at her because she dumped a boy and hurt him then she would love it, it didn’t matter to her. She was one of those people who only cared about herself and nobody else, she didn’t have any room in her life for another person, it was always about her. You were convinced that she was carrying a heavy stone inside of her chest, that was the only way you could explain everything she did. All the eyes were pointing on her, everyone was staring at her until she disappeared out of sight, wondering about what had happened. This was exactly how she had wanted it and that was how she got it. It made you feel so angry, she was always able to get away with everything just like that. 


As if the spell dropped as soon as she was gone Jill turned around to face you, closing her locker and flashing you a smile as if nothing had happened. “Let’s call it a day.” She said, swinging her bag over her shoulder and making sure that she had everything with her she needed. The thought that you were going to have to go home didn’t exactly make you feel good. So much had happened today, so many things had been rushing through your head and you still didn’t seem to have a very good explanation for them. During the entire day you hadn’t spotted Baekhyun even once and you were slightly disappointed because he hadn’t been here today. If he had showed up then he had proved that he wasn’t as affected by the situation as he actually was. Now he was the one who seemed weak, the one who was avoiding the whole confrontation. You wondered where he was, what he was doing, what was going through his mind. You didn’t want to go home like this, you had to calm down the storm inside of you before you could leave. “I’m going to go for a run, if you don’t mind.” You said, clinging the straps of your bag as you stopped in the middle of your tracks, staring at your friend. She sighed before stopping as well and turning around to face you. Sometimes you would have these days, that you just stayed behind in school to do something, everything would be better than having to go home during these kind of moments. Sometimes you just needed some time alone, so that you could order your thoughts and could get everything straight. It wasn’t like your life was such a mess, you were just one of those people who thought too much and who needed to think everything through before you were able to let it rest. 


“Fine, but make sure to text me when you get home. You know I don’t like it when you plotter around here all by yourself.” She warned, giving you the look that told you that she was serious. If you wouldn’t text her tonight then she would haunt you down, it wouldn’t be the first time she had done that. You nodded, smiling at her so that she knew that you would think of it. Then she gave you one final look before actually leaving, walking through the exit and leaving you by yourself in the now empty hallway. A school building was probably the most fascinating when it was abandoned and when all the students had gone home, for one reason or another the school seemed to get more alive when nobody was there. A deep sigh left your lips as you took in your surroundings, th

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree