Chapter 14

❣ Lost Without You
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When a guy whistled at you, you just ignored him, not even glancing in his direction as you leaned against the car door. It was warm outside and you tried not to think of how sticky your skin felt underneath your sleeveless top and your tight jeans. The sun was shining down on top of you, there was no shade nearby where you could hide and wait so you just stayed here, and hoped that you could crawl back into your cooled car soon. College had done you well, after leaving high school behind yourself last year you had made some drastic changes in your life. Your parents had been surprised when you had decided to move out, wanting to live on your own and be independent. They hadn’t stopped you, knowing that you were old enough to make your own decisions now. Your hair was longer than it had been before and the light lair of make up on top of your face helped so that you wouldn’t get a sunburn. Your confidence had grown ever since you had been away, living the life you had chosen for yourself. The thing was that now you really fitted in, the people you hung out with had the same interests as you and your personalities looked alike. Of course the attention that you had started to get from boys had been flattering, but you weren’t interested. That was one of the things that hadn't changed since you had started college and one that never would. Slowly your eyes scanned the property, seeing if you could find any recognizable faces. Noticing that there was no one you knew your gaze slipped back towards the dark doors, trying to see what was on the other side of it. They was made of black glass, the kind where you couldn’t look through from the outside but you could from the inside. There could as well be someone creepily watching you and you wouldn’t even realize it. 


It had been months since you had seen him and now that it was summer, and you had a two months break from college, you had decided that it was time for you to make your way back home. The two of you had called, texted, but it hadn’t been the same. You missed having his arms around you, feeling him cuddle up beside you, waking up next to him in the morning. It wasn’t his fault and it wasn’t yours, you had both gone your own ways, had lived life to the fullest and you had both done what was the best for yourselves. That didn’t mean that you didn’t think of him, you had thought of his every day since you had left, hadn’t been able to get him out of your head. That was probably the reason why you were standing here right now, unannounced. He had no idea, you had never told him that you had come back or that you had decided to stay here for the next two months until college would start again. He didn’t know that you wished to spend your time with him, rather than at your new home. Your parents had been thrilled, knowing you were coming home during the summer break. It was weird to see how your relationship with them had changed, because you had been living on your own for the past year you had become a grown up, you were mature now and sometimes they seemed to forget that from now on you didn’t need them to take care of you anymore. Though it was nice to be back, to have them around you again. So much had happened in your life during the past year, but now you were finally able to say that you were happy, with the life you were living and with yourself. During your teenage years you had been struggling with the image you had from yourself, scarred by the wounds that bullies had left you. But you had forced yourself through it, and you had become stronger and wiser. 


The first thing you had learned was that in order to love someone else, you had to love yourself first, something you had achieved. A sigh escaped from your lips as you brought up your arm and looked at the watch around your wrist, something you hadn’t achieved was gaining more patience. The sound of a door opening caught your attention and you looked up as a guy walked through, a duffle bag hanging from his shoulder. His hair was combed over his forehead, and he was wearing a red T-shirt that fitted amazingly with his hair and skin color, your favorite shirt. His eyes were pointed on the ground as he pushed his hands inside of the pockets of his grey skinny jeans and he got out his phone, his eyes scanning attentively over the unlocked screen. He muttered something underneath his breath, so soft that it was impossible for anyone to understand, your favorite voice. His phone glided back to where he had found it and all that time you just stood there, your arms crossed over your chest and your back leaning against your car. The moment that he lifted his head and his eyes slowly made their way towards yours before they locked was one that made your heart skip a beat, they were your favorite eyes. All of a sudden everything seemed to fall still around you, all the sounds that had been around you disappeared, people who were there were no longer important. He stopped walking, freezing on the spot as his gaze studied you, a deep frown and a expression of confusion appearing on his face. You felt how your lips curled upwards instantly, forming a grin as you waited for him to do or say anything. His confusion seemed to pass because soon a smile formed on his face, your favorite smile. Time seemed to stop around you, the air was enclosing the both of you so that it seemed as if you were in your personal bubble. If you had been standing here in front of him like this a few months ago then you would have dropped everything and you would have run over to him and jumped in his arms, but now you didn’t. The two of you never released each other’s stare as he finally got over the shock of you showing up right in front of him and he began to walk towards you. His steps were a little bit bigger than they had been before so that he could reach you faster without making it look as if he was running towards you. 


The only thing you could do was drop your arms as he stopped right in front of you, the duffle back slipped off of his shoulder and dropped somewhere near your feet, landed on the floor with a soft thud. But you couldn’t bring yourself to look at it because you were too busy leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest. “Well hello stranger.” He muttered inside of your hair and you felt how his nose rubbed against your scull. Immediately you felt as if your body was at ease, as if your mind was free of worries just because you were standing inside of his arms. You had missed that, the way his chest curled around yours as if they were made for each other. His smell hadn’t changed over the past few months you had been away, and you still adored it just as much. Even though he had decided not to go to college he had still drastically changed his life, had thrown in around after you had left. He

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree