Chapter 4

❣ Lost Without You
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It was supposed to be a fun night, and that was how it hard started. You had still been living inside of the dream of what had happened to you yesterday. How you and Baekhyun had gone shopping for some clothes that he could wear to his family party next week. How he had been talking to you and had asked you all those questions and had sincerely answered yours. How he had been looking at you after you had stepped out of that fitting room with the dress on that he had asked you to wear. How he had called you beautiful. You hadn’t bought the dress, simply because you were sure that you didn’t need it. It had taken a while but eventually you had been able to convince him and he had given the dress back the the seller, who had been very disappointed as well. But he had found what he needed so he had brought you back home, had bade you goodbye and had asked you if you wanted to do this with him more often. Your heart had fluttered when he had asked it, with a smile onto his face, his body slightly leaning closer to your side of the car as he had been waiting for your answer. Of course you hadn’t been able to refuse, so you had said that if he needed some other clothes that he could always call. He had laughed because of your small joke, you still couldn’t believe that you had actually been able to make him smile like that. You had had so much fun and when you had been back home you had been on cloud nine for the rest of the day. It was probably the reason why you had said yes when your friends had invited you to grab a bite with them tonight, and now you regretted that decision more than anything. 


Things had quickly ended in a mess after all five of you had finished your meal and had started talking about going on a holiday together. It wasn’t that easy though, not everyone’s parents were that happy with the thought of their daughters leaving by themselves for a dew days, others had boyfriends to think of or just weren’t content about the suggestions that came up. You stayed rather silent about the whole topic because honestly you weren’t really in the mood to go. Of course you loved your friends and you liked to spend time with them, but it wouldn’t be easy to spend two whole weeks with them under one roof. Besides, your parents had already booked your vacation with them, so it wasn’t that easy for you to find a suiting date. After a while it had ended in a heated discussion where everyone began to throw harsh words towards one other, and from some you couldn’t make up if they were just said in the heat of the moment or if it was the truth. You didn’t really understand what was happening, you didn’t have a lot of friends, but these were your best ones. You loved every single one of them, but this was ridiculous, you were all yelling at each other without a reason. Frustrations that had been boiled up for the past few months came to the surface and your eyes widened as you listened to the accusations that came out. Where was all of this coming from? “___________, don’t just sit there! Say something!” As soon as your name was brought up into the conversation everyone stopped talking to look at you, and you could see the irritation in everyone’s eyes. It made you nervous that you had to try and calm all these people down. You couldn’t effort to loose the girls you loved most, you didn’t want this group to fall apart like this. 


“I think we should call it a night and think about it, maybe someone will come up with something and then we can still try to see if you can go somewhere.” You tried, but it was clear that your effort had been useless. Rachel sniffed before throwing her hair back and leaning towards you over the table, she was just done with yelling at Phebe and you were sure you were next in line. What had happened to her that she was this angry about everything today? Maybe she had a fight with her boyfriend, that was probably it. “Oh please, don’t pretend as if you want to go! You haven’t said anything since we started about it, you don’t even want to go on vacation with us. You’re just a selfish person ____________, that’s al you are.” Her words seemed to cut you like blades, but you refused to show her that she had hurt you, you didn’t want to make it seem as if she was winning. Your lips formed a straight line as you stared at her from your side of the table as you were sitting across of her and you shook your head, showing her that you weren’t happy with her words. “Rachel, calm down.” Jill muttered, her eyes were nervously slipping from your face towards the others. She had always been the mother of the group, trying to stop accidents from happening as you were doing something stupid, cleaning up the mess you had made, she was always the one who took care of all of you. But it seemed like this time even she was barely able to stay patient as she listened to the bickering that was going on in between all of you. By now sever people in the restaurant were gazing at your table, overhearing the fight that was going on and it slightly embarrassed you. 


Why did they even want to go on a holiday together if you couldn’t even survive a night together without arguing with each other, just imagine how it would be like if you were stuck in a hotel room with each other. This had been a bad idea, you should have just lied, you should have made up an excuse and you shouldn’t have come here. But how had you supposed to know that it would end up like this? “You think of no one but yourself! All you do is study and sit at home, god sometimes I wonder if you even have a life!” She yelled and you took a deep breath while thinking of something you could say to her, she didn’t have the right to be this mean to you. But no matter how hard you thought of something mean to say about her, you just couldn’t think of anything. You weren’t the kind of person that insulted anyone or tried to hurt someone else’s feelings on purpose. Besides, what would you get out of it if you would join her, you would only lower yourself to her level. Eventually you did the only thing you thought was right and you grabbed your bag before standing up from your chair, making everyone look up at you. “I’m leaving.” You muttered, swinging your hip back over your shoulder before stepping away from the table. It seemed like Rachel hadn’t expected this from you since she stayed silent as you walked away, pushing open the door of the restaurants and meeting the fresh nigh air. This wasn’t why you and come here, you had wanted to tell them about what had happened to you yesterday, how happy you were because you and Baekhyun were friends now and how much you still liked him, not to be called selfish and having others think that you didn't have a life. You knew that she didn’t mean it, but that didn’t make it any less painful for you. 


But now what? They had picked you up at home before driving you here. There was no way you were going to walk back by yourself at this hour of the day, that was the same as asking for someone to you right here and right now. Going back inside and crawling back in the hope that your friends would drive you home anyway wasn’t an option and your parents weren’t home so they couldn’t come to pick you up. What kind of a mess had

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree