Chapter 6

❣ Lost Without You
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The two of you stayed completely silent as you looked around yourself, watching the small loft that was now surrounding you. After entering you came into a small living room, which consisted of two couches, a TV and a small table. In the same open space there was also a big dining table. There was one door on the right, which let into Baekhyun’s room. In the back on the left side there was a tiny kitchen where they cooked their meals, though you didn’t believe they used it very often. Next to the kitchen there was a little hallway which had two more doors, one led to Baekhyun’s roommate’s room, James. And the one next to it was the bathroom, they didn’t have a bath, only a shower but you guessed that was enough. It wasn’t exactly how you had expected it to be, surely not after knowing that they lived here with just the two of them, two boys. To your surprise though it was quite neat, almost as if someone had cleaned the place up right before your arrival, but you doubted that since the fact that you were here hadn’t been planned at all. You could hear how he closed the door behind you, but you didn’t turn around to look at him, you were too focused onto the loft. It wasn’t big but they seemed to have everything they needed, it looked cosy and you realized that this would be somewhere you would want to live once you decided that it was time to get your own place. There wasn’t much decoration, everything was simple and a little impersonal but the more small things that were lingering around the more mess that could be made, so maybe that was a smart move. “So, what do you think?” His voice was still slightly muted as he spoke but he no longer whispered the way he had done when the two of you had still been standing in the hallway. 


Was he seriously asking you about your opinion about his home? Why did that matter to him, you were just a guest here, it wasn’t like you were going to come here very often. Still you wanted to answer him honestly, without offending him or his friend. “It’s nice, I would like to live here.” Even though you had no idea why you followed his lead and also didn’t speak too loud. He showed up next to you, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked around the apartment as well. While standing there like that he looked so much more mature than he actually was, just because he was living here by himself and this place was actually his. There was still a part of you that was very curious about why he was no longer living with his parents but you didn’t dare to ask him, you didn’t want to be rude. “Yeah, it’s not that bad. Just big enough for two people, I don’t think I would still want to live anywhere else than here.” He muttered before he relaxed again, that smile returning onto his face as he walked over to the couch and sat down. Instead of following him you awkwardly stood at the same spot, thinking about what to do. You had never been here before, it made you feel a little bit uncomfortable to be in his house like this. When he finally noticed that you were still standing he looked at you with questioning eyes before patting the spot beside him. “What are you doing? Sit.” And as easily as that you did what he asked, lowering onto the cushions but still making sure to keep a safe distance in between the two of you. “Thanks for letting me stay here, I really didn’t want to go home.” You mumbled, watching how Baekhyun searched for the remote of the TV and turned it on, the screen lighting up your faces. 


“Sure, no problem. You shouldn’t be alone right now, not after what happened.” While saying that he finally looked at you, his eyes carefully scanning over your face so that he could make up if you were still upset about the past events. You sighed deeply, leaning back against the couch while thinking about it. Even though you had some time to think about it now you still didn’t really understand what was going on. Maybe you had to call them tomorrow, after your own anger had subsides a little bit, this wasn’t really a good moment for the five of you to start a conversation with each other. Everyone had to cool off a little, blow off some steam and after that then maybe you could work this out. “It will figure itself out, I guess. I’ll have to talk to Rachel one day and ask her why she said those things.” You said, lifting your eyes to look at his. He hummed, leaning back against the couch, but his body was turned to yours. It was unbelievable, you were sitting right in front of him, only an arm length away, inside of his apartment. It seemed as if all of this was just a dream. “Is there anything else she said to you? I mean, you were crying, she must have said something that really got to you.” Did he notice that you weren’t telling him everything, otherwise why would he ask you something like that? The thing was that you couldn’t tell him everything that Rachel had told you, because then he would immediately know how much you liked him. It was true, the fact that she thought you were selfish and everything was something that had hurt your feelings. But when she had started about Baekhyun, that he would never be interested in you and that he would never want someone like you, it had felt as if she had hit you straight across the face. Of course you already knew all of those things yourself, but it was always extra hard if someone else confronted you with it. 


His eyes were resting on you, you could feel it but you also couldn’t bring yourself to look at him as well. “She said some other things, you know how girls can be when they get angry.” You eventually decided to say, with that not giving away anything more about what the fight had been about. Baekhyun nodded, his eyes widening as an answer. “Tell me something about it, I still remember how my ex got if she was angry. It was as if she became a red fury, I had to take cover and hide until it as over.” This time he grinned, but you were sure that you could see some bitterness inside of his eyes as he brought her up. It was clear that the whole situation wasn’t bothering him as much anymore but he was still thinking about it. Though he no longer seemed sad, he seemed angry instead. When you though about another topic you two could talk about you suddenly noticed how silent it was in here, which you hadn’t expected since he didn’t live here by himself. “Where is James?” You asked, referring to his roommate and as if he only noticed it himself just now he looked around the small loft, where there was no sight of his friend. “He’s out, I think he is with the neighbors. There are two girls living a few doors away, very giggly and very drunk most of the times. He hangs out with them when I’m not here.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big dea

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Chapter 14: This was good. Like a good meal. With dessert.
Chapter 13: Yeah still totally surprised- and skeptical. So disappointed in him.
Chapter 12: I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m surprised
Chapter 9: He’s a better friend to her than her actual friends I think
Chapter 7: Is it possible to swoon? Jeesh
Chapter 4: Wow- you just never know what some people really feel until they get angry
Chapter 3: This sounds like he’s noticing her - truly noticing her 😍
Chapter 2: Hmm…. He saw something in her and sought her out again, I think
Chapter 14: Aww their love story is so refreshing tho despite of the challenges they've gone through. And gosh, this new version of oc is just <333
Chapter 14: Yeayyy finished. Their love is sooo puree