Chapter 7

❣ Lost Without You
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Walking through this hallways caused all different kind of feelings to come back to you but you didn’t think once about turning around as you walked towards his apartment door. The only reason why you were here was because he had asked you to come and you hadn’t been able to say no to him. You knew what kind of day it was today and what he was about to do, so you felt as if you had to be there for him. He probably wouldn't be in a very good mood, knowing what he had to get to, at the phone he had sounded a little bit frustrated. You took a deep breath before lifting your hand and knocking the door, three times, and then you stepped back and waited for him to open it. It was so strange that you were here, standing in front of his loft while a week ago he didn’t even know who you were. Now it seemed like he called you for the smallest things, as if he wanted you opinion about the decisions he made, it gave you butterflies. It almost seemed as if you were important to him, but you weren’t supposed to get your hopes up like that. You didn’t hear any voices on the other side of the door, maybe James wasn’t at home, maybe Baekhyun was alone. Finally the door swung open and you smiled at the figure that appeared in the doorway, but quickly your expression changed into one of confusion. Baekhyun huffed, blowing his hair out of his face as he stepped aside so that you could pass. “Isn’t the party starting in an hour?” You asked and eyed him up and down while walking inside, hearing how he closed the door again behind you. “Yes, and I’m never going to make it there on time. But I guess my parents are used to the fact that I’m always late.” 


It was obvious that he was trying to act as if he wasn’t nervous, but you could tell by the way that he moved that he was. He quickly marched back towards his room, getting back to where he had left off. Since it didn’t seem like there was anything else for you to do you walked over to the couch and sat down, your cheeks turning red as you got reminded of the last time you had sat here. He had never brought that kiss up again, so you figured that you shouldn’t as well. “Do your parents organize a lot of parties like this?” You asked, raising your voice a little so that he could hear you from where you were sitting. There was no way you were going to walk into his room while he was getting changed, you would just wait here until he was done. Though it was very tempting, knowing that he could possibly be half in the other room while you were here. “No, they never do.” He replied and you could hear him going through his stuff in a hurry. Maybe he didn’t want to be late after all, maybe he was just acting tuff because he didn’t want to seem as if he cared. The loft was a little bit messier than it had been last time but you figured that was probably how it turned out to be with two teenage boys living together under one roof. Which of them would be the messiest? All of a sudden your attention got pulled back to him as he walked back into the small living room, making his way over to you until he stood right in front of the couch. “This is not working.” He muttered and you stared at him as you took in his looks. He was wearing the buttoned up shirt that the two of you had bought together and it still suited him just as good as it had done the other day. His tie was hanging around his neck, almost as if it didn’t have any function there. 


When you understood what he was trying to say you hummed before getting up from the couch and standing in front of him. “You don’t know how to knot a tie?” You asked, pulling up one of your eyebrows as you reached your hands out towards the piece of clothing and let it slip in between your fingers. It was soft and it smelled nice, it almost seemed as if it had just gotten out of the washing machine. Baekhyun shook his head, his hair cutely falling in front of his eyes as he did so. “I never wear these things.” He explained together with a shrug of his shoulders, almost as if he was feeling uncomfortable inside of his shirt. Since you didn’t want him to know that his behavior was making you nervous as well you stayed very silent as you stared at your hands, trying to stop them from shaking. He was so close to you, you only had to lift your head and look up at him and then you would be able to see those wonderful eyes of him only a few inches away from yours. Your hands reached behind his neck, neatly pulling down the collar of his shirt, over the tie, before your they brushed over his broad shoulders. It was barely sensible but you were sure that you could feel his muscles tighten underneath your touch. “There, all done.” You tried to ignore how hoarse your voice sounded as you spoke and quickly took a step back, creating a distance between the two of you again. The last thing you wanted him to know was how fast your heart was beating when he was near you. Baekhyun cleared his throat and smiled, mumbling a soft thank you before walking towards the coat rack and grabbing his jacket. You studied his movements as he swung it behind his back, pushing his arms in before pulling it on. He was so elegant as he moved, it should be a crime. 


“I’m sure your parents won’t be disappointed if you wouldn’t wear a tie.” For one reason or another you felt as if you had to keep this conversation going. The silence that fell over the two of you felt thick and uncomfortable, even though you had never had that with him before. The words rolled over your lips as you awkwardly stood at the exact same spot where you had been standing seconds ago. Of course you could always sit again but it seemed as if you didn’t know how to move your legs anymore. Besides, he was almost ready, it was almost time for you to leave again. There was probably no reason for him to be this nervous, everything was going to be fine. His parents would probably be happy to see him again and eventually it would become a great night. “That’s the thing __________, I want to show them that I’m mature. Mature people wear ties.” A small smile plastered itself onto your face as you figured out what he had actually just said. He never wore ties, so if this statement was correct then he just said that he is everything but mature. Though you weren’t going to lie, he was looking extremely handsome with it, it gave him that little extra. “Don’t mature people have girlfriends?” You asked, rolling your eyes at him. From the mo

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree